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1. Most prized possession, why?

My most prized possession is our Family Portrait. It may not have value to others but for me it is
priceless. For me, it is one of the most perfect representation of love, a constant reminder that I
should work hard to achieve my plans and goals in life and an inspiration during times of
difficulties and uncertainties. Just looking at it, I know I am blessed more than I could ask for.

2. Best personal attribute and why?

I think my best attribute is being compassionate. Because being compassionate generally means
you love and care for your family, friends, the environment and yourself. You respect individual
differences, you accept whatever you have and you work and persevere patiently to achieve
your plans and goals in life. That for me is my best attribute, to be compassionate.

3. Why do you want to win search for Cagayan Valley Idol?

I want to win this search for Cagayan Valley Idol because for me, winning this competition
symbolizes hope. A ray of hope that despite the difficulties and uncertainties brought about by
the COVID-19 pandemic, I could win this competition. And so, if we want it, we can achieve it!
We can win this battle against this unseen enemy, we only need to follow advice from experts,
keep ourselves healthy. If I win, I can share this ray of hope to others and inspire them keep the
hopes in their hearts that this too, shall pass.

4. How do you plan to promote the title as Cagayan Valley Idol?

With the current situation brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, I think the best way I
could promote the Cagayan Valley Idol is thru various social media platforms. By creating
Facebook page, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, to name a few, and posting worthwhile photos
and videos of various activities of Cagayan Valley Idol, I think, thru these I could establish
curiosity in one’s interest and hopefully this curiosity would turn to fruition and encourage them
to follow and support the Cagayan Valley Idol.

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