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Alya Shafira Agustia¹, Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin ²

Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas

Background: Leadership is an attitude applied by a leader whom we often meet in various places
to show direction and teach us what to do to achieve a goal in a group. Leadership is an attitude
that all young people in Indonesia must have to advance human resources and not be left behind
with other nations, especially in the millennial era. Purpose: This study aims to reveal the
leadership model the millennial generation expects by taking a sample of students from the Z
generation as representatives of the millennial generation. Methods: This study uses a
quantitative approach with descriptive analysis methods with survey techniques. Results: This
study indicates that many Z generations prefer a democratic leadership style that accepts opinions
or suggestions put forward by groups to determine a joint decision that will be used in
organizational goals. However, there are also some from generation Z who like non-democracy
because each of them has a different perspective. Based on the result of this study, most of the
generation Z prefer leaders who listen to every opinion of their members in order to reach a
common decision called the democratic style.

Keywords: Millennial, leader, leadership.


In several countries including Indonesia, technology has changed the attitude of the
millennial generation a lot, one of which is becoming a generation that is less sociable. Especially
leadership skills, which are really needed by the millennial generation in facing various
challenges in this fast-paced era.. Leadership is an influencing process in determining
organizational goals, motivating follower behavior to achieve goals, and influencing the group
and culture (1). From this understanding, it can be concluded that leadership is an attitude
adopted by a leader to achieve a common goal. Leadership is the benchmark for how a leader
organizes, influences, and shows the direction to his subordinates. Leadership today can be
carried out by everyone regardless of position and gender, considering that leadership could only
be applied by men in the past. Leadership in the current era is very rarely found in the millennial
generation because the rapid development of technology has changed the millennial generation's
attitude to tend to be apathetic, less social, lazy, and insensitive to the surrounding environment.
It has led to the development of a personality that is individualistic, less ambitious, and
indifferent. The speed of information that makes everything easy to get and the variety of
entertainment in it can attract humans from outside life. It is why the millennial generation is
different compared to the previous generation. They live with technology that changes the pattern
of life 180°, such as all instantaneous materials and a more attractive presentation of the virtual
world than the real world.
A leader is appointed in an organization or group who is expected to bring about change
in an organization. A leader has visionary thinking, can solve problems well, see opportunities,
understand members, and relate several events to understand the situation. A leader is also known
as someone tough, protects each other, and has rational thinking. A leader is given the mandate
by his members and has a big responsibility in carrying out that mandate. The leader is seen as
charismatic, capable of displaying high confidence in leading, and responsive in all situations. A
leader likes challenges, dares to reach a higher level, and will take into account all the risks that
will be faced.
The millennial generation is divided into three, namely generation X, born in 1965-1979,
generation Y, born in 1980-1994, and generation Z, born in 1995-2015. They are nicknamed the
millennial generation because they were born when the world was experiencing changes in
technology. This generation is often called the most influential generation in bringing about
change because of various innovations created to improve the environment. Many of the
outstanding achievements in the world were born when technology began to evolve and almost
changed the entire world order from culture, customs, habits, fashion styles, and mindsets.
However, among all generations, the accelerating technological change is very evident in
generation Z. This is seen when many cultural patterns and structures changed during generation
Z, an increasingly fast and uncontrollable era changed everything in an instant, leaving the
remains of the old culture behind, no longer applied in the life of the millennial generation. Some
examples of an old culture that are no longer being practiced are ancient beliefs, fashion, and
customs. In an era that gave birth to many generations who have individualistic characteristics,
leadership traits must be taught and applied from an early age to prepare young people who excel
at work and can control their environment by having reliability in socializing.
Leadership style is a behavioral norm or demand that a person uses to try to influence the
behavior of others or their members. A leader will not be able to use the same leadership style in
leading its members but must be adapted to various characters and abilities in their respective
tasks (2).
Leadership style is a leadership model that a leader applies in managing its members by
adjusting the environment and attitudes needed in its goals. In fostering an organization, there are
certain leadership styles that a leader believes in bringing change to the organization if applied
and obeyed by all members. The leadership style can be chosen by the leader and also through the
choice of a group.
With the development of the times, the leadership style continues to experience a
revolution and slowly follows how the group desires the leadership style in an environment.
There are eight kinds of leadership styles:
The first is a democratic leadership style. Democratic is a leadership style when a leader
accepts all opinions or suggestions from members to achieve common goals in an organization.
The second is a paternalistic leadership style. This leadership style gives limited freedom
to group members for their excellence.
The third is the dictatorial leadership style. The dictatorial leadership style is chosen by a
leader who will rule authoritatively and sometimes use violence against its members.
The fourth is the participatory leadership style. Participatory leadership style allows all
individuals to have equal power in the joint decision-making process regardless of rank or
The fifth is an aggressive leadership style. An aggressive leadership style is a leadership
style that demands high discipline from its members.
The sixth is the charismatic leadership style. Charismatic leadership style is a leadership
style chosen by the leader by evoking empathy and emphasizing emotions in its members.
The seventh is the laissez-faire leadership style. The laissez-faire leadership style is that
the leader gives the principle of freedom to its members and others to carry out their duties freely
according to the wishes of their subordinates.
The eighth is a control-free leadership style. The leader gives employees or the group
overall freedom of decision-making and getting work done in the way that the employee thinks is
most appropriate.
Based on this description, it can be concluded that various leadership styles can be
applied to the millennial generation. Leaders cannot choose these various leadership styles
without seeing the environmental conditions and attitudes of the millennial generation. The
millennial generation certainly has the leader model they want in their environment. That is why
a question arises what kind of leadership style millennials like and can potentially apply if they
become leaders in the future. In this study, the authors will explain what kind of leadership style
the millennial generation likes or admires most so that they can apply it one day in the future.
This article refers to the dissertation written by Dede Mustomi and Eni Reptiningsih. In
the conclusion of their dissertation, Mustomi and Reptiningsih wrote what leadership style is
suitable to be applied to the millennial generation which includes 3 generations, the baby
boomers generation, generation X, and generation Y, and generation Z. In their dissertation,
Mustomi and Reptiningsih divided three generations of generations to be surveyed, in which
researchers spread 150 questionnaires for the whole batch. The first generation of those in the
80s, the second generation those born in the 90s and their third generation born in the 2000s.
Totally available 150 questionnaires distributed (2)
The difference between Mustomi's and Retiningsih's research and mine is the object.
Mustomi and Reptiningsih's research uses objects from 3 generations, while in my research I
focus on generation Z, especially in the campus or student environment with an age range of 18-
21 years with university coverage areas in Sidoarjo, Surabaya, and Malang areas.
Based on generations and environment taken by researchers, what is generation Z's
choice for the most suitable leadership style?

