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Volunteering your me, money, or energy to help others doesn’t just make the world be er, It also
makes you feel be er. It was proven that the act of giving back to the community boosts your
happiness, health, and sense of well-being. There is some evidence that when you help others it can
promote physiological changes in the brain linked with happiness. It makes us more socially ac ve.
Helping others can help us to make new friends and connect with our community .It also reduces
loneliness and isola on. When you help others especially those who are less fortunate than yourself
it improves your ability to manage stress and increase your sense of life sa sfac on. When you help
others, you give off posi ve vibe which can improve your friendships. Experts say that performing
acts of kindness boosts your mood and ul mately makes you more op mis c and posi ve.

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