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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

in Electronics

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
• Identify the use and classification of hand tools used in Electronics
• Familiarize the different kinds of hand tools according to their specification.
• Value the importance of knowing the classification and usage of hand tools

II. SUBJECT MATTER: Classification of Basic Hand Tools in Electronics

REFERENCES: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum, Technology and Livelihood
Education Learning Module Consumer Electronics Servicing
MATERIALS: Laptop, Projector, Non-projected visual aids, Marker, & Colored

A. Daily Routine
1. Opening Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Management
4. Review of the past lesson

The teacher will ask the students the following questions

• What was our topic last meeting?
• What is Electronics?
• How electronics does affect our life?
The Boat is Sinking

1. If the teacher says “” the boat is sinking group yourselves into___” .
The students should group themselves according to what the teacher is
2. Students without a group are eliminated
3. The last 5 students ( or group of students depending on the teacher) will win
the game.

Word Puzzle

1. The students will be divided into 2 groups
2. Each group will receive a word puzzle
3. Each group need to encircle different words in the word puzzle within 2
4. The first group that finish the task is the winner.

The teacher will ask the following questions:

1. What have you noticed on our activity?

2. What do you think is our topic for today?
Driving tools
1. Screwdrivers – are hand tools specifically designed to insert and
tighten, or to loosen and remove screws.
a. Slotted Screwdriver
b. Phillips Screwdriver
c. Jeweler’s Screwdriver
Soldering Tools
1. Soldering Iron – is a device for applying heat to melt solder in attaching
two metal parts.
2. Soldering Tool Stand – is a place where the soldering iron is placed
during usage.
3. Desoldering Tool- is used in removing soldered wires and components
on printed circuit boards for troubleshooting and repair purposes.
Splicing Tools
1. Long Nose – is used for holding, bending, and stretching the lead of
electronic component or connecting wires
2. Side Cutter – only used to cut wires
3. Wire Stripper – is a pair of opposing blades much like scissors or wire
Boring Tools
1. 12V Mini-Drill – is used to bore or drill holes in the printed circuit board
with sizes from 1/32” – 1/16”
2. Portable Electric Drill – is used for boring hole(s) in plastic or metal
chassis with the used of drill bits having sizes from 1/6” to
approximately ¼”.
Cutting Tools
1. Utility Knife – tool used in cutting various trade and crafts for variety of
2. Hacksaw – is used for cutting metals.
Auxiliary Tools
1. Magnifying Glass is a convex lens which is used to produce a magnified
image of an object.
2. Paint brush – made of bristles set in handles and it is use for cleaning

The teacher will ask the following questions:

1. Why it is important to learn the classifications and usage of the basic hand tools
in electronics?
2. Is it necessary to classify the basic hand tools? Why or why not?

F. Application

The teacher will let students demonstrate the appropriate use of their chosen
electronic Hand tools.


1-5. Give at least five classifications of the basic hand tools in electronics.

H. Assignment
Make an advance reading about the electronic equipments:
1. Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter
2. Oscilloscope
3. Signal Generator

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