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Receiving Water Quality Models for

TMDL Development and Implementation

René A. Camacho, Ph.D., M.ASCE 1; Zhonglong Zhang, P.E., M.ASCE 2; and Xiaobo Chao, Ph.D., M.ASCE 3

Abstract: Water quality models are critical tools for the development of total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) and for the evaluation of water
quality management alternatives by stakeholders and state environmental protection agencies. Currently there is a large availability of water
quality models that can be used to support TMDL studies, and the selection of a particular model requires a good understanding of the model
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limitations, capabilities, and data requirements. The ASCE/Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) TMDL Analysis and Mod-
eling Task Committee was established in part to produce guidance documentation to help modelers to identify and implement existing
modeling approaches to address some of the most important causes of water quality impairment in the United States, including eutrophi-
cation, toxic chemicals, and metals. This paper presents a review of existing mathematical models to evaluate eutrophication processes,
including carbon and nutrient cycling, phytoplankton dynamics, and dissolved oxygen availability, as well as a review of mathematical
models to simulate the fate and transport of toxic chemicals and mercury. The paper also discusses the main capabilities and limitations
of 11 widely used water quality models in the United States. Modelers can use this information to support more informed model selections
and to facilitate an effective and successful application of models in TMDL studies. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001723. © 2018
American Society of Civil Engineers.

Introduction eutrophication problems, and the fourth phase occurred between

1970 and 1990, when models of toxic chemicals and metals
The excess of nutrients and organic matter and the presence of toxic emerged to address problems related to human and ecosystem
chemicals and heavy metals are some of the main causes of water health.
quality impairment in the United States and around the world Since their early development, water quality models have been
(Table 1). The need to understand the fate and transport of these extremely important tools to understand how impaired water bodies
contaminants and to implement remediation programs have pro- respond to contaminant loads and to determine their assimilative
moted the evolution of water quality models in the last century, capacity. Impaired water bodies are typically subject to contami-
starting from the seminal models of Streeter and Phelps (1925) re- nant loads from adjacent watersheds via two primary routes:
lating organic-matter decomposition to dissolved oxygen (DO) (1) point sources and (2) nonpoint sources (ASCE 2017; Chapra
depletion, up to the most recent and sophisticated models capable 2003; USEPA 1991). Point sources of contaminants have a
of simulating fate and transport of nutrients, multialgae dynamics, well-defined point of entry where contaminants reach a water body
sediment diagenesis, and toxic chemicals, among others (Chapra (e.g., discharges from municipal and industrial treatment facilities).
1997; Park et al. 2008; Wool et al. 2003a). Chapra (2011) explained Nonpoint sources of contaminants, on the other hand, have no
the evolution of water quality models as having four major phases. easily identified point of entry to a water body, originate from a
The first phase occurred approximately between 1925 and 1960
wide variety of sources over a watershed, and enter surface water
when one-dimensional (1D), analytical, and steady-state models
bodies at many locations, by many processes (e.g., atmospheric
were developed to address DO depletion and bacteria contamina-
deposition and loads from surface runoff). Non-point-source load-
tion due to untreated urban waste loads. The second phase occurred
ing can be significant. For example, atmospheric deposition can be
between 1960 and 1970 when, thanks to advances in digital com-
a major nonpoint source of mercury (FDEP 2013), and surface run-
puters and numerical methods, models became more powerful and
off can be a primary transport mechanism for sediments, nutrients,
able to simulate multidimensional systems and time-variable re-
pesticides, toxic chemicals, and pathogens.
sponses. The third phase occurred during the 1970s, when models
Contamination due to point sources was the primary concern
of nutrient cycling and algae dynamics were developed to address
during most of the twentieth century and the first 30 years follow-
Water Resources Engineer, Tetra Tech, Inc., 1899 Powers Ferry Rd.
ing the Clean Water Act (CWA) (Martin et al. 2015). It was also the
SE, Suite 400, Atlanta, GA 30339 (corresponding author). Email: rene primary focus of the DO and eutrophication models developed dur- ing this period. The modeling advances achieved during this period
2 helped engineers bring the urban-point-source problem under con-
Senior Scientist, LimnoTech, Environmental Laboratory, US Army
Engineer Research and Development Center, Davis, CA 95616. Email: trol using technologies such as secondary treatment of effluents. During the last decades, however, remaining water quality prob-
Senior Research Scientist, National Center for Computational Hydro- lems after the implementation of point-source controls have
science and Engineering, Univ. of Mississippi, Oxford, MS 38677. Email: revealed the increasing importance of nonpoint sources of pollu-
tion. Nonpoint sources are currently a major cause of water prob-
Note. This manuscript was submitted on September 27, 2017; approved
on July 10, 2018; published online on November 21, 2018. Discussion per- lems around the world and the reason why approximately 40% of
iod open until April 21, 2019; separate discussions must be submitted for surveyed rivers, lakes, and estuaries of the United States do not
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Hydrologic Engi- meet water quality standards for swimming, fishing, and other uses
neering, © ASCE, ISSN 1084-0699. (USEPA 1996). Modeling advances and controls on nonpoint

© ASCE 04018063-1 J. Hydrol. Eng.

