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“The air we breathe has a major impact on our health and the environment.

However, the air

pollution is constantly growing and at current levels it can be fought only globally. That is to
say, individual efforts to improve air quality will not give any results, and it's solely
responsibility of our governments to reduce air pollution.
Do you agree or disagree?”

The air which benefits our health and environment significantly has been
worsening at a point that can only be addressed internationally, which leads to
the thought that governments should take responsibility solely to remedy air
pollution since individuals may not have great contributions. This essay will not
advocate this.

All contributions to mitigate air pollution matter, even the smallest ones.
Due to the rapid development of society including manufacturing or
urbanization, the amount of emission released from it was huge and its
enormous presence appeared nearly everywhere, which directly has a negative
impact on the environment and causes health issues. Hence, many spontaneous
organizations and individuals have dealt with it although the results might only
fix some problems locally and do not meet the social goal, demonstrating the
fact that if people work together, it will not be impossible to resolve air
pollution. Take the fight against covid 19 in Vietnam as an example, citizens put
on their masks when going out or keep themself isolated when feeling sick
which are simple but so effective that keep regular activities running while many
countries find it challenging to achieve the same.

Government can not be the one who takes full responsibility for air pollution
but every citizen and organization. Since the group of authorities is the leader
that guides their people, real actions are taken together to address social
problems. For example, many laws relating to air pollution have been enacted
and it is crucial that residents obey and follow them. Additionally, if the
government is comprehensively responsible for air pollution, how will it fix the
problem that is globally serious and hard to recoup

In conclusion, every person should be responsible for air pollution, not the

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