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This research uses a qualitative descriptive method because this research is a field research using
listening techniques and speaking methods. The selected data collection technique is observation
and interviews conducted with informants aged between 30-60 years and participant observation.
The research data is in the form of oral data obtained from informants. Data analysis steps were
inventorying, inspecting data validity, grouping data, describing data, and making conclusions.
The results of the study show that the words that should not be spoken in the Acehnese language
by the Acehnese coastal communities are because trusting that will get disaster is also considered
rude and not polite so that can hurt other people's hearts are related to the name of the disease,
(1) ta ' e un' kudi s', (2) nie ' smallpox ', (3) budok 'leprosy'
Furthermore, taboos regarding animal names (1) Rimueng 'tiger,' (2) Gajah 'elephant,' (3) tikoh
'rat', and (4) limpeun 'centipede' are also taboo to pronounce. The next taboo relates to the
season. The season referred to is the season of Rimueng. This season's season cannot be
pronounced because it must be replaced with the season of cabuah . Pak 'what a fool,' aneuk jén
_ ' son of the genie, 'mother 's pantèk kah ' your mother's privates,' and lagèe èk leubô 'like
assholes' are taboo when it comes to harsh expressions. These four expressions are taboo to utter
because they are considered impolite. Usually, these expressions are used to scold or curse so
that it is inevitable that they will offend and hurt other people.

Keywords: Aceh language, taboo words, Aceh coastal communities

The Aceh language is one of the regional languages used by most of the inhabitants of the Aceh
coast to express thoughts, feelings, wishes, and information. Especially when conveying
information, the coastal communities of Aceh have distinctive manners, especially in speaking
and acting. Usually, in speaking, the coastal communities of Aceh have certain words that must
be avoided, both to be spoken and to be expressed. Certain words are taboo or forbidden to say
(Jamaluddin et al., 2023). For example, you are not allowed to say or call unoe 'bee' in the forest.
The reason is that it can wreak havoc on the denominator.
Another example is that it is forbidden to answer if you hear the sound of something coming
from outside the house. This is also considered taboo because it can bring disaster. This belief
has been going on for quite some time. In ancient times, when villagers entered the forest,
community members were also not allowed to mention the word snake for a legless reptile. If its
name is called directly, the animal will get angry and harm the person. Therefore, the word snake
must be replaced with the akar word.
Taboo is a social expression of disapproval of some behaviors or utterances. Taboo is a
phenomenon that occurs in almost all languages (Dewi et al., 2022). Parera (2014) states that
taboo is a prohibition or restriction on something that is dangerous, strange, magical, and
considered extraordinary. On the other hand, Ristanto (2012) says that taboo can be in the form
of words or expressions that are considered rude, impolite, impolite, and inappropriate. It can be
said that a taboo is something that is regarded as sacred (may not be touched or spoken), taboo,
or prohibitions (Garaga et al., 2022). Usually, taboos are believed to harm members of society
because they are considered to violate moral values that have been accepted by society for
On the other hand, violating things considered taboo can also result in a person being subject to
sanctions or punishment (Affini, 2017). Sometimes taboos are only used in certain situations by
certain people. However, there are always those who break the rules in an effort to get involved
in freedom of speech restrictions or the free speech movement.
In general, people think that taboos can have a certain impact. If there is a taboo violation, it is
believed that it will bring a punishment or sanction from the supernatural. This supernatural
realm will punish the violators and the people around them, along with the Aceh people in
coastal areas. Those who break the taboo will be punished. One example of taboos and
punishments in society in the coastal province of Aceh is in Tapaktuan District. In this sub-
district, there is a Tapaktuan tourist spot. Everyone is prohibited from belittling the place, and
also, don't be too happy or cheerful when in that place. If violated, the person will be dragged
away by a large wave that suddenly comes ( Yuliasari, 2016). In addition to the taboo on actions,
there is also a taboo on speech. People in the coastal areas of Aceh are also prohibited from
saying buya 'crocodile' when in the river because it will have a harmful impact. Therefore, we
must replace it with the title teungku waki (Mutia et al., 2018).