J. Hydrol. Eng., 2019, 24(2): 04018063

Table 1. Top 15 pollutants from the national summary of impaired waters and water quality responses of a particular water body. This linkage
and TMDL information as of August 22, 2017 modeling approach is currently used by federal agencies, private
Number of Amount of groups, and local governments to determine total maximum daily
Pollutant impairments total (%) load (TMDL) allocations of point and nonpoint loads of
Pathogens 9,619 13.4
Nutrients 7,114 9.9 Several watershed models, receiving transport models, and re-
Metals (other than mercury) 6,802 9.5 ceiving water quality models currently available can be linked to
Organic enrichment and oxygen depletion 6,554 9.1 support TMDL studies. The selection of appropriate models is,
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 6,050 8.4 however, a difficult task because it requires a good understanding of
Sediment 5,968 8.3 the mathematical approaches, data requirements, capabilities, and
Mercury 4,471 6.2 limitations of the existing models. The ASCE/Environmental and
pH, acidity, and caustic conditions 4,377 6.1 Water Resources Institute (EWRI) TMDL Analysis and Modeling
Cause unknown—impaired biota 4,172 5.8 Task Committee was established in part to review existing models
Temperature 2,929 4.1
used in TMDL studies to help water resources professionals to iden-
Turbidity 2,882 4.0
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Salinity, total dissolved solids, 1,977 2.8

tify the best available modeling approaches and technologies to sup-
chlorides, and sulfates port a particular study. This paper presents a review of receiving
Pesticides 1,852 2.6 water quality models to address contamination due to eutrophication,
Cause unknown 1,126 1.6 toxic chemicals, and mercury, which are contaminants of primary
Algal growth 1,040 1.4 concern in the United States.
Habitat alterations 880 1.2
Total 94.5
Source: Reprinted from USEPA (2017). Transport and Water Quality

Mass-Balance Equation
Model Outputs Water quality models are derived from the principle of conservation
Subwatershed flows
of mass (mass balance) evaluated in a finite control volume (Martin
Runoff volumes and McCutcheon 1999). The mass balance computes the internal
Watershed Model Nutrient loads production, consumption, and accumulation of a constituent within
Sediment loads
the control volume as well as the entries and exits of mass across
Temperatures the boundaries. The generic equation to represent the fate and trans-
Non-point source loads of port of a water quality constituent is given by (Martin and
Water surface elevations
nutrients and sediments
Water depths McCutcheon 1999)
Flow velocities
Receiving Water  
Transport Model Hydrodynamics
Flow discharges
δC δ δ δ δ δC
Temperature ¼ − ðU x CÞ − ðU y CÞ − ðU z CÞ þ Ex
Travel times Salinity δt δx δy δz δx δx
Residence times
δ δC δ δC
Advection/dispersion rates Concentrations and loads of þ Ey þ Ez  Sc ð1Þ
Temperature and salinity Nutrients δy δy δz δz
Dissolved Oxygen
Receiving Water Carbon
Quality Model
where C = concentration of a particular water quality constituent
Biochemistry Sediments
Phytoplankton (mg=L); t = time (days); x, y, and z = spatial dimensions of fluid
Toxic chemicals movement (m); U x , U y , and U z = longitudinal, lateral, and vertical
Metals advective velocities (m=day); Ex , Ey , and Ez = longitudinal, lateral,
and vertical diffusion coefficients (m2 =day); and Sc = all sources
Fig. 1. Linkages among watershed, transport, and water quality
and sinks of the water quality constituent (mg=L · day).
The sources and sinks term (Sc ) in Eq. (1) depend on several
biochemical factors and external loadings that need to be calculated
independently for each constituent. The remaining terms for the
sources of pollution have occurred at a slower pace in the last dec- hydrodynamic advection and diffusion transport are valid for any
ades due the complexity of the processes that control the fate and water quality constituent. Eq. (1) is typically solved using a com-
transport of contaminants and the difficulty to mathematically re- bination of hydrodynamic and water quality models. Some models
present the different temporal and spatial scales at which these such as CE-QUAL-W2 or the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code
processes occur. (EFDC) have fully integrated hydrodynamic and water quality
Existing modeling approaches to simulate contamination due to modules and therefore are able to solve Eq. (1) using a single pro-
point and nonpoint sources typically consist in linking watershed gram executable. Other models such as CE-QUAL-ICM have only
models, receiving water transport models, and receiving water water quality routines and therefore require inputs of the advection
quality models, as depicted in Fig. 1. A watershed model is used and diffusion transport terms from an external hydrodynamic
to estimate non-point-source loads and exports of nutrients and pol- model such as the Curvilinear-Grid Hydrodynamics Model in
lutants into water bodies (Chapra 2003; Shoemaker et al. 2005). Three Dimensions (CH3D-WES).
These loads are then transferred to receiving transport models The following sections are devoted to explaining the main proc-
and receiving water quality models to simulate the major physical, esses and modeling approaches used to calculate Sc for the most
chemical, and biological processes that occur within the water body critical water quality constituents found in TMDL studies. Unless
in response to the contaminant loads. The aforementioned linkage expressed otherwise, concentrations are giving in units of mg=L
establishes a quantitative relationship between the external loadings and velocities are in m=day.

