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5 Practice: Analyzing Business Ethical Dilemmas Practice

Computer Applications Name:Bryan Jang

Reflect (5 points)

1. Describe an ethical dilemma related to an employee's behavior at work or work

discipline. (1 point)

An example of this could be an employee that sees another employee being

dishonest or behaving badly in secret, but doesn’t want to say anything about it
because it is their friend and he doesn’t want him to get fired.

2. Describe an ethical dilemma related to work quality. (1 point)

This can be when an employee is supposing to make a product when they don’t
have the proper skill or ability to do so.

3. Describe an ethical dilemma related to employee relations. (1 point)

An ethical dilemma related to employee relations could be an employee realizing

that a company is using illegal products. He remembers the company is run by one
of his family members so doesn’t say anything about it.

4. Describe an ethical dilemma related to information and communication. (1 point)

An ethical dilemma related to information and communication could be an

employee getting harassed at work and the manager not doing anything about it.

5. Describe an ethical dilemma related to pricing or advertising. (1 point)

An ethical dilemma related to pricing or advertising could be the boss wanting to

make the prices a lot higher, and the employee having to do it otherwise he is
afraid he is going to get in trouble.
Analyze (10 points)

Analyze the given scenario for potential ethical concerns.

Susan has just begun a new job. The office's computers are automatically set to
inform employees when the computer anti-virus software is due to be updated. This
web-security technology is vital to keeping business documents safe. However,
Susan does not pay attention to the alerts that pop up on her computer, which
results in the anti-virus software expiring.

Susan regularly gets distracted from her assignments and begins perusing websites
for personal interests rather than for her assignment. Unfortunately, one day a
computer virus infects her computer from one of these websites; she quickly begins
to notice problems. When she realizes what has happened, Susan is worried and
uncertain. She waits until the end of the day to inform her manager of this incident.
Because of her negligence, it's possible that this virus infects her company's
confidential data. In her company’s workplace rules and regulations, she was told
explicitly to stay away from questionable websites due to the sensitive nature of the
information on her computer.

1. In this scenario, what is the importance of anti-virus software and other similar
virus protection programs? (2 points)

The anti-virus software protects from viruses destroying your computer. Without
the anti-virus, the virus could have made their computer non-functional.

2. What steps could Susan have taken to help prevent this incident from occurring?
(2 points)

Susan can make sure to check what she downloads next time because most of the
time, that’s where viruses come from. She can use a website that can detect
3. Besides the importance of network security, what other ethical issue does this
scenario illustrate? (2 points)

This ethical issue illustrates personal responsibility. She needs to be more

responsible with her stuff if she doesn’t want them to get hacked.

4. What data privacy or legal issues could result from employees' use of the Internet
on their company's server? (2 points)
The data privacy could be risk of network compromise and legal issues could be
bad employees that could do bad things in the organization.

5. Besides avoiding unfamiliar websites, what other measures can be taken to

ensure a virus doesn't infect your company's computer network? (2 points)

Obviously downloading a safe anti-virus is one thing, but there are websites that
can check if links or downloads are dangerous, so it is good to use one of those.
Also don’t trust random people on the internet that send you suspicious things.

Synthesize (15 points)

Imagine you are the executive of a marketing company. Beginning this year, the
company will begin conducting an in-house course for your employees about
ethics in the workplace. Design an appropriate course that will best fit the needs of
your employees.

1. How often do you think this course should be offered for your employees? (1

This course could be offered for my employees by writing an introduction, a

support, and a conclusion paragraph to make it seem good.

2. There are a number of different ethical issues you could discuss with your
employees. What topics would serve as a good basis for the beginning of the
course? (2 points)
Some topics that could serve as a good basis can be ethical decision making and
Code of Conduct. Ethical decision making can be good for reasoning skills, and it
can help employees understand with challenging situations. Code of Conduct can
help employees understand the guidelines, key principles, and policies.

3. It is important to make certain that your employees are aware of the work ethic
expected at your company. What work ethics issues would be most ideal for your
employees? (3 points)

Yes, it is important to make my employees aware about the work ethic. Employees
will be good if they have good work ethic. If they have bad work ethic, then they will
be lazy and have bad manners. I would want them to always be on time to work, try
their best to be positive, take breaks when needed, and make sure to do their work
in time.

4. To create a trustworthy work environment, it is crucial for your employees to be

aware of the ethical standard you personally hold. What manager-related ethical
concerns would you communicate to your employees? (3 points)

Yes, this is crucial because my employees need to know what I except from them. I
would be concerned if they are being happy at the moment and if they are
comfortable. I am going to respect my employees and make sure they are all being
treated equally.

5. List activities that could be used to ensure your employees understand the
concepts discussed in the course? (3 points)
Activities could be group discussions and ethical dilemma reflections. Employees
need to discuss with each other to know each other and get used to each other
speaking. It is important to communication since there is a lot of potential that they
can do. Asking questions about ethical dilemma can be important because this can
promote their personal awareness.

6. Online privacy and protection are crucial ethical concerns for employees to be
aware of. What topics would you plan to cover in your course? (3 points)

The topics I would mainly plan to cover in my course is data privacy and
information security. I would like to plan to cover this in my course because these
are crucial for my employees to learn about. The employees need to know when to
not share information and keep personal information safe.

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1.2.5 Practice: Analyzing Business Ethical Dilemmas

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