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The questions in the portfolio 1 were a bit tricky and considered as hard for me that
were new to this kind of questions. But, still I could make it to the end and finished
my portfolio 1 even I get through a lot of hard times to answer it. If were not because
of my friends help and our discussion about the question, I didn’t think that I could
answer it correctly. I didn’t get full marks though. However, I still managed to get a
few points correctly and survived the first waves. There’s actually some example for
the tricky questions that makes me questioned myself. For instance, question number
50 that we had to choose which sentences are correct. Turns out, there’s more than
one answer that is correct. Also, the multiple choices questions were not so different
from the others difficult questions. The questions sometimes confusing me with the
answer’s choices that we had to choose.

However, in the portfolio 2, the questions topic has changed. It was about inversions.
I managed to get almost full marks on the indicate questions correct or incorrect. Then
again, the problems always the same. It falls to the tricky and confusing questions that
makes me hard to writes a correct answer for those questions. Of course I also get
some helps from friends about those tricky questions. We make a discussion about it
and try with the best answer that we’ve had. Hopefully it will help us a lot and it
proves to be worthy when you did it with your friends because I’ll get as much
guidance that I need. It was really challenging answering those questions because I’m
not that good or great in English language. That’s all from me. Thanks.

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