© ASCE 04018063-2 J. Hydrol. Eng.

J. Hydrol. Eng., 2019, 24(2): 04018063

Eutrophication Models ∂CLPOC
Eutrophication models are generally used to simulate carbon (C), ∂t
nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) cycling, the impacts of nutrients 1 W
on phytoplankton dynamics, and the impacts of organic matter de- H V
composition on the availability of DO in a water body. Currently, there
is a large number of proprietary and publicly available eutrophication where CRPOC and CLPOC = concentrations of refractory and labile
models around the world (Shoemaker et al. 2005). In the United particulate organic carbon, respectively; FCRP and FCLP = fractions
States, several eutrophication models in the public domain were de- of phytoplankton carbon recycled during predation to the pool of
veloped and are maintained by the USEPA and the US Army Corps refractory and labile organic carbon, respectively; Cphyto = phyto-
of Engineers (USACE). Some examples include among others plankton carbon concentration; kRPOC and kLPOC = dissolution rates
CE-QUAL-ICM (Cerco and Cole 1995), Water Quality Analysis Sim- of refractory and labile organic carbon, respectively; H = water
ulation Program (WASP) (Wool et al. 2003a), and Hydrologic Engi- body depth; vRPOC and vLPOC = settling velocities of the refractory
neering Center–River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) (USACE 2016). and labile particulate organic carbon, respectively; V = water body
Water quality state variables and biochemical processes evalu- volume; and W RPOC and W LPOC = external loads of refractory and
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ated by eutrophication models are usually standard. However, the labile particulate organic carbon, respectively.
level of detail or approximations to represent specific processes The model for DOC includes as sources algae excretion and pre-
can result in substantial differences among available models. dation, hydrolysis of the refractory and labile particulate organic
For example, some models simulate one phytoplankton group carbon, and external loads; the sinks are the heterotrophic respira-
(e.g., QUAL2K) (Chapra et al. 2012), whereas others simulate tion and denitrification (Cerco and Cole 1995; Hamrick 1992)
multiple phytoplankton groups (e.g., HEC-RAS, CE-QUAL-W2,   
and CE-QUAL-ICM). Some models represent organic matter ¼ FCD þ ð1 − FCD Þ kBM
∂t KHR þ CDO
decomposition/availability by simulating dissolved organic carbon 
(DOC), and particulate organic carbon (POC) as well as the dynam- þ FCDP kPR Cphyto þ kRPOC CRPOC þ kLPOC CLPOC
ics of these carbon pools (e.g., CE-QUAL-ICM). Other models
lump them together to simulate carbonaceous biochemical oxygen W DOC
demand (CBOD) as a state variable (e.g., QUAL2K and WASP). − kHR CDOC − kdenit CDOC þ ð4Þ
Other models simulate both carbon constituents and CBOD as state
variables (e.g., HEC-RAS and CEQUAL-W2). where CDOC = concentration of DOC; FCD = fraction of DOC
The following sections provide an overview of the mathematical exuded during phytoplankton respiration; KHR = half-saturation
models generally used to represent the most important processes dissolved oxygen concentration at which DOC excretion from
controlling eutrophication. The purposes of this review are to allow phytoplankton respiration is reduced by half; CDO = dissolved
the reader to identify the fundamental equations included in most oxygen concentration; kBM and kPR = phytoplankton basal metabo-
water quality modeling packages and to help determine the data lism rate and predation rate, respectively; FCDP = fraction of pre-
requirements, benefits, and challenges of using a particular model. dated phytoplankton recycled to DOC; kHR = oxidation rate of
DOC; kdenit = denitrification rate; and W DOC = external load
Carbon of DOC.
Carbon-based water quality models simulate the availability of A strategy to separate organic carbon and nutrients into refrac-
organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems. Because the inorganic car- tory and labile forms for modeling purposes was presented by Hen-
bon is usually available in excess, this form of carbon is usually drickson et al. (2002), who calculated the proportions of RPOC and
excluded from the models unless pH is simulated. More attention LPOC within a sample using a test of BOD. Their strategy consists
is placed on organic carbon because its presence directly impacts of expressing the amount of TOC oxidized at any time during the
the amount of oxygen available in the aquatic ecosystem. Models experiment as a function of the unknown quantities RPOC and
of organic carbon generally simulate a particulate and a dissolved LPOC. The two unknowns, RPOC and LPOC, are then solved by
fraction (POC and DOC, respectively) to distinguish the organic formulating two different equations. One equation calculated the
carbon present in solid form in materials such as, leaves or dead TOC oxidized at t ¼ 5 days [measured at the end of the 5-day bio-
fish, from that present in dissolved form. The main distinction be- chemical oxygen demand (BOD5) experiment] and other equation
tween the two fractions is that the dissolved fraction is readily avail- calculated the amount of TOC oxidized at t ¼ ∞ (same as the ini-
able for oxidation whereas the particulate fraction must be subject tial concentration of TOC). The formulas to calculate the amount of
to dissolution before it can be oxidized. The particulate fraction can TOC oxidized during the experiment assumed that the oxidation of
be further divided into labile (LPOC) and refractory (RPOC) forms, RPOC and LPOC follow a first-order decay model with a decay
respectively, to simulate a fast and slow dissolution rate of the par- rate estimated based on literature values depending on the type of
ticulate organic carbon. organic material present in the sample. Once RPOC and LPOC are
Under the aforementioned speciation, total organic carbon computed, the ratios RPOC/TOC and LPOC/TOC are used along
(TOC) is expressed as the sum of the particulate and dissolved with the ratios between organic carbon and organic nitrogen (C∶N)
forms, i.e., TOC ¼ RPOC þ LPOC þ DOC. The mathematical and organic carbon and organic phosphorus (C∶P) to determine the
models for the particulate forms of organic carbon, i.e., RPOC organic nutrient separation for nitrogen and phosphorus.
and LPOC, generally account for sources such as algal predation
and external loads and sinks such as dissolution and settling as Nitrogen
follows (Cerco and Cole 1995; Hamrick 1992): Nitrogen is a nutrient necessary for phytoplankton primary produc-
tion and is present in nature in different phases and chemical forms.
¼ FCRP kPR Cphyto − kRPOC CRPOC Nitrogen is constantly recycled in the hydrosphere. Autotrophic or-
∂t ganisms such as phytoplankton use inorganic nitrogen available in
1 W form of ammonium NH4 and nitrate NO3 to synthesize organic
H V molecules and store energy. Although both forms NH4 and NO3

