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Is it true that hobbies can enhance one's mental wellbeing? Although commonly
associated with relaxation, I believe engaging in hobbies can enhance mental health. This is
because hobbies decrease stress, increase self-satisfaction, promote social networking, and
strengthen mental capacity. According to Emma Parkhurst, Professional Practice Extension
Assistant Professor of Utah State University, hobbies affect mental health in the following ways:
decreased stress, increased self-satisfaction, social networking, and strengthened mental
Hobbies can alleviate stress in the first place. People tend to get distracted by their
preferred pastimes, such as painting or gardening, instead of focusing on other areas of life. This
escape provides a break from negative thinking and promotes relaxation.
Secondly, hobbies can contribute to a sense of accomplishment. Hobbies that one has
consistently chased tend to lead to success. It elevates their level of self-assurance and makes a
positive impact on a person’s characteristics. For example, I enjoy hiking in the mountains. With
each session, I found myself finding it easier to go up the mountain without wheezing or
coughing. This brought immense joy and made me feel proud of myself.
Also, leisure activities promote bonding among individuals. A lot of hobbies involve
joining clubs or groups with people who share similar interests. Support systems that combat
loneliness and isolation are provided by these social connections.
Engaging in recreational activities can enhance one's mental capacity. Sudoku, puzzles,
and chess can be used to improve problem-solving skills and enhance memory.
In conclusion, hobbies can aid in mental well-being by relieving stress, enhancing self-
esteem, encouraging socialization, and improving mental abilities. Therefore, it is important to
focus on hobbies that bring happiness and satisfaction to our lives for our wellbeing.

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