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On -the-Job


Name :- Deepak Kumar Sah

Roll No. :- 22/2695
Course :- B.Com (P)
Subject :- Huma Resource Management
On-the-Job Training (OJT) is a method of employee development that involves providing
practical training and experience directly within the workplace. It is a hands-on approach to
learning where employees acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for their job by
actively performing tasks and responsibilities under the guidance and supervision of more
experienced colleagues or trainers.

During OJT, employees receive real-time training in the actual work environment, allowing
them to learn through practical application and observation. This type of training is often
tailored to the specific job roles and responsibilities of the individuals, ensuring that they
acquire the skills and knowledge required to perform their tasks effectively.
OJT typically involves a combination of instruction, demonstration, and practice.
Employees may receive initial instructions or demonstrations on how to perform certain
tasks, followed by the opportunity to practice those tasks themselves. Trainers or
experienced colleagues provide guidance, feedback, and support throughout the training
process, helping employees develop their skills and overcome challenges.
• Practical experience: OJT allows employees to gain hands-on experience in the actual work environment, which enhances
their understanding and competence in performing job-related tasks.
• Skill development: Through OJT, employees can develop and refine the specific skills required for their job roles. They can
learn how to apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations and become proficient in using tools, equipment, and
software relevant to their work.
• Immediate feedback: OJT provides immediate feedback from trainers or experienced colleagues, allowing employees to
correct any mistakes or improve their performance in real-time. This feedback loop facilitates continuous learning and skill
• Cost-effectiveness: On-the-job training can be a cost-effective method of employee development as it utilizes existing
resources within the workplace. There is no need for off-site training facilities or dedicated trainers, reducing expenses
associated with training programs.
• Job integration: OJT helps employees become familiar with the work environment, organizational culture, and team
dynamics, enabling smoother integration into the job role and the company.
Overall, on-the-job training is a valuable approach to employee development that combines practical experience, skill
development, and immediate feedback. It plays a crucial role in ensuring that employees acquire the necessary competencies
to perform their job effectively and contribute to the success of the organization.
Types of On-the-Job training
• On-the-job training (OJT) refers to the process of learning and acquiring new skills while performing tasks within a
workplace. There are several types of on-the-job training methods commonly used to train employees. Here are
some examples:
• Shadowing: In this type of training, a new employee closely observes and "shadows" an experienced worker,
learning by watching them perform tasks and asking questions as needed.
• Mentoring: A mentor is assigned to a new employee to provide guidance, support, and training. The mentor shares
their knowledge and expertise, helps the mentee develop skills, and offers feedback and advice.
• On-the-job training (OJT) refers to the process of learning and acquiring new skills while performing tasks within a
workplace. There are several types of on-the-job training methods commonly used to train employees. Here are
some examples:
• Shadowing: In this type of training, a new employee closely observes and "shadows" an experienced worker,
learning by watching them perform tasks and asking questions as needed.
• Mentoring: A mentor is assigned to a new employee to provide guidance, support, and training. The mentor shares
their knowledge and expertise, helps the mentee develop skills, and offers feedback and advice.
Internships and apprenticeships: These programs provide opportunities
for students or individuals seeking to learn a specific trade or
profession. Interns or apprentices work under the supervision of
experienced professionals, gaining hands-on experience and
knowledge in their chosen field.

• Simulation training: In this method, employees use simulators or virtual reality

technology to replicate real-world work situations. It allows them to practice skills and
decision-making in a safe environment without the risk of actual consequences.
• Cross-training: Employees are trained to perform tasks and responsibilities outside of
their primary roles. This enables them to develop a broader skill set, increase their
versatility, and provide coverage during absences or busy periods.
• Job aids and manuals: Written materials, such as job aids, training manuals, or standard
operating procedures, are provided to employees as a reference to guide them through
tasks and processes. They serve as a resource for learning and performing job duties
• Online training and e-learning: With the advancements in technology, many
organizations offer online training courses or e-learning platforms. These platforms
provide interactive modules, videos, quizzes, and assessments to train employees
remotely at their own pace.
• Team-based training: This type of training involves learning within a team
setting. Employees collaborate on projects or tasks, sharing knowledge, skills, and
expertise with each other. It fosters teamwork, communication, and the development of
a collective skill set.