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J. Hydrol. Eng., 2019, 24(2): 04018063

can be used for primary production, there is a preference for NH4 ∂CDON
over NO3 because it requires less energy to uptake. This is de- ¼ ðFDN kBM þ FPDN kPR Þ aNC Cphyto
scribed as ammonium preference, but ultimately the use of one
or another form depends on the availability of the nutrient species.
Some type of algae are also able to fixate atmospheric nitrogen that W DON
− kDON CDON þ ð7Þ
exists as a gas (N2 ). The inorganic nitrogen assimilated is converted V
into organic nitrogen and stored in living tissues.
where CDON = concentration of DON; FDN and FPDN = fractions of
Once in organic tissues, organic nitrogen is able to return to the
phytoplankton nitrogen recycled during metabolism and predation
pool of inorganic nitrogen with the help of heterotrophic organ-
to the pool of DON, respectively; kDON = mineralization rate of
isms. Organic nitrogen is first transformed into NH4 and then from
DON; and W DON = external load of DON.
NH4 to NO3 in the processes of ammonification and nitrification,
The model of ammonium nitrogen, NH4 , includes as sources the
respectively. Under anoxic conditions, a further transformation oc-
recycling of NH4 during phytoplankton metabolism and predation,
curs where the inorganic nitrogen in form of NO3 is transformed
mineralization of DON, benthic exchange with the bottom sedi-
into N2 gas and released to the atmosphere in the process of
ments, and external loads. The sinks include the phytoplankton
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uptake and the nitrification of NH4 to NO3 . The model of NH4
Excess nitrogen is one of the leading causes of eutrophication in
is given by (Cerco and Cole 1995; Hamrick 1992)
aquatic ecosystems around the word, and the correct representation
of the sources and sinks of the different forms of nitrogen are ∂CNH4
critical for the development of effective strategies to maintain ¼ ðFIN kBM þ FPIN kPR − PN kP Þ aNC Cphyto
the ecological integrity of these ecosystems (Cloern 1999; Egge BF W
and Aksnes 1992; Mortazavi et al. 2000; Muylaert et al. 2005; þ kDON CDON − knit CNH4 þ NH4 þ NH4 ð8Þ
Pinckney et al. 1999, 2001). Mathematical models of nitrogen sim-
ulate the distribution and transformation of organic and inorganic where CNH4 = concentration of NH4 ; FIN and FPIN = fractions of
nitrogen. Models of organic nitrogen generally represent the total phytoplankton nitrogen recycled during metabolism and predation
organic nitrogen (TON) as the sum of a particulate fraction (PON) to the pool of NH4 , respectively; PN = preference of NH4 from
and dissolved fraction (DON), i.e., TON ¼ PON þ DON. The par- phytoplankton (0 ≤ PN ≤ 1); kP = phytoplankton growth rate;
ticulate fraction is further divided into refractory and labile organic knit = nitrification rate of NH4 to NO3 ; BFNH4 = flux of NH4 from
nitrogen, RPON and LPON, respectively, to simulate a slow and a the bottom sediments to the water column; and W NH4 = external
fast dissolution rate of the particulate organic nitrogen, i.e., PON ¼ load of NH4 . The phytoplankton recycling fractions related to
RPON þ LPON. metabolism must satisfy FRN þ FLN þ FDN þ FIN ¼ 1, whereas
The models for RPON and LPON include as sources the exter- those related to predation FPRN þ FPLN þ FPDN þ FPIN ¼ 1.
nal loadings and recycling of organic nitrogen during phytoplank- The model of nitrate nitrogen, NO3 , includes as sources the ni-
ton metabolism and predation and use as sinks the dissolution to trification of NH4 , benthic exchange with the bottom sediments,
DON and the settling, as follows (Cerco and Cole 1995; Hamrick and external loads. The sinks include the include the phytoplankton
1992): uptake and denitrification of NO3 to N2
∂CRPON ¼ ðPN − 1Þ kP aNC Cphyto þ knit CNH4
¼ ðFRN kBM þ FPRN kPR Þ aNC Cphyto ∂t
∂t BF W
1 W − kdenit CNO3 þ NO3 þ NO3 ð9Þ
where CNO3 = concentration of NO3 ; kdenit = denitrification rate of
NO3 to NO2 ; BFNO3 = flux of NO3 from the bottom sediments to
the water column; and W NO3 = external load of NO3 .
∂CLPON The phytoplankton nitrogen preference is simulated by means
¼ ðFLN kBM þ FPLN kPR Þ aNC Cphyto
∂t of
1 W  
where CRPON and CLPON = concentrations of RPON and LPON, þ CNH4 ð10Þ
respectively; FRN and FLN = fractions of phytoplankton nitrogen
recycled during metabolism to the pool of RPON and LPON, re- where KHN = half-saturation constant for nitrogen uptake. This
spectively; FPRN and FPLN = fractions of phytoplankton nitrogen equation uses PN ¼ 1 in absence of nitrate.
recycled during predation to the pool of RPON and LPON, respec-
tively; aNC = phytoplankton nitrogen to carbon ratio; kRPON and Phosphorus
kLPON = dissolution rates of RPON and LPON; vRPON and Phosphorus is a critical nutrient for phytoplankton primary produc-
vLPON = settling velocities of RPON and LPON, respectively; tion. In nature, phosphorus is less abundant than carbon, nitrogen,
and W RPON and W LPON = external load of RPON and LPON, and oxygen and is therefore the most common limiting factor for
respectively. phytoplankton productivity in lakes. Phosphorus is present in or-
The model of dissolved organic nitrogen includes as sources the ganic and inorganic forms, the latter form being available for phyto-
recycling of nitrogen during metabolism and predation, the disso- plankton growth. The organic form is mostly present in particulate
lution of RPON and LPON, and external sources. The sinks are organic material (about 70%) and is the predominant form in the
mainly represented by the mineralization of DON to inorganic environment. The inorganic form usually represents only a small
nitrogen. The model of DON is given by fraction of the total phosphorus budget (<10%) and is mostly

© ASCE 04018063-4 J. Hydrol. Eng.

