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Students are required to participate in classroom discussion deeply and according to the

1. Read carefully the given learning materials

2. Make notes on points about which you agree or disagree.

3. Give ideas to talk about in the classroom.

4. Note ideas, points, or concepts you do not understand. Use these notes as guides to
formulate questions.

5. If someone asks a question, you can answer the question.

6. Sometimes, you can comment on what has already been saying.

7. You can give a piece of information to clarify or correct an error.

8. Ask a thought-provoking question to engage others in the discussion.


(30 MARKS)



Anda dikehendaki menyediakan proposal penyelidikan yang berpaksikan kaedah kualitatif.

Perkara-perkara yang perlu dalam proposal termasuk (Students are required to prepare a
qualitative research proposal based on the followings :


a. Tajuk kajian (Research topic)

b. Penyataan masalah (Problem statements)
c. Objektif kajian (Research Objective)
d. Soalan kajian (Research Questions)
e. Kerangka teori/konsep (Theoretical Framework)
f. Conceptual Framework
g. Definition of term


h. Tinjauan literatur (sebahagian) (Literature reviews- chapter two).


i. Research Approach
j. Instrument development
k. Validity and reliability
l. Population
m. Sampling and sampling procedure
n. Data collection
o. Data analysis
p. Quantifying the qualitative table with analysis
q. Ethical issues
r. Others

Proposal dalam 25 - 30 mukasurat. (Please write around 25 -30 pages)

Pembentangan Proposal (Minggu 6)– Proposal presentation will commence on week


(30 marks)



Fieldwork (individual)

Field work study

Anda dikehendaki menjalankan kajian lapangan menggunakan sekurang-kurangnya DUA

teknik mengumpul data kualitatif. Setiap pelajar wajib menjalankan temu bual bersemuka
bersama 3 peserta kajian. Ini diikuti sama ada pemerhatian, analisis dokumen, kumpulan
fokus atau lain-lain teknik. Seterusnya anda perlu menyediakan laporan kajian mengikut
prosedur ditetapkan. Proses melaksanakan aktiviti dibuktikan misalnya dengan menonjolkan
nota lapangan, proses pengkodan, rajah, refleksi dan lain-lain yang berkenaan. Akhirnya
anda akan menghasilkan sebuah artikel yang lengkap.

You are required to conduct a fieldwork study (data analysis using NVivo) based on your
proposal Please use at least two techniques of qualitative data collection, for example,
interview and observation. You need to conduct face-to-face or online interviews at least with
3 participants. You also need to include the process of your data collection for example
coding process and related information in the appendix section. Please write your findings in
a form of article writing. Your writing is limited to 15 – 20 pages, using Times New Roman,
font 12 1.5 spacing using APA format of writing.

Setelah proses pengumpulan data kajian yang anda jalankan, anda dikehendaki menulis
kertas kerja bentuk penulisan jurnal. Panjang 15 hingga 20 muka surat menggunakan Times
New Roman bersaiz 12 langkau 1.5; menggunakan garis panduan penulisan artikel ilmiah

You are required to write a paper in form of a journal. Length 15 to 20 pages using Times
New Roman size 12 by 1.5; using APA scientific article writing guidelines.

Artikel mengandungi:

Nama anda

Nama pensyarah



a) Pengenalan (1 perenggan)
- Memperkenalkan penyelidikan anda

b) Penyataan masalah (tidak lebih 2 muka surat)

- Latar belakang secara ringkas
- Mengapa kajian ini penting untuk dilaksanakan
- Hujahan/petikan/pengalaman dan sebagainya

c) Objektif dan soalan kajian (tidak lebih 1 muka surat)

d) Teori digunakan (tidak lebih 1 muka surat)

Kerangka konsep (tidak lebih 1 muka surat)

e) Tinjauan Literatur (3 hingga 4 muka surat)

- Sumber-sumber akademik utama yang berkaitan tajuk yang dikaji
- Hanya literatur berkaitan kajian anda sahaja, jangan masukkan literatur yang
tidak berkaitan
- Boleh buat petikan (quotation), tetapi tidak terlalu banyak. Lebih baik ayat dalam
bentuk ‘susun semula’ (paraphrase).
- Setiap rujukan perlu dinyatakan sumber, jika petikan perlu disertakan nama
pengarang, tahun dan muka surat (contoh Amir Hasan Dawi 2006, hal. 32), jika
susun semula perlu tulis nama pengarang dan tahun (contoh Amir Hasan Dawi
f) Kaedah kajian (3 hingga 4 muka surat)
- Penjelasan kaedah, pendekatan dan teknik digunakan, mengapa?
- Pemilihan tempat kajian
- Pemilihan responden
- Masalah atau isu yang dihadapi
- Kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan
- Lain-lain yang berkaitan

g) Dapatan kajian (3 hingga 4 muka surat)

- Tunjukkan dapatan
- Bentuk kategori dan huraikan dapatan
- Hanya data daripada fakta lapangan dihuraikan
- Boleh dalam bentuk jadual, rajah, petikan dan yang sesuai

h) Perbincangan (3 hingga 4 muka surat)