These are just a few examples of on-the-job training methods. Different organizations may
adopt various approaches based on their specific needs, resources, and industry
Best Practices for Implementing On-the-Job Training
Implementing on-the-job training effectively requires careful planning and execution. Here are some
best practices to consider:

• Set clear training objectives: Clearly define the goals and outcomes you want to achieve through
the on-the-job training program. Identify the specific knowledge, skills, and competencies that
employees should acquire during the training process.
• Design a structured training plan: Develop a well-organized and structured training plan that
outlines the training modules, timelines, and resources required. Ensure that the plan covers all
the necessary topics and provides a logical progression of learning.
• Assign knowledgeable trainers: Choose trainers who have expertise and experience in the
relevant areas. They should possess the necessary skills to effectively transfer knowledge, provide
guidance, and address questions or concerns from trainees.
• Provide adequate resources and tools: Ensure that the trainees have access to the necessary
resources, equipment, and tools required to perform their tasks and practice their skills. This
includes providing relevant manuals, job aids, software, and any other materials needed for
effective training.
• Offer a supportive learning environment: Create a supportive and inclusive learning
environment where trainees feel comfortable asking questions, seeking feedback, and
making mistakes. Encourage open communication and provide ongoing support
throughout the training process.
• Incorporate hands-on practice: On-the-job training should involve ample opportunities
for trainees to practice the skills they are learning. Allow them to perform tasks under
supervision, provide feedback on their performance, and offer guidance for

• Provide regular feedback and assessment: Offer timely and constructive

feedback to trainees on their progress and performance. Implement
assessment methods such as quizzes, practical evaluations, or
observations to gauge their understanding and skill development.
• Foster continuous learning: Encourage a culture of continuous learning
within the organization. Emphasize the importance of ongoing skill
development and provide opportunities for employees to enhance their
knowledge and abilities beyond the initial training period.
• Evaluate and adjust the training program: Regularly assess the
effectiveness of the on-the-job training program. Gather feedback from
trainees, trainers, and supervisors to identify areas for improvement and
make necessary adjustments to enhance the training process.
• Track and measure outcomes: Establish metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) to
track the outcomes and effectiveness of the training program. Measure the impact of the
training on employee performance, productivity, and overall organizational success.

By following these best practices, organizations can ensure that their on-the-job training programs are
well-planned, effectively implemented, and deliver positive results in terms of employee development
and organizational growth.
Indeed, on-the-job training provides significant
benefits to both employees and organizations. It
allows employees to acquire practical skills and
knowledge directly relevant to their job roles,
enabling them to become productive quickly and
contribute effectively to the organization's goals.
Moreover, it promotes employee engagement, job
satisfaction, and career development, as
individuals gain valuable experience and expand
their skill sets.

For organizations, on-the-job training contributes to

increased productivity, improved job performance,
and reduced training costs. By investing in employee
development, companies can cultivate a skilled and
motivated workforce, enhance employee retention,
and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving business
However, it's important to implement best practices
when designing and executing on-the-job training
programs. Clear training objectives, structured plans,
knowledgeable trainers, and adequate resources are
crucial for success. Additionally, creating a
supportive learning environment, providing regular
feedback, and fostering continuous learning are
essential elements.
Regular evaluation and
measurement of the training
program's outcomes
allow organizations to identify
areas of improvement and In conclusion, on-the-job training is a powerful tool
refine their approach for employee growth and organizational success. By
over time. By continuously implementing best practices and addressing
enhancing the on-the-job challenges proactively, organizations can maximize
training initiatives, companies the benefits of on-the-job training, creating a skilled
can adapt to changing needs, and capable workforce that drives innovation and
leverage emerging achieves long-term success.
technologies, and maintain a
culture of learning and

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