J. Hydrol. Eng., 2019, 24(2): 04018063

available dissolved as orthophosphate (PO3− 4 ). Phosphorus models inorganic phosphorus sorbed to the suspended sediments; BFDIP =
simulate the fate and transport of the organic and inorganic forms. flux of DIP from the bottom sediments to the water column; and
The total organic phosphorus (TOP) is generally divided into a par- W DIP and W SIP = external loads of DIP and SIP, respectively.
ticulate (POP) and dissolved fraction (DOP), and the inorganic The phytoplankton recycling fractions related to metabolism
phosphorus is simulated as a dissolved (DIP) and sediment-sorbed must satisfy FRP þ FLP þ FDP þ FIP ¼ 1, and those related to pre-
fraction (SIP). This way, the total phosphorus (TP) is represented as dation FPRP þ FPLP þ FPDP þ FPIP ¼ 1.
TP ¼ POP þ DOP þ DIP þ SIP. POP is further divided into re-
fractory (RPOP) and labile (LPOP) forms (i.e., POP ¼ RPOP þ Phytoplankton
LPOP) to simulate a slow and fast dissolution rate, respectively. Phytoplankton primary production is a critical biological pro-
The models for the RPOP and LPOP include sources such as ex- cess in aquatic ecosystems. Phytoplankton fixate nutrients and
ternal loadings and phytoplankton metabolism and predation and carbon through the process of photosynthesis, and the bio-
sinks such as dissolution and settling as follows: mass generated serves to feed other heterotrophic organisms.
Phytoplankton represents the basis of the food web. Phyto-
∂CRPOP plankton productivity is also an important indicator of water
¼ ðFPR kBM þ FPRP kPR Þ aPC Cphyto quality. Typically, the values of phytoplankton productivity
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1 W are in the range of 0.3–3.0 gOm−2 day−1 and are considered mod-
− kRPOP CRPOP − vRPOP CRPOP þ RPOP ð11Þ erate for most aquatic ecosystems. Values in the range of
H V 3.0–20.0 gOm−2 day−1 are considered high and are character-
istic of ecosystems with excess of nutrients. Values below
¼ ðFPL kBM þ FPLP kPR Þ aPC Cphyto 0.3 gOm−2 day−1 are characteristic of low productive systems
∂t with limitations in productivity due to lack of nutrients or inad-
1 W
− kLPOP CLPOP − vLPOP CLPOP þ LPOP ð12Þ equate levels of light and temperature (Camacho et al. 2014;
H V Chapra 1997).
A particular water body can exhibit periods of low, moderate,
where CRPOP and CLPOP = concentrations of RPOP and LPOP, and high productivity depending on the water quality conditions.
respectively; FPR and FPL = fractions of phytoplankton phospho- Highly productive periods triggered by excess of nutrient availabil-
rus recycled during metabolism to the pool of RPOP and LPOP, ity are generally accompanied by algae blooms and have negative
respectively; FPRP and FPLP = fractions of phytoplankton phos- impacts on the ecological structure and functioning of the water
phorus recycled during predation to the pool of RPOP and LPOP, bodies. Algae blooms can saturate a water body with organic com-
respectively; aPC = phytoplankton phosphorus to carbon ratio; pounds and toxins, causing massive fish kills and extreme anoxic
kRPOP and kLPOP = dissolution rates of RPOP and LPOP; vRPOP conditions. These blooms can also have severe impacts on human
and vLPOP = settling velocities of the RPOP and LPOP, respec- health. Algae blooms are natural events that also occur in pristine
tively; and W RPOP and W LPOP = external loads of RPOP and ecosystems. However, the increasing urbanization of areas sur-
LPOP, respectively. rounding major water bodies and increasing use of fertilizers in
The models for DOP include sources such as external loadings, agriculture have caused an increase in the frequency of these events
dissolution of organic phosphorus and phosphorus recycling from (Anderson et al. 2008; Heisler et al. 2008). Addressing pollution
phytoplankton metabolism and predation, and sinks such as min- due to nutrient excess is currently a priority in the United States.
eralization to orthophosphates, as follows (Cerco and Cole 1995; Phytoplankton biomass is modeled by taking into account sour-
Hamrick 1992): ces such as external loading and phytoplankton growth and sinks
such as metabolism, predation, and settling. A generic model of
¼ ðFDP kBM þ FPDP kPR Þ aPC Cphyto þ kRPOP CRPOP phytoplankton biomass is given by (Cerco and Cole 1995; Hamrick
∂t 1992)
þ kLPOP CLPOP − kDOP CDOP þ DOP ð13Þ ∂Cphyto
V ¼ ðkP − kBM − kPR Þ Cphyto
where CDOP = concentration of DOP; FDP and FPDP = fraction of 1 W phyto
phytoplankton phosphorus recycled during metabolism and preda- þ ðvphyto Cphyto Þ þ ð15Þ
tion to the pool of DOP, respectively; kDOP = mineralization rate of
DOP; and W DOP = external load of DOP. where vphyto = settling rate of phytoplankton; and W phyto = external
The models for the total inorganic phosphorus TIP ¼ DIP þ loads. The rate of phytoplankton growth kP is controlled by several
SIP include sources such as external loads, phytoplankton metabo- factors including nutrient availability, light, temperature, and res-
lism and predation, benthic exchange with the bottom sediments, idence time. The impacts of these factors on growth is simulated
and mineralization of DOP, and sinks such as phytoplankton uptake as a multiplicative function of the following form:
and settling of SIP, as follows (Cerco and Cole 1995; Hamrick
1992): kP ¼ kPmax f 1 ðNÞ f2 ðIÞ f3 ðTÞ ð16Þ