Technological advances, access to information, and globalization are developing rapidly. As a

result, taboo expressions that used to be used and believed by the community are increasingly
being lost. The people's behavior, actions, and words, especially in the coastal areas of Aceh,
have started to change. Friendliness and polite talk are very rarely heard. On the other hand,
harsh words have started to become a habit, such as aneuk budôk palèh 'wretched child,' boh ku
'father's genitals,' and èk asèe 'dog dung.' no longer taboo in society. That cannot avoid cultural
shifts and the influence of globalization. Communities on the coast of Aceh no longer pay
attention to taboos which are one of the cultural assets in their area. If this happens continuously,
inevitably, one day, the taboo words that exist in the coastal areas of Aceh will gradually
disappear and become extinct. Even though on the one hand, the results of Sunandar's research
(2018), Barus (2018), and Junaidi (2019) show that taboo language functions to maintain good
relations, create peace by choosing the correct terminology, and as a means of educating.
Therefore, this is the main reason the writer examines words that cannot be spoken in the Aceh
language _ on the public coast of Aceh (Taboo Study) so that taboo words that are one of the
local wisdom are maintained.

This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with listening techniques and speaking methods.
This study aims to find and describe words that should not be spoken in the Aceh language in
Aceh coastal communities. Characteristics method qualitative in this research, among others, are
(1) background naturally, (2) researchers as key instruments and various data sources, and (4)
meaning become the focus major ( Creswell & Poth, 2016; Creswell, 2014 ). The data collection
technique chosen was observation and interviews conducted with informants aged between 30-
60 years and observations role and ( Kabir, 2016; Roller, 2017; Hasana, 2016). The research data
is in the form of oral data obtained from informants who have met the criteria as informants. The
steps of data analysis carried out were (1) taking an inventory of all words that should not be
spoken in the Aceh language in the Aceh coastal community, (2) inspecting data validity through
data triangulation and triangulation data sources ( Belotto, 2018; Akinyode & Khan, 2018 ), (3)
grouping data, ( 4 ) describing data, and ( 5 ) making conclusions.
Based on the results of research conducted on the public on the coast of Aceh, some words
should not be uttered or considered taboo by the community. These words relate to (1) disease
names, (2) animal names, (3) seasons, and (4) harsh expressions.

Disease Name
The disease cannot be separated from living things, and every human being will definitely feel
pain. Therefore, the disease is sometimes something that humans fear. There are several names
of conditions that are considered taboo in the coastal communities of Aceh. The Acehnese
coastal community should not pronounce the name of this disease because it is considered scary
because it can harm the speakers (Siska et al., 2021). Acehnese coastal communities usually
replace the name of this disease with other words (Wardani, & Nuraiza, 2021). The terms of the
taboo diseases in Aceh's coastal communities are as follows.

1. ta'eun 'scabies'
Ta'eun is the name of a disease. This disease takes the form of profuse scabies. This ta'eun
disease takes quite a long time to be cured, and some even die. The name of this disease is
usually used by coastal communities in Aceh to swear words. Even though it is used as an
expletive, this word is rarely used because it is considered taboo. This disease is very feared by
the people of coastal Aceh, so it is never spoken, even if someone is angry. The people of the
Aceh coast believe that when someone says this word to another person, this disease will attack
the person concerned.

2. nie 'smallpox'
Nie is the name of a disease that can attack the skin. Nie in coastal Acehnese society cannot be
spoken because it is considered taboo. This taboo occurs when a person is affected by this
disease and is asked by another person why that person is coming home. What hurts? The people
of the Aceh coast should not immediately answer nie 'sickness', but must replace it with jitimoh
mangat 'it hurts well'. This was done because the community was afraid that if they said it
directly, smallpox would never heal and attack the person concerned. In other Aceh coastal
areas, namely Calang. The word smallpox in Aceh people there is also not allowed to be spoken
because the people there believe that the disease they experience is getting worse when they say
it. Therefore, the word smallpox must be replaced with another word that is considered more
subtle, namely sakét mangat, 'sick pain.'

