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Kalani Stone

Scotts Valley Dr
Scotts Valley
CA 95066

Dear Kalani,

Good day!
Hope everything is fine from your side.

I was able to run across your business information thru your Twitter account, and thru that, I saw your
website and your website looks well-maintained. Not all real estate agents are capable of maintaining
and having that kind of technical yet user-friendly website.

However, in order to maximize your business on Social Media, it is important to build your audience thru
your social media platforms. I just checked your 3 major social media platforms and it seems that you
have a limited number of followers which is very important to increase your business growth online. In
addition, in order to attract more clients to your business, you need to establish good visibility of your
business and this can be made by posting content every day. As you know, Facebook alone has reached
almost 3 Billion users; therefore, you should not take social media for granted. 90% of sales are coming
from social media platforms.

I am telling you this because I am a social media manager and I help business owners and entrepreneurs
to grow their businesses online using social media platforms. As your SMM, I will make sure that your
brand will be visible to all and will capture the attention of your target audience. Based on your target
sales, I will help you to reach that goal.

These are some of my duties and responsibilities:

1. Creation of Marketing Contents

a. Articles
b. Image Contents
c. Video Advertisements
2. Posting in 3 major Social media platforms
a. Facebook Page
b. Instagram
c. Twitter
3. Engagements
4. FB Ads Management

Looking forward to have a meeting invite with you soon to discuss my services in detail.
For more information, you can visit my website at

Best Regards,

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