where kPmax = maximum growth rate of phytoplankton under op-

¼ ðFIP kBM þ FPIP kPR − kP Þ aPC Cphyto þ kDOP CDOP timal conditions of nutrients, light, and temperature; and f1 ðNÞ,
∂t f2 ðIÞ, and f3 ðTÞ = limiting factors for suboptimal conditions of
1 BF W W nutrients, light, and temperature, respectively. Each limiting factor
H H V V varies between 0 and 1, with 0 representing complete inhibition of
phytoplankton growth and 1 no inhibition.
where CTIP = concentration of TIP; FIP and FPIP = fractions of
phytoplankton phosphorus recycled during metabolism and preda- Effects of Nutrients on Growth
tion to the pool of DOP, respectively; CTSS = concentration of total The effects of nutrient availability on phytoplankton growth is usu-
suspended solids in the water column; CSIP = concentration of ally simulated using Liebig’s law of the minimum. Phytoplankton

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J. Hydrol. Eng., 2019, 24(2): 04018063

8 2
requires nitrogen and phosphorous to generate biomass, and the >
> e−kT1 ðT−T opt1 Þ T < T opt1
nutrient least available imposes a limit on phytoplankton growth. <
The nutrient limitation is simulated by means of a model of the f 3 ðTÞ ¼ 1 T opt1 ≤ T ≤ T opt2 ð22Þ
following form: : −kT2 ðT−Topt2 Þ2
e T > T opt2
CNH4 þ CNO3 CDIP where kT1 and kT2 = calibration coefficients that define the severity
f1 ðNÞ ¼ Min ; ð17Þ
KHN þ CNH4 þ CNO3 KHP þ CDIP of the limitation above or below the optimum range of temperatures
for growth.
where CDIP = concentration of dissolved inorganic phosphorus
(PO4 ); and KHP = half-saturation constant for phosphorus uptake. Primary Productivity
If diatoms are simulated, a similar limiting factor expression can be Primary productivity can be expressed in units of oxygen (or
developed for silica. carbon) per unit area per day and is modeled as the product among
the phytoplankton growth rate (kP ), phytoplankton concentration
Effects of Light on Growth (Cphyto ), and photic zone depth (Hpz ) by
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Different models of light limitation are available in the literature. Di P ¼ αOC kP Cphyto H pz ð23Þ
Toro et al. (1971) and Smith (1980) extended the model proposed
by Steele (1962) to limit growth at high light intensities (photoin- where αOC = oxygen to carbon ratio (αOC ¼ 2.67 mgO=mgC).
hibition) and limit growth under reduced light availability in areas
below the photic zone. The mathematical formulation included in Dissolved Oxygen
models such as QUAL2K (Chapra et al. 2012), WASP (Wool et al. Dissolved oxygen is a critical water quality parameter necessary for
2003a), CE-QUAL-ICM (Cerco and Cole 1995), CE-QUAL-W2 the metabolic activity of heterotrophic organisms. Dissolved
(Cole and Wells 2011), and EFDC (Hamrick 1992) is given by oxygen has been historically the main target of most water quality
remediation activities since the late nineteenth century when aes-
2.718fday −αeð−Ke Hpz Þ thetic and ecological problems started to arise from the direct dis-
f2 ðIÞ ¼ ðe − e−α Þ ð18Þ
K e H pz charge of waste waters into lakes, rivers, and streams. By that time,
it was recognized that treatment plants were necessary to reduce the
where α ¼ I o =I s , I o is the average incident light intensity at the waste loads and that the level of treatment necessary had to be ul-
surface (Langley/day) and I s is the saturate light intensity for timately linked to the assimilative capacity of the receiving water