3.budok 'leprosy'
Like smallpox, the budok disease in Indonesia is called leprosy, a disease caused by bacteria.
This disease is very feared by coastal communities, especially in Tapaktuan, and there is no
medicine to cure this disease. This word is taboo because it will attack someone who says it.
Usually, this word is used in an agreement to convince someone; for example, bak budok lôn
means 'hopefully, I get leprosy' (Yuliasari, 2016). This word was never used because it was
considered taboo and inappropriate. The people there believe that if you say this word, you will
be attacked by leprosy and exiled. Therefore, the people of this region never said those words
because of fear.

Animal Name
Names of animals that are considered taboo in society There are several types of Aceh coast,
including Rimueng 'tiger,' elephant 'elephant,' tikoh 'rat,' and l impeun 'centipede'. The four
animals are taboo to pronounce because there is a public belief that if the names of these animals
are pronounced, it will bring danger to the local community, either directly or indirectly (Almos,
2013; Jamaluddin et al., 2023). The description is as follows.

1.Rimueng 'tiger'
Saying Rimeung is a taboo expression for the Acehnese coastal community. In Southwest Aceh,
especially in Kuta Tinggi, which is a village at the foot of Mount Killa, Aceh Barat Daya,
according to folklore there, once in Kuta Tinggi, there was a charismatic scholar named Teungku
Nyak Dikilla, he once said that it was a tiger that Those on Mount Killa are not happy when
people climb Mount Killa and then see a tiger and call it Rimueng . In ancient times, the tigers on
Mount Killa often guarded the garden and nature on the mountain. One day the tiger on Mount
Killa had a dialogue with a charismatic Aceh scholar, Teungku Nyak Dikilla. In the
conversation, the tiger says he doesn't like being called Rimueng . However, the tiger asked to be
called yah nek . Therefore, the people of Southwest Aceh call the tiger on Mount Killa yah nek .
The same thing happened in other coastal areas of Aceh, namely in South Aceh. Mentioning or
calling Rimueng was also taboo because it could cause disaster. Rimueng is seen as a sacred
animal. This is evidenced by the prohibition to kill, eat, and mention his name in vain. The
people who call Rimueng there must be replaced with the title grandmother. The name change
was made because the people there consider Rimueng to be the first animal to exist and the oldest
among other animals. If there is a violation, it is believed that it will bring disaster and anger to
the animal. As a result, these animals will attack them if they meet. Therefore, one way to avoid
this is not to use the word Rimueng, but replace it with ' grandmother '. In Aceh Jaya, the word
Rimueng is also taboo, especially at night, because it is considered calling the beast to come.
Therefore, the people there replace it with rumpoe nek/grandmother 'who has a

2.Gajah 'elephant'
The elephant is the largest land animal classified as a mammal. Almost all parts of the body of
this animal have a very large size. Generally, elephants tend not to be disturbed. Because of this,
the word elephant in the Aceh coastal community is forbidden to say carelessly because some
Aceh coastal communities think that when they mention the word elephant, the animal will get
angry and go berserk. Therefore, it must be replaced with a more subtle word, namely teungku
rayek 'big teungku'.

3.Tikoh 'rat'
Tikoh is another animal that shouldn't be spoken about. Like the word imau/tiger above, the
word tikoh should not be uttered because it is believed that it will make the animal angry and bite
the items in the house in question. Tikoh in the coastal community of Aceh is usually replaced by
the word Putri. The replacement of the word is done to make the animal obedient and not to
damage the items in the house in question.

