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Q1. Circle the correct option.

1. For changing the name of control we will change its property of
a. Text
b. Name
c. None of these

2. ________________ is used to insert controls in a form.

a. Tool box
b. Insert tab
c. properties

3. ________________ is used to display text of a form.

a. textbox
b. button
c. label

4. ___________ is a name given to a storage area that your program manipulates.

a. Variable
b. Function
c. command

5. ____________ is used for decision making in Visual Basic

a. loops
b. functions
c. if
6. _____________ is a procedure that returns a value.
a. subroutine
b. function
c. modules

7. Events are user action that occurs by ____________.

a. Mouse click
b. Key press
c. Both of them

8. ________________ is used to show a pop up box on screen.

a. Listbox()
b. msgbox()
c. textbox

9. SBC stands for __________________.

Revision Booklet Class 8 | The City School, Sargodha Campus

a. Small board computer
b. Single board computer
c. Segmented board computer

10. At least ____________ SD card is used in Raspberry Pi.

a. 8 GB
b. 16 GB
c. 4 GB
11. Python is ____________ language.
a. Low level programming
b. high level programming
c. block based programming

12. Python program can be executed by __________.

a. Check module
b. Run module
c. Python shell
13. _____________ is the proper syntax to assign value to variable score.
a. Score(9)
b. Score= 9
c. Score = “9”
14. String value “apple “ is assigned to variable name in _____________ way.
a. Name = apple
b. Name = “apple”
c. Name = #apple
15. New item in the list is always added at the __________.
a. start
b. middle
c. end
16. We use Windows Form application to create _____________.
a. A VB class library
b. A command line application
c. An application with a Windows user Interface
d. A software with a Java platform
17. When you do not know how many times a loop has to run you use the ____________
a. For loop
b. While loop
c. Wait loop
d. Conditional loop

Revision Booklet Class 8 | The City School, Sargodha Campus

18. To start a new project in Visual studio you have to select ________________.
a. WPF application
b. Silverlight Application
c. Windows form application
d. Class library

Q2. Fill in the blanks

a. ________________ which defines the title of the selected element.
b. ______________ which defines a name with which we can refer to the selected
element in our program’s code.
c. To make the form purposeful we add elements called _____________.
d. ____________ button or _________to execute the program.
e. _____________ is one of the popular ways of limiting the user to pick just one
f. In ______________ a user can select more than one item in the group.
g. A ____________ is nothing but a name given to a storage area that our programs
can manipulate.
h. ____________ are variables that are accessible to the whole program.
i. _____________ are variables that are accessible only to a certain part of the
program or code.
j. Keyword dim which is a short form for _____________.
k. _____________ are basically a user action.
l. ___________ function is used to show a pop-up box.
m. ______________ is a type of procedure that returns a value that is passed on to
the main procedure.
n. The computer will not be able to perform the arithmetic calculation for text,
therefore, will create an error. These errors are known as ________________.

Q2. Write the difference between public and private variable.


Revision Booklet Class 8 | The City School, Sargodha Campus

Q3.Write down 5 properties of a good interface.

Q4. Define following.

a. Built in functions
b. User defined functions.

Q5. Write down the use of following components of Raspberry Pi.

a. USB Port:

b. Ethernet Port:

c. Power port:


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Revision Booklet Class 8 | The City School, Sargodha Campus



a. Read the description and identify the suitable Mouse Event.

Description Event

1. It occurs when a mouse button is pressed

2. It occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control element.

3. It occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control element.

4. It occurs when the pointer moves over the control element.

Revision Booklet Class 8 | The City School, Sargodha Campus

5. It occurs when the pointer moves over the control element and the
mouse button is released.

b. Match the column with appropriate data types.








Q9. Show the output of the following

a. newlist = [ 23 ,87 , “orange “, 45.6]
print (newlist[2]


b. newlist = [ 23 ,87 , “orange “, 45.6]

del newlist[1]


c. newlist = [ 23 ,87 , “orange “, 45.6]

appened.newlist(“class 8”)
print (newlist)


d. newlist = [ 23 ,87 , “orange “, 45.6]

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print (newlist)


e. Identify the error in the following program and add correction.

maxMarks = 0

for i in range(0 4)

if stdMarks[i] > maxMarks

maxMarks = stdMarks[i]

print (“Highest student marks are:”, “maxMarks”)

Q10. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a.A ________________________ is a complete computer built on a single circuit

board, with________________, memory, Input / _________and other features

required of a functional computer. The ______________which is single board

computer (SBC), is a small _____________card sized computing device that can be

used for a variety of purposes.

b. The Raspberry Pi has an ARM Architecture based Processor. With a high-speed

processor and ____________ RAM.

c. __________ pins can simply be used to turn devices ______ and _____________.

d. The physical pin labelling is starting from____ and ending on ______ .

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e. Raspbian is a ___________, (___________ bit) computer operating system for

Raspberry Pi.

f. 1 resistor: ________/___________KΩ

g. SONAR is an acronym of ________________________.

h. ____________is used for measuring distance regardless of the _____, __________

and ________ of the object.

i. A __________ is an electrical device that can push or rotate an object with great


j. If you want to rotate and object at some specific angles or distance, then you use

a __________.

k. Servo motors are controlled by PWM (______________________). PWM works

like On time and Off-time of a signal.

Revision Booklet Class 8 | The City School, Sargodha Campus

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