phytoplankton growth (Langley/day); Hpz = average depth of the body. One of the first models of dissolved oxygen resulted from
photic zone (m); f day = fraction of day with light; and K e (m−1 ) = studies of pollution in the Ohio River by Streeter and Phelps
total light extinction coefficient resulting from the sum of the light (1925) and only considered the impacts of organic matter decom-
attenuation due to total suspended solids (kTSS ), dissolved organic position and reaeration. Models have evolved since then to
carbon (kDOC ), and phytoplankton self-shading (kself 0 ). Mathemati- represent the impacts of nitrification, phytoplankton primary pro-
cally, K e is given by duction, and respiration and sediment oxygen demand. A general
formulation of the dissolved oxygen model including the impacts
K e ¼ kb þ ksolids þ kDOC þ K self ð19Þ of the aforementioned processes is given by (Cerco and Cole 1995;
Hamrick 1992)
where kb = background light extinction coefficient (m−1 ). K self
is ∂CDO
computed by means of ¼ ka ðCs − CDO Þ − αOC kHR CDOC − αON knit CNH4
¼ 0.0088 Cphyto þ 0.054 C0.67 ð20Þ SOD
K self phyto − þ αOC kP Cphyto − αOC kBM Cphyto ð24Þ
Variations of the aforementioned model or alternative formula- where ka = reaeration coefficient generally calculated based on hy-
tions of light limitation based on Michaelis-Mentel kinetics are in- draulic variables such as water depth and velocity (Bowie et al.
cluded in recent versions of CE-QUAL-ICM (Cerco et al. 2000) 1985; Chapra 1997); Cs = saturation concentration of oxygen;
and in other models such as QUAL2K and CE-QUAL-RIV1 αON = oxygen to nitrogen ratio (αOC ¼ 4.57 mgO=mgN), and
(Dortch et al. 1990). SOD = sediment oxygen demand. The remaining variables have
been previously defined. The model given by Eq. (24) is the basis
Effects of Temperature on Growth for most models available at present. Adaptations of Eq. (24) to
The effects of temperature on growth are generally simulated using incorporate production and respiration of periphyton and several
an Arrhenius model of the following form: algae groups is available in QUAL2K, WASP, CE-QUAL-ICM,
CE-QUAL-W2, EFDC, and HEC-RAS, among others.
f 3 ðTÞ ¼ ΘT−20 ð21Þ
Toxic Chemicals
where Θ ¼ 1.068 is the temperature correction coefficient; and T =
water temperature. This formulation is used in models such as Organic chemicals such as pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls
WASP and QUAL2K but has the disadvantage that it does not ac- (PCBs), halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons, halogenated ethers,
count for phytoplankton growth limitation at high temperatures. monocyclic aromatics, and heavy metals such as mercury are toxic
Other models such as CE-QUAL-ICM and EFDC use an alternative substances found in aquatic environments. In most cases, the pres-
formulation for temperature limitation based on a Gaussian model. ence of these substances is associated with discharges resulting
The formulation allows the definition of an optimum range of tem- from human activities such as agriculture and manufacturing.
peratures [T opt1 , T opt2 ] at which phytoplankton growth occurs with- Toxic substances can be poisonous at very low concentrations and
out limitation. Below or above this temperature range, growth is can have severe acute and chronic impacts on human health and
limited. The model implemented in EFDC is expressed as follows: the environment. Contamination due to toxic substances is an