- Menghuraikan dapatan anda dalam bentuk analisis
- Di mana sesuai masukkan sokongan daripada tinjauan literatur
- Sesuaikan dengan objektif dan soalan kajian
- Bincangkan dapatan yang mungkin di luar objektif asal
- Perbincangan kelahiran teori/konsep/istilah baru (jika ada)

i) Rumusan (1 hingga 2 muka surat)

- Garapkan secara ringkas keseluruhan apa yang telah dibincangkan

- Rumuskan hujahan, pandangan dan cadangan anda

- Kemungkinan kajian lanjutan
- Lain-lain rumusan sesuai

Senarai Rujukan

- Senaraikan bahan yang dirujuk sahaja dimasukkan


- Protokol temu bual

- Transkripsi (transkripsi dibuat dalam fon 12 Times New Roman, Langkau 2,
margin 1 inci)
- Nota lapangan
- dan yang berkaitan


Artikel perlu dihantar dalam bentuk hard copy dan dalam talian.

- Hard copy diserah pada hujung minggu ke-12 (Submission – week 12).

Articles specification:

Your name
Name of lecturer

a) Introduction (1 paragraph)
- Introduce your research

b) Problem statement (not more than 2 pages)

- Brief background
- Why this study is important to implement
- Arguments/quotations/experiences and so on

c) Objectives and research questions (not more than 1 page)

d) Theoretical framework used (not more than 1 page)

The conceptual framework used (not more than 1 page)

e) Literature Review (3 to 4 pages)


- Key academic resources relevant to the topic studied

- Only literature relevant to your study, do not include unrelated literature
- Can make a quotation, but not too much. Better sentences in the form of
‘rearrangement’ (paraphrase).
- Each reference must state the source, if the citation must include the author's
name, year and page (eg Amir Hasan Dawi 2006, p. 32), if rearrangement must write
the author's name and year (eg Amir Hasan Dawi 2006)
f) Research method (3 to 4 pages)
- Explanation of methods, approaches and techniques used, why?
- Selection of study site
- Selection of respondents
- Problems or issues encountered
- Validity and reliability
- Other related

g) Findings of the study (3 to 4 pages)

- Show the findings
- Form categories and describe findings
- Only data from field facts are parsed
- Can be in the form of tables, diagrams, quotations and as appropriate

h) Discussion (3 to 4 pages)
- Describe your findings in the form of analysis
- Where appropriate include support from a literature review
- Refer to the objectives and questions of the study
- Discuss possible findings outside the original objective
- Discussion of the birth of new theories/concepts/terms (if any)

i) Summary (1 to 2 pages)
- Work briefly on the whole of what has been discussed
- Summarize your arguments, views and suggestions
- Possibility of further study
- Other formulations are appropriate

Reference list
- List only referenced materials included

- Interview protocol
- Transcription (transcript made in 12 Times New Roman font, Skip 2, 1 inch margin)
- Field notes
- and related

Articles should be submitted in hard copy and online.
- Hard copy submitted on the 12th weekend (Submission- week 12).

Assignment 4 (15 MARKS)


Qualitative journal article review (Individual assignment)

Article review

Dapatkan 3 artikel berkaitan penyelidikan kualitatif dalam bidang anda daripada 5 jurnal
berwasit 5 tahun terkini. Sekurang-kurangnya (3) artikel jurnal perlu diambil daripada jurnal
luar negara dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Kaji dan buat ulasan ringkas tiap-tiap artikel dengan
memberi tumpuan kepada perkara-perkara berikut:

Please find 3 latest articles related to qualitative research in your field of study (3 indexed or
referred journals). Please review these articles based on the followings:

a. Penyataan masalah (Problem statements)

b. Objektif/soalan kajian (research objectives)
c. Teori yang digunakan (Theoretical concepts)
d. Pendekatan/teknik pengumpulan data (Methodological approach)
e. Kesahan/kebolehpercayaan (Validity and reliability)
f. Dapatan/implikasi (Findings and Implications)

Setiap artikel diulas tidak melebihi 1 muka surat saiz A4, fon Arial saiz 11, langkau 1.5

The articles need to be reviewed not more than 1 page using Arial size 11, 1.5 spacing and
submit on week 9.

Hantar pada minggu ke 9.


(10 MARKS)


Students are required to present their qualitative research proposal and fieldwork based on
the followings:

All indicted aspects in the proposal section must be presented comprehensively

with references, quotations, or citations. Including additional information into the
content of the presentation is an added value.
 Visualize your presentation.
 Organize your presentation materials in a way that is most understandable to
all students.
 Proofread all materials.
 Practice the presentation by yourself, with your friends or classmates to make it
more perfect.
 Have a backup plan for the presentation delivery.
 Think about questions that might be asked while presenting or after.
 Review your main points of the presentation.
 Dress properly.
 Make your point directly.
 Present ideas clearly.
 Give examples.

Notice: Students may be required to make a video demonstrating their ability or skills on
how to use NVivo (step by step) in qualitative research (10 MARKS).

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