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Biography of Ade Adepitan

"Ade Adepitan - From Athlete to

Television Personality"
Ade Adepitan is a Paralympic athlete, television presenter and
disability rights advocate. He was born on March
27, 1973 in Lagos, Nigeria, and emigrated to the
United Kingdom in 1984. He contracted polio at 15
months, which left him with no function in his legs.
He excelled in wheelchair basketball and
represented Great Britain at the 2000 Paralympic
Games in Sydney, where he won a bronze medal.
He also participated in the 2004 Athens and 2008
Beijing Paralympic Games.

After his career as an athlete, Ade ventured into the media and
became a well-known television presenter in the United Kingdom. He
has participated in programs such as BBC's "The Travel Show" and
Channel 4's "Unreported World." His work has allowed him to
explore international destinations and address global issues.

In addition, Ade has been an active advocate for the rights of people
with disabilities, working with various charities and advocating for
inclusion and equal opportunities. His work has contributed to
increasing public awareness of people with disabilities and has been a
source of inspiration to many.

Student: Ronaldo Gabriel Vélez Rodriguez. Course: 3 BGU “A”

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