© ASCE 04018063-6 J. Hydrol. Eng.

J. Hydrol. Eng., 2019, 24(2): 04018063

increasing concern in the United States and around the world as the environment, such as photolysis, volatilization, biodegradation, and
use of pesticides and other chemicals in industries such as mining hydrolysis. These processes are in general simulated as first-order
becomes more frequent and massive. In the United States, multiple decaying processes that impact the total mass of a contaminant in
TMDLs have been conducted throughout the country to address the water column. A generic model for a toxic substance subject to
contamination caused by mercury, chlorinated pesticides, PCBs, these processes is given by (Park et al. 2008; Tetra Tech 2007; Wool
arsenic, selenium, and chromium, among others (e.g., USEPA et al. 2003b)
2002b). The national list of TMDLs studies for toxic chemicals
across the United States can be in accessed from the USEPA ∂CTox CToxðDÞ CToxðSedÞ CSed
¼ þ ð26Þ
(2018a). ∂t ∂t ∂t
Toxic substances can accumulate in tissues and other organs of where
aquatic animals and can move through different levels of the food
web from benthic invertebrates and fish to birds and mammals. CToxðDÞ ∂CToxðDÞ p ∂CToxðDÞ v ∂CToxðDÞ b ∂CToxðDÞ h
This way, toxic contaminants in animals at higher levels of the food ¼− − − −
∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t
web can be present in concentrations substantially higher than ð27Þ
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those in the surrounding aquatic environment due to biological ac-

cumulation and magnification. CToxðSedÞ ∂CToxðSedÞ ∂CToxðSedÞ ∂CToxðSedÞ
p b h
Toxic substances are transported in aquatic ecosystems dis- ¼− − − ð28Þ
∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t
solved in the water column and adsorbed to the sediments in par-
ticulate form. During transport, the dissolved and particulate and ∂CToxðDÞ p , ∂CToxðDÞ v , ∂CToxðDÞ b , and ∂CToxðDÞ h = changes
fractions are also impacted by several chemical, biological, and in the dissolved fraction due to photolysis, volatilization, biodeg-
physical processes. The dissolved fraction is subject to volatiliza- radation, and hydrolysis, respectively. With exception of volatiliza-
tion to the atmosphere, photolysis, or chemical breakdown due to tion, which only impacts the dissolved fraction of the substance,
solar radiation, biodegradation, or breakdown due to bacteria, these processes also apply to the sediment-sorbed fraction. A dis-
ionization, hydrