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100 cấu trúc câu thông

Date @December 17, 2022



Property 1

Phần 1

1. S + V+ too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to do something

(quá….để cho ai làm gì…)Vd: He ran too fast for me to follow.

2. S + V + so + adj/ adv + that +S + V (quá… đến nỗi mà…)Vd:

This box is so heavy that I cannot take it.

3. It + V + such + (a/an) + N(s) + that + S +V (quá… đến nỗi

mà…)Vd: It is such a heavy box that I cannot take it.

4. S + V + adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to do something.

(Đủ… cho ai đó làm gì…)Vd: She is old enough to get married.

5. Have/ get + something + done (VpII) (nhờ ai hoặc thuê ai làm

gì…)Vd: I had my hair cut yesterday.

6. It + be + time + S + V (-ed, cột 2) / It’s +time +for someone

+to do something (đã đến lúc ai đó phải làm gì…)Vd: It is
time you had a shower.It’s time for me to ask all of you this

7. It + takes/took+ someone + amount of time + to do something

(làm gì… mất bao nhiêu thời gian…)Vd: It takes me 5 minutes
to get to school.

8. To prevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-ing (ngăn cản

ai/cái gì… không làm gì..)Vd: I can’t prevent him from

9. S + find+ it+ adj to do something (thấy … để làm gì…)Vd: I

find it very difficult to learn English.

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10. To prefer + Noun/ V-ing + to + N/ V-ing. (Thích cái gì/làm gì
hơn cái gì/ làm gì)Vd: I prefer a dog to a cat.I prefer
reading books to watching TV.

11. Would rather + V (infinitive) + than + V (infinitive) (thích

làm gì hơn làm gì)Vd: She would rather play games than read

12. To be/get Used to + V-ing (quen làm gì)Vd: I am used to

eating with chopsticks.

13. Used to + V (infinitive) (Thường làm gì trong qúa khứ và bây

giờ không làm nữa)Vd: I used to go fishing with my friend
when I was young.

14. To be amazed at = to be surprised at + N/V-ing ( ngạc nhiên

về….)Vd: She was amazed at how calm she felt after the

15. To be angry at + N/V-ing (tức giận về)Vd: His father was very
angry at his bad marks. (Bố anh ấy rất tức giận vì anh ấy bị
điểm thấp.)

16. to be good at/ bad at + N/ V-ing (giỏi về…/ kém về…)Vd: I am

good at baking.

17. by chance = by accident (adv) (tình cờ)Vd: I found this

briefcase by accident, I didn’t know that was yours.

18. to be/get tired of + N/V-ing (mệt mỏi về…)Vd: I was tired of

doing the same task over and over again.

19. can’t help / resist + V-ing (không nhịn được làm gì…)Vd: She
couldn’t help buying all the clothes in the shop.

20. to be keen on/ to be fond of + N/V-ing (thích làm gì đó…)Vd:

I’m keen on action movies such as Avengers.

21. to be interested in + N/V-ing (quan tâm đến…)Vd: The buyer is

very interested with our offer.

22. to waste + time/ money + V-ing (tốn tiền hoặc thời gian làm

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Vd: I don’t want you to waste time playing video games.

1. To spend + amount of time/ money + V-ing (dành bao nhiêu thời

gian làm gì…)Vd: She spent a lot of time hanging out in
shopping malls.

2. to give up + V-ing/ N (từ bỏ làm gì/ cái gì…)Vd: My dad gave

up smoking years ago.

3. would like/ want/wish + to do something (muốn làm gì…)Vd: I

would like to go to a fancy restaurant.

4. have + (something) to + Verb (có cái gì đó để làm)Vd: I have

a lot of homework to do today.

5. It + be + something/ someone + that/ who (chính…mà…)Vd: It is

this hospital that I was born in.

6. Had better + V(infinitive) (nên làm gì….)Vd: She had better

go back to college.

7. avoid + N/V-ing (tránh ai hay việc gì)Vd: You can’t avoid

responsibilities at work.

8. It’s + too + adj + to + V-infinitive (quá … để làm gì)Vd:

It’s too hot to go out today, let’s stay inside.

9. Take place = happen = occur (xảy ra)Vd: The match took place
at My Dinh Stadium last week.

10. to be excited about (thích thú)Vd: I was extremely excited

about going to Japan for the first time.

11. to be bored with/ fed up with (chán cái gì/làm gì)Vd: I was
fed up with paying bills in the city, so I moved back to my

12. There is + N-số ít, there are + N-số nhiều (có cái gì…)Vd:
There is a cup of tea on the table.

13. feel like + V-ing (cảm thấy thích làm gì…)Vd: Yesterday, I
felt like going out for a drink, so I called the girls up.