The method approach used in this study is a combination of quantitative and qualitative.
Qualitative is research that uses a deductive-inductive approach. This approach departs from a
theoretical framework, the ideas of experts, and the understanding of researchers based on their
experiences which are then developed into problems and their solutions that are proposed to
obtain justification (verification) in the form of empirical data support in the report. Quantitative
is a systematic scientific study of parts and phenomena and their relationships. (3)The qualitative
approach is used with the literature study method, namely the collection of library materials, and
the quantitative approach is used with the survey method, namely the creation of a Google form
questionnaire. This research was conducted online.
The initial stage of data collection is to collect primary data. Primary data was obtained
from a closed questionnaire using Google form, which was distributed online by the author to the
Hang Tuah 5 Senior High School 2020 and the 2020 UNAIR English Literature group, which
contained students because the millennial generation could only fill in the questionnaire and the
author took the student scope as an example of the millennial generation. Questionnaires often
use checklists and rating scales(3) There are a total of 120 respondents who are 100% students.
After obtaining primary data, secondary data was collected to support primary data, namely from
literature studies. Literature reviews were obtained from the Google Scholar database using the
keywords "Millennial," "Leadership," and "Leadership style." Data analysis was carried out with
a qualitative approach. Qualitative data analysis is inductive, i.e. an analysis based on the data
obtained, then developed into a hypothesis (3).

Millennials who grow up in an era that provides all the needs and information quickly
will have more advanced and innovative thinking. Millennials are also classified as idealists with
a humanist work relationship pattern. As a generation that grew up with freedom of information,
they are open-minded, uphold freedom, and are brave. So they tend to be responsive and critical
if the system in their workplace does not support aspects such as information disclosure or even
curbs their creativity (3). By the characteristics highlighted by the millennial generation, it is sure
that they are the hope of a nation from their country and are expected to advance the nation with
various innovative inventions.
Based on the characteristics that can be inferred from the millennial generation, they are a
generation that tends to demand change, likes to explore, has a mindset that can keep up with the
times, and is enthusiastic about the future. It greatly influences the choice of the millennial
generation in determining what type of leadership they like and will apply if they become leaders
in their environment in the future. The changing times will change the mindset of their generation
and how they control the environment around them, including choosing potential leaders or role


No. What Leadership Style Do You Want?

1. Democratic
2. Paternalistic
3. Dictatorial
4. Participatory
5. Militaristic
6. Charismatic
7. Laissez-faire
8. Control-free

Based on filling out the questionnaire obtained from 120 respondents, 72.5% or 87 answers
chose a democratic leadership style. In the second position, a charismatic leadership style reaches
10.8% or 13 answers from respondents. In the third position, participatory leadership style, which
reached 6.7% or eight answers from respondents. In the fourth position, there is a control-free
leadership style that reaches 5.8% or seven answers. In fifth place, there is a laissez-faire leadership
style which reaches 1.7% or two answers. In the sixth position, there is an aggressive leadership style
that reaches 0.8% or one answer. In the seventh position, there is a paternalistic leadership style that
reaches 0.8% or one answer. In the eighth position, there is a dictatorial leadership style which
reaches 0.8% or one answer.

The results obtained amounted to 72.5% or 87 answers out of 120 answers for
democratic leadership styles. When referring to the characteristics of the millennial
generation, a democratic leadership style is indeed suitable to be applied in the millennial era
because it is free and emphasizes solidarity between people. Freedom is one of the things that
millennials like when they can voice their opinions without being judged by a specific
authority. In addition, democracy can choose at most one option from various opinions to get
better results; this is also suitable for the character of the millennial generation who likes to
explore and create innovative thoughts before achieving a goal. An environment that applies
a democratic leadership style will have a greater chance of being admired by millennials and
being used as role models in the future if they are ready to lead and become leaders.

There is a charismatic leadership style in the second position that gets 10.8% or 13
answers out of 120 answers. Some students chose charismatic leadership as a leader that they
like and will apply when they become leaders later. Millennials who choose this option are
melancholy, which emphasizes feelings and work styles that evoke empathy. This kind of
leadership style is suitable for creating strong solidarity between members because it uses
feelings or internal processes in humans that produce deep caring without any coercion. A
charismatic leadership style is not impossible to accommodate all suggestions and opinions
from members and reach mutual agreement like a democratic leadership style, but this will be
difficult to do if decisions are made by emphasizing the feelings between members.
Therefore, the charismatic leadership style is not chosen by many millennial generations
because the millennial generation tends to have a modern mindset and character that
emphasizes rationality in decision making.

A participatory leadership style in the third position gets 6.7% or eight answers out of
120 answers. Some students chose participatory leadership style as their preferred leadership
style because participatory leadership requires all to participate regardless of their position.
Participation has similarities with democratic, but democratic is to accommodate all opinions
for those willing, while participative requires all to participate. Some of the millennial
generations who choose to be participatory tend to feel that they are less creative, so they will
demand opinions and ideas from their members to reach a mutual agreement. This leadership
style is less attractive to millennials because of doubts that everyone will participate as

There is a control-free leadership style in the fourth position, which gets 5.8% or
seven answers out of 120 answers. The millennial generation chooses a control-free
leadership style because the leader will give up all decision-making and get the job done in
the way that suits the members best. Millennials who choose this option do not like
hierarchies in work and do not like to restrain others from completing their work. They
believe that both themselves and their members can get work done in their way. This
leadership style is less attractive to the millennial generation because the desire to create
teamwork into one goal will be hampered when each member has their way of working.

A laissez-faire leadership style in the fifth position gets 1.7% or two answers out of
120 answers. The Laissez-Faire leadership style is almost the same as the control-free
leadership style, which provides the principle of freedom to subordinates in completing their
duties. Millennials who choose this option do not like rules and believe in themselves about
what they should do in an organization. This leadership style is less attractive to the
millennial generation because by giving freedom, there is no reflection of the leader tasked
with organizing and providing direction to his subordinates.

An aggressive leadership style in the sixth position gets 0.8% or one answer out of
120 answers. The aggressive leadership style is chosen by millennials who like a high degree
of discipline in their work. Of course, this option is very little demanded by the millennial
generation because their nature, which tends to be relaxed and enjoys work, will not like
teamwork with a tense atmosphere.

There is a paternalistic leadership style in the seventh position that gets 0.8% or one
answer out of 120 answers. The paternalistic leadership style is chosen by the millennial
generation, who think freedom is something that should not be given because it can cause
disorder in teamwork. Therefore freedom must be limited for the common good. This option
is less attractive to millennials because they tend to like freedom in the organization.

There is a dictatorial leadership style in the eighth position that gets 0.8% or one
answer out of 120 answers. The millennial generation chooses the dictatorial leadership style,
which likes to provide physical violence both at work and punishment for a mistake. This
option is less desirable for millennials because they dislike a form of authority that is cruel
and is an outdated way of working. Moreover, this option can break the solidarity between
leaders and members to not create a pleasant atmosphere in the organization.


Based on the results of analysis of literature data and survey data. Many of the Z
generation want the attitude of a leader who is able to protect all members and accommodate
all opinions regardless of the position of the members in achieving a common goal. This is
reflected in the type of democratic leadership that has strong characteristics and character in
solidarity between members without any boundaries between everyone. When associated
with the attitude of the millennial generation, democratic leadership is very fitting to be
applied in their environment and fosters leadership motivation in the hearts of the millennial

The results shown by the form provide various answers, but it can be concluded that
most of them have the same mindset and strategy determination in the current era. But it
goes back to the era in which they were born, the environment is very influential on their
mindset. Generation Z has a communication style that is relaxed, friendly, and egalitarian as
well avoiding dominant communication styles full of control. But at that time they want a
boost and role models. “Covering” becomes the key and a way out for the previous
generation to achieve effective communication with generation Z(4). And based on the
results obtained, the Indonesian environment is dominated by the character of teenagers who
prefer solidarity rather than individualism, this is what causes many enthusiasts to make
democratic choices that uphold the value of brotherhood.

The results of research showing that there are many enthusiasts in the type of
democratic leadership can be used as a solution to build leadership attitudes in the
environment around Generation Z by applying the characteristics of the democratic
leadership type so that they will be able to control the desired situation. When applying a
leadership style other than democratic, many of the Z generation are not happy in the
organization. Great organizations and goals come from thinking leaders can control their
members into a strong solidarity. Therefore we must pay attention to what our environmental
conditions are like so that we can justify our leadership attitude towards members.


Based on the research results obtained, how the environment shapes a person's personality is
very influential in how a person chooses a role model in his life. In the current millennial era, the
results show that the democratic leadership style is the most preferred by the millennial generation of
the eight leadership styles. Democratic leadership style is a leadership style in which the leader
accepts all opinions and suggestions from members to achieve a common goal. From this leadership
style, it can be seen that the millennial generation is more likely to admire a leadership style that
nurtures among members, fosters solidarity among others, gives freedom to members, and does not
take sides with certain authorities in expressing an opinion. It is in line with the characteristics formed
in the millennial generation, such as liking freedom of opinion, liking strong solidarity, not installing
a hierarchical system to differentiate between people, and liking rationality in decision making.
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