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Much is say with respect to the habits healthy and NOT healthy, from the
contributions of John Harvey Kellogg (United States) against the sedentary and
the impulse for one diet rich in grains, walnuts, milk of soya, fruits, vegetables
and yogurt.

In the actuallity, the young tend to have one life sedentary for the what in this
campaing we to understand and promote the form in the what the contributions of
the doctor Kellog and the progress of the humanity in the sciencie highlight the
importance of take one life full of habits healthy.


1. To inform to ever people's of the comunity eductional, the importance of to

carry out one style of life salutary.

2. Understand how the science achieve discover which are the habits NO
healthy's for the human, and, how prevent disease.

3. Explain of way simple and funy to the ever comunity educational what, have
one style of life healthy and, Not have habits no healthy, not is complex.

Explication of the topic

In accord with the science, the habits, Healthy are those traditions the wich
every person have for carry one style of life healthy and no get to suffer of
various ilness, how the sedentary, diabetes, among others.

But, the habits NO healthy's are those traditions constants what, have the
person's, and wath no are good's for the health

We can put in practice the habits healthy of the next forms:

1. We have eat healthy because, without one alimentation salutary, we can
experience obesity, tachycardia, among others.
2. We should of do sport constantly, for examples, go to walk in the morning's.
3. We musn't smoke or drink alcohol especially, we the teenagers, cause it's so

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