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COLOSIANS 1: 28-29
TEXT, So we preach Christ to everyone, With all possible wisdom we warn and
teach them in order to bring each one into God’ s presence as a mature individual
in union with Christ
1, HIM WE PROCLAIM--- Discipleship is about His wonderful news, both to the lost
and the saved And we proclaim Jesus to people who will go on to proclaim to the
world Our motive is to make much of Him than to ourselves ,
2, TEACHING AND WARNING WITH WISDOM------ We must train those we lead in
the word of God and show them how to live life that glorify God In this context
we are to also warn them when they are going the wrong way Out of love for
those we disciple , we must not be silent when they are living in opposition to the
bible James 1: 5 says – seek for wisdom and guidance so we must do so in
submitting to J/C [ GALATIANS 6: 1 SAYS correct in a spirit of gentleness and out
of love
3, TO PRESENT EVERYONE MATURE IN CHRIST----- The goal of discipleship is not to
make converts that make converts, but for all believers to become increasingly
like JESUS Train to feed and take care of themselves Don’t be Jesus to them ,
point them to Jesus
4,TOIL AND STRUGGLE ---- Discipleship is purposeful and rewarding It is the
greatest joy of my life, However it requires energy, time and hard work , it is
costly , Paul fought and labored to the point of exhaustion to present believers
mature in J/C Discipleship cost him greatly and it will cost us as well If our
discipleship is not involving struggle and sacrifice , we should evaluate whether
we have become too comfortable
5, HIS ENERGY/ STRENGTH----- While discipleship takes a lot of energy , the good
news is that Lord gives us His We toil and struggle -, yet we have Him to depend
on No matter how experience you are , you should constantly come to God and
ask for His energy and power who is the HOLY SPIRIT We cannot do the work of
transforming hearts and lives, but the power of the H/S We are simply
instruments in His hands, It is not our knowledge or skill that will develop disciples
but the power of God working in us, We must acknowledge Him and prayerfully
depend on Him and never fall prey to trusting in our own abilities AMEN/

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