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Martin Alejandro Cabrera

Juan Daniel Arteaga
(AC-S12) Week 12 - Task: Assignment - My favorite Technological Device

D: Hi, Martin.
M: Hi Daniel.
D: what technological devices do you have in your home?
M: I have a television, cellphone and a PC.
D: great, but of all your devices which is your favorite and why is it
important to you?
M: My favorite device is my pc because there I can do my work, my classes, it is
useful to communicate with my friends and entertain myself.
D: What are its characteristics?
M: It is easy to use, is modern, with good components.
D: Great Martin.
M: and you Daniel What is your favorite device, why is it important to you
and what are its characteristics?
D: My favorite device is my cellphone It's important because I can help me with
homework and university classes and its features are great, I can take it
everywhere in my pocket it's super comfortable and it has a good camera.
M: good choice.
D: it was a pleasure talking to you, bye.
M: Goodbye.
D: See you soon.

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