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14. expect someone to do something (mong đợi ai làm gì…)Vd: My
teacher expects me to admit cheating, but I won’t.

15. advise someone to do something (khuyên ai làm gì…)Vd: My

doctor advised the man to stop drinking.

16. go + V-ing (chỉ các trò tiêu khiển..)Vd: I went swimming the
other night at the beach.

17. leave someone alone (để ai yên…)Vd: I wish you could leave me
alone for a second!

18. By + V-ing (bằng cách làm…)Vd: By paying attention throughout

the course, Jane has passed the exam as the top scorer.

19. decide + to + V-infinitiveVd: My father has decided to

purchase a new car for the family.

20. for a long time = for years = for ages (đã nhiều năm rồi)Vd:
I haven’t seen you for ages!

21. When + S + V-ed, S + was/were + V-ing.Vd: When I reached

home, my mother was cooking dinner.

22. When + S + V-ed, S + had + PiiVd: When I reached home, my

mother had already set up our dinner.

23. Before + S + V-ed, S + had + PiiVd: Before I reached home, my

mother had already set up our dinner.

24. After + S + had +Pii, S + V-edVd: After my sister had done

her homework, she went to bed.

25. to be crowded with (rất đông cái gì đó…)Vd: Hanoi is often

crowded with tourists.

26. to be full of (đầy cái gì đó…)Vd: I can see that you are full
of joy today.

27. To seem + adjVd: Everybody seems so relaxed since it’s almost

Tet festival.

28. except for/ apart from (ngoài, trừ…)Vd: All students can go
home, except for Peter.

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Phần 2

1. as soon as (ngay sau khi)Vd: As soon as you return home, feed

the cat.

2. to be afraid of (sợ cái gì..)Vd: I used to be afraid of

spiders when I was a child.

3. can / could hardly (hầu như không thể)Vd: I could hardly hear
what you are saying, it’s so loud in here.

4. Have difficulty + V-ing (gặp khó khăn làm gì…)Vd: We had some
difficulties while doing the project.

5. suggest sb do something (gợi ý cho ai đó làm gì)Vd: The

doctor suggests the patient take regular exercise.

6. in which = where; on/at which = whenVd: This is the house

where I grew up.

7. Put + up + with + V-ing (chịu đựng…)Vd: I can no longer put

up with this noise.

8. Make use of + N/ V-ing (tận dụng cái gì đó…)Vd: Try to make

use of the extra flour, you can make some amazing cakes.

9. Get + adj/ Pii (làm cái gì hoặc trở nên thế nào đó)Vd: I had
better get things done this week before the upcoming holiday.

10. Make progress (tiến bộ…)Vd: The family was ecstatic as their
son had made some progress since they last saw him.

11. take over + N (đảm nhiệm cái gì…)Vd: As she was visiting our
grandparents, my mother let me take over the house until she
got home.

12. Bring about (mang lại)Vd: Playing sports brings about

tremendous benefits to people.

13. Such + N + that … (cái gì … đến nỗi mà …)Vd: Such a low

bridge that the bus couldn’t go under.

14. At the end of và In the end (cuối cái gì đó và kết cục)Vd: At

the end of the seminar, parents and the speaker gathered for

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a photo.In the end, I decided to go back to college.

15. To find out (tìm ra)Vd: I’ve found out that there is a mouse
living in our house.

16. To succeed in (thành công strong…)Vd: I hope that some day

you will succeed in what you choose.

17. Go for a walk (đi dạo)Vd: After lunch, I decided to go for a


18. One of + so sánh hơn nhất + N (một trong những…)Vd: One of

the most modern cars is here with us tonight.

19. It is the first/ second…/best + time + thì hiện tại hoàn

thànhVd: It is the first time I’ve been to Hanoi.

20. Live off (sống nhờ vào …)Vd: When I was on vacation, I mostly
lived off snacks and beer.

21. To be fined for (bị phạt về)Vd: I was fined 200.000 VND for
jumping the light.

22. from behind (từ phía sau…)Vd: As my boss was approaching from
behind, I lowered my voice.

23. so that + mệnh đề (để….)Vd: I stopped playing video games so

that I could focus more on studying.

24. In case + mệnh đề (trong trường hợp…)Vd: In case it rains

tonight, bring an umbrella with you.

25. can / could have Pii (đáng lẽ ra có thể làm gì)Vd: I could
have avoided the rain if I had stayed at home.

26. It is obvious that…: Hiển nhiên làVd: It is obvious that

smoking is harmful to our health.

27. In almost every corner of St: Ở mọi ngõ ngách của cái gìVd:
The atmosphere of Tet has spread to almost every corner of

28. To take an avid interest in St: cực kỳ yêu thích cái gìVd: I
take an avid interest in seeing science-fiction movies.

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29. To raise investment: gây quỹ đầu tưVd: Last year, her company
raised a $500,000 investment from an angel investor.