4.Limpéun 'centipede'
Another animal whose name is taboo is limpeun , limpeun in Indonesian is called the centipede.
The people of the Aceh Coast, especially in Southwest Aceh, consider the limpeun a dangerous
animal. Therefore, when these animals enter the house, almost everyone there wants to expel or
kill these flat-bodied animals. If it is said to be lime, the animal will run fast, or it is believed that
it will also bite the people around it. It's different when called brôh 'trash'. These poisonous
animals will slow down or even stop, making it easier to chase away or kill.
Season Name
There is one season that the people of the coast of Aceh cannot say, namely the Rimueng season.
In coastal communities, especially in Tapaktuan, the Rimueng season cannot be spoken because
it is considered taboo (Yuliasari, 2016). The penalty for the transgression by mentioning the
season of Rimueng will bring disaster and anger to the animal. Therefore, the word must be
replaced with the season of the branch.

Rude phrase
Rude expression taboo is an expression in lexemes, phrases, or sentences. This expression is
used when someone is angry or emotional ( Nola et al., 2021). As a result, words appear that
compare the appearance, character, and behavior of humans to animals or something that has a
negative connotation (Taib, 2014; Gunas, 2021). The words referred to are as follows.

1.paak 'so stupid.'

Paak is the name for someone who is very stupid and lazy and can no longer be taught. This
word is usually used for swearing. Usually, this word is often heard in learning in schools which
is pinned on children who are lazy, stupid, and unmanageable. Even so, this word is rarely
uttered because it is thought to really attack the person in question. This word is very harsh when
spoken to others, and the effects are hurt and offense.

2.aneuk jén ' son of the genie '

Aneuk jén ' son of the genie,' is so that refers to a creature dreaded subtly by humans. Creature,
some don't once know by human. Then this is spoken by someone who is scolding child her
daughter. Because it's rude, swearing is taboo to say.

3.panték mak kah ' your mother's genitals '

The words of the pantèk mak kah ' your mother's genitals ' in Aceh society, is taboo because it is
considered impolite and so rude. Usually, this speech is used to ridicule or curse. Therefore, in
the coastal community of Aceh, this expression is forbidden because it can hurt other people's

4.lagèe èk leubô 'like assholes'

Because it contains a harsh meaning, this expression is also taboo in the coastal communities of
Aceh. People often use this expression when they are angry or mocking others. When viewed
from its meaning, this expression is disgusting so it can hurt or offend others.

No words can be spoken because they trust besides will get disaster or bad luck is also
considered rude and no polite, so that can hurt other people's hearts in the Aceh language the
Aceh coastal community regarding the name of the disease (1) tae'un 'scabies' this disease is
taboo to pronounce, even if it has to pronounce, must be replaced with designation disease
gadang , (2) nie ' smallpox ' must be replaced with designation jitimoh mangat or sakét mangat
'good pain.' It's the same with ta'eun and nie's disease, (3) budok's disease 'leprosy' is also taboo.
Apart from being challenging to cure, this disease is also believed to attack the person who calls
it. Furthermore, the taboo regarding animal names (1) Rimueng 'tiger', the tiger is sacred and
considered the oldest animal. Therefore, it is not permissible to mention the name directly, it
must be replaced with well grandma or grandma, or with rumpoe tempat/nèk 'who has a
place/grandmother', (2) Gajah 'elephant' also cannot be called in vain, but teungku rayek 'big
teungku' is an alternative to the word elephant, (3) tikoh 'rat' cannot be called either because it
will make the animal angry. Therefore, it must be replaced with the title Putri, (4) Liempeun
'centipede' is also taboo to pronounce. To avoid angering the animal, people call it brôh . The
next taboo relates to the season. The season referred to is the Rimueng season or the tiger season.
This Rimueng season cannot be spoken of and must replaced with the cabuah season. Paak 'what
a fool,' aneuk jén ' son of the genie, 'pantèk mak kah ' your mother's genitals, 'and lagèe èk leubô
'like assholes' are taboo when it comes to harsh expressions. These four expressions are taboo to
utter because they are considered impolite and too harsh. Usually, these expressions are to scold
or curse so that it is inevitable that they will hurt other people

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