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Multi modal evaluation

1. Has stated it’s purpose

- The image has vividly stated its purpose as there is a monumental shrine that can be seen in it . Also, there are people
walking , indicating that it is a tourist destination.

2. Is clear of it’s objective

- The image is clear of its objective. All of the elements needed are all in the image.

3. Has a compelling effects on its audience

- The image has a strong compelling effect on the audience. It takes on the emotions of every audience making them
remember the unfortunate event that happened years ago.

4. Has clear images and pictures

- The image is clear. It is very well photographed and printed.

5. Has color harmony

- The color in the image is well balanced making it harmonious in appearance as it follows the triadic color scheme. The
dominance of the brown hue helps the image look warmer an in harmony with the colored of other elements in the image.

6. Creates a catchy color combination

- The colors present such as as the shades of brown, green, and yellow makes a good color combination as it easily
attracts the attention of individuals from afar even the nearby passerby’s. The fact that it has triadic color scheme following the
color theory makes it even more eye catching.

7. Produces a clear and distinct sound

- The image does in fact produces a clear sound. It resonates the sound of calmness to balance the sadness that the
image may bring as it is a shrine of a great tragedy.

8. Contains a grammatically correct sentences/phrases

- The image has only one phrase and it is the title of the image. Although the choice of font style and font size is good
and appropriate for an advertising image.

9. Leaves a very good impression

- The over-all impression of the image is good. The moment the audience will see that the shrine has become a tourist
destination will, it will give them a feeling of easement as soon as they realize that the local government has made a shrine for
the tragedy that happened for us to be able to commemorate.

10. Has successfully achieve its objective

- The image successfully achieved its objective to advertise the Flight 387 shrine the moment it catches the attention of
any individual.

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