30. To introduce St to/ into St : đưa/ giới thiệu cái gì đến với
cái gìVd: They have been successful in introducing a new
breed of bees into Australia.

31. To support the whole family: kiếm tiền nuôi gia đìnhVd:
Susanna has to work hard to support the whole family.

32. To cheer Sb up : làm ai vui vẻVd: My little brother often

cheers me up whenever I came home after stressful hours at

33. To give Sb motivation: tạo động lực cho aiVd: My parents are
the people who give me the motivation to become a good

34. All walks of life: tất cả các tầng lớp xã hộiVd: It is

necessary that people from all walks of life work together to
fight against social evils.

35. To meet the requirements: đáp ứng yêu cầuVd: You must work
hard to meet the requirements of the company.

36. To realize my dream: hiện thực hóa ước mơ Vd: To realize my

dream of being a good MC, I must exert more effort to master
my communication skills.

37. St comes to one’s mind: cái gì nảy ra trong đầuVd: Austria is

the first country that comes to my mind in terms of the place
I want to live in the future.

38. Have a deeper insight into: có hiểu biết sâu hơn về cái gìVd:
Mrs. Le is the person who helps me have a deeper insight into
Vietnamese literature.

39. The root of this civilization: gốc rễ nền văn minhVd: The
root of the Maya civilization may start thousands of years

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40. There are an increasing number of St: có một số lượng tăng
lên của cái gìVd: There are an increasing number of dwellers
in Ho Chi Minh City nowadays.

41. A huge fan of: Là một fan hâm mộ cuồng nhiệt củaVd: I am a
huge fan of movies so I often spend most of my free time
watching famous films such as “The Great Gatsby”.

42. Get rid of: bỏ, rũ bỏVd: I think I should get rid of some bad
habits such as staying up late or eating junk food on a
regular basis.

43. Put it on repeat: tua đi tua lại Vd: My elder sister likes

the song “Hello” by Adele so much that she usually puts it on

44. Bring back good memory: nhắc lại ký ức đẹp đẽVd: Whenever I
go to Thu Le Park, it often brings back good memory when I
was just 4 or 5, I was often taken to the park by my parents.

45. Grow up + Ving: lớn lên cùng những cái gìVd: The actor
Leonardo DiCaprio has a great influence on me as I grew up
watching his movies.

46. Recharge my battery: hồi sức/ thêm năng lượng để làm gìVd:
Taking photographs of little things in my house helps me
recharge my battery after stressful hours at work.

47. There is a wide array of: có rất nhiều cái gìVd: There is a
wide array of public means of transport but the most common
one in Singapore is MRT.

48. Inspiration for many artistic works: nguồn cảm hứng cho rất
nhiều tác phẩm nghệ thuậtVd: Hoan Kiem lake, which is located
in the center of Hanoi, has been the inspiration for many
artistic works.

49. Has long been a topic for: là chủ đề choVd: Motherhood has
long been a topic for writers.

50. Be an indispensable part: là phần không thể thiếuVd: Lotus is

an indispensable part of Vietnamese culture.

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Phần 3
51. as soon as (ngay sau khi)Vd: As soon as you return home,
feed the cat.
52. to be afraid of (sợ cái gì..)Vd: I used to be afraid of
spiders when I was a child.

53. can / could hardly (hầu như không thể)Vd: I could hardly
hear what you are saying, it’s so loud in here.
54. Have difficulty + V-ing (gặp khó khăn làm gì…)Vd: We had
some difficulties while doing the project.
55. suggest sb do something (gợi ý cho ai đó làm gì)Vd: The
doctor suggests the patient take regular exercise.

56. in which = where; on/at which = whenVd: This is the house

where I grew up.
57. Put + up + with + V-ing (chịu đựng…)Vd: I can no longer put
up with this noise.
58. Make use of + N/ V-ing (tận dụng cái gì đó…)Vd: Try to make
use of the extra flour, you can make some amazing cakes.

59. Get + adj/ Pii (làm cái gì hoặc trở nên thế nào đó)Vd: I had
better get things done this week before the upcoming holiday.
60. Make progress (tiến bộ…)Vd: The family was ecstatic as their
son had made some progress since they last saw him.
61. take over + N (đảm nhiệm cái gì…)Vd: As she was visiting our
grandparents, my mother let me take over the house until she got
62. Bring about (mang lại)Vd: Playing sports brings about
tremendous benefits to people.

63. Such + N + that … (cái gì … đến nỗi mà …)Vd: Such a low

bridge that the bus couldn’t go under.
64. At the end of và In the end (cuối cái gì đó và kết cục)Vd:
At the end of the seminar, parents and the speaker gathered for
a photo.In the end, I decided to go back to college.

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65. To find out (tìm ra)Vd: I’ve found out that there is a mouse
living in our house.
66. To succeed in (thành công strong…)Vd: I hope that some day
you will succeed in what you choose.

67. Go for a walk (đi dạo)Vd: After lunch, I decided to go for a

68. One of + so sánh hơn nhất + N (một trong những…)Vd: One of
the most modern cars is here with us tonight.
69. It is the first/ second…/best + time + thì hiện tại hoàn
thànhVd: It is the first time I’ve been to Hanoi.

70. Live off (sống nhờ vào …)Vd: When I was on vacation, I
mostly lived off snacks and beer.
71. To be fined for (bị phạt về)Vd: I was fined 200.000 VND for
jumping the light.
72. from behind (từ phía sau…)Vd: As my boss was approaching
from behind, I lowered my voice.

73. so that + mệnh đề (để….)Vd: I stopped playing video games so

that I could focus more on studying.
74. In case + mệnh đề (trong trường hợp…)Vd: In case it rains
tonight, bring an umbrella with you.
75. can / could have Pii (đáng lẽ ra có thể làm gì)Vd: I could
have avoided the rain if I had stayed at home.

76. It is obvious that…: Hiển nhiên làVd: It is obvious that

smoking is harmful to our health.
77. In almost every corner of St: Ở mọi ngõ ngách của cái gìVd:
The atmosphere of Tet has spread to almost every corner of
78. To take an avid interest in St: cực kỳ yêu thích cái gìVd: I
take an avid interest in seeing science-fiction movies.

79. To raise investment: gây quỹ đầu tưVd: Last year, her
company raised a $500,000 investment from an angel investor.

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80. To introduce St to/ into St : đưa/ giới thiệu cái gì đến với
cái gìVd: They have been successful in introducing a new breed
of bees into Australia.
81. To support the whole family: kiếm tiền nuôi gia đìnhVd:
Susanna has to work hard to support the whole family.
82. To cheer Sb up : làm ai vui vẻVd: My little brother often
cheers me up whenever I came home after stressful hours at
83. To give Sb motivation: tạo động lực cho aiVd: My parents are
the people who give me the motivation to become a good
84. All walks of life: tất cả các tầng lớp xã hộiVd: It is
necessary that people from all walks of life work together to
fight against social evils.
85. To meet the requirements: đáp ứng yêu cầuVd: You must work
hard to meet the requirements of the company.

86. To realize my dream: hiện thực hóa ước mơ Vd: To realize my

dream of being a good MC, I must exert more effort to master my
communication skills.

87. St comes to one’s mind: cái gì nảy ra trong đầuVd: Austria

is the first country that comes to my mind in terms of the place
I want to live in the future.

88. Have a deeper insight into: có hiểu biết sâu hơn về cái
gìVd: Mrs. Le is the person who helps me have a deeper insight
into Vietnamese literature.
89. The root of this civilization: gốc rễ nền văn minhVd: The
root of the Maya civilization may start thousands of years ago.
90. There are an increasing number of St: có một số lượng tăng
lên của cái gìVd: There are an increasing number of dwellers in
Ho Chi Minh City nowadays.
91. A huge fan of: Là một fan hâm mộ cuồng nhiệt củaVd: I am a
huge fan of movies so I often spend most of my free time

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watching famous films such as “The Great Gatsby”.
92. Get rid of: bỏ, rũ bỏVd: I think I should get rid of some
bad habits such as staying up late or eating junk food on a
regular basis.
93. Put it on repeat: tua đi tua lại Vd: My elder sister likes
the song “Hello” by Adele so much that she usually puts it on
94. Bring back good memory: nhắc lại ký ức đẹp đẽVd: Whenever I
go to Thu Le Park, it often brings back good memory when I was
just 4 or 5, I was often taken to the park by my parents.
95. Grow up + Ving: lớn lên cùng những cái gìVd: The actor
Leonardo DiCaprio has a great influence on me as I grew up
watching his movies.
96. Recharge my battery: hồi sức/ thêm năng lượng để làm gìVd:
Taking photographs of little things in my house helps me
recharge my battery after stressful hours at work.

97. There is a wide array of: có rất nhiều cái gìVd: There is a
wide array of public means of transport but the most common one
in Singapore is MRT.

98. Inspiration for many artistic works: nguồn cảm hứng cho rất
nhiều tác phẩm nghệ thuậtVd: Hoan Kiem lake, which is located in
the center of Hanoi, has been the inspiration for many artistic
99. Has long been a topic for: là chủ đề choVd: Motherhood has
long been a topic for writers.

100. Be an indispensable part: là phần không thể thiếuVd: Lotus

is an indispensable part of Vietnamese culture.

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