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Planning Emotional Management Activities for
Young Children
Guide of Class Management
Materials and Equipment
Summary Discussion

Guide to Class Management

 Early childhood education programs depends on organization and

 Management needs to be more neat and smooth.
 Organizations needs to be consistently and regularly contains
variety of characteristic.

Guide to Class Management

 Among the arrangement are:

i. Furniture
ii. Materials and equipment
iii. Activity centers
iv. Daily routine
 A wise class manager should understand the child and guide the
children to develop their potential.

Guide to Class Management
 Space management is very important to ensure affective development of children can be
improved, which is producing a generation of:
i. Knowledgeable
ii. Honorable
- The development of self-esteem
- Children have to learn right from wrong and then develop the discipline and character to do
the right.
- to prevent wrong behavior by setting a good personal example.
i. Competent - able to handle emotional challenges well enough to tackle the age-appropriate
tasks of each stage of development, master them, and emerge with greater confidence.
ii. Balanced emotional and intellectual & spiritual and physical

Guide to Class Management: Space

 Learning spaces need to be created to stimulate children's

learning such as:
i. Language skills
ii. Thinking
iii. Application of values (cooperation, compromise and increase
 Teachers need to plan the use of space or learning centers so that
each child gets an equal opportunity to use learning centers

Guide to Class Management: Space

 Distribution of learning spaces in the building have classified into

several categories:
i. Quiet room (reading, storytelling, writing, painting)
ii. Wet quiet space (aesthetics: painting, dough)
iii. Dry active space (block play, singing)
iv. Wet active space (sand and water play)

Guide to Class Management: Space

 Provision of space to write and manipulative activities should also

be taken comfort.
 The use of tables and chairs should fit in the space and the needs
of children, such as:
i. Level of the chair
ii. Height of the table
 Space for pre-writing activities should receive adequate light.
 The space should be decorated with appropriate learning
environment materials to encourage children to write and work.

Guide to Class Management: Space

 The existence of learning spaces that are not threaten, safe and
challenging is very important to create intrinsic motivation for
 Thus, the child's learning environment should be:
i. Comfortable
ii. Attractive
iii. Happy

Guide to Class Management: Teacher Ratio

 In Malaysia, the number of children who fit in kindergarten and

preschool were 25 people, with one teacher to 25 children with
the help by an assistant teacher.
 Is better it is added to the number of three people, so teachers
can plan activities that can be undertaken by individual children.
 This way will help and give children the opportunity to choose
activities according to their interest and reliance.

Guide to Class Management: Teacher Ratio

 Children in the nursery needs more attention.

 They need an adult who is always with them as a dependency.
 Infants and children will feel themselves being protected.
 They will feel safe when far away from their parents.
 It will also help the children get the attention they need from
teachers and caregiver.

Materials & Equipment

 Teachers should plan materials and equipment used by the

children to fit into a child's ability level.
 Generally, materials and tools used for learning activities in
nurseries, kindergartens and preschools should:
i. Interesting, beautiful and affecting children
ii. Keep in the safe place
iii. Be visible and accessible to the children for use in activities
iv. Tools are dangerous like a real stethoscope, real injection be
placed in a locked and secure place.

Materials & Equipment

 Tools for learning material in nurseries and kindergartens consists

of several categories:
i. Durable material
ii. Recycled materials
iii. Natural materials
iv. Consumable materials

Materials & Equipment: Selection
 When planning activities, teachers need to identify and
understand the capabilities of each child so that learning
objectives are achieved.
 Teachers should pay attention to the selection of materials and
tools of factors before starting the activity.
 Equipment selection should be examined in order to be safely
used by children. Tools that can be selected:
i. Stimulate the child to think
ii. Stimulate the formation of a positive attitude
iii. Appropriate in terms of size, color and texture
iv. Easily adjustable, multi-use and interactive 14
Materials & Equipment: Selection
 Selection of activities outside the classroom should also be noted.
 Outdoor toys should be safe and suitable for use by children.
 Outdoor toys should be supervised before allowing children to use

Materials & Equipment: Suitability
 Selection tools must also be:
i. In accordance with planned activities
ii. Suitability of this equipment
iii. Focused on the proliferation potential of the individual
 Every aspect of the development mutually influence each other.

Materials & Equipment: Inventory

 Materials and equipment used for teaching and learning activities

are better recorded and stored.
 The aim is to avoid any loss.
 Equipment for activities should be labeled so that the children
know the name of the equipment and its use, it also meant that
the children learn to appreciate and love the tools.
 So they will take care of props such as his/her own possession.


 Attractive environment will encourage children’s learning.

 Children's environment in nurseries, kindergartens and pre-school
is a major factor to:
i. Foster and encourage the development of children
ii. Integrated, comprehensive and balanced


 A good preschool should also have the teaching and learning

environment that is:
i. Safe
ii. Attractive
iii. Colorful
iv.Stimulating to children



- Summarize the content for this topic.

- You may do it with your teammates.
- Discuss with the class the points that have been summarized.

Exercise ( Tutorial )

• Suggest with example how you can manage and arrange your
school space and environment in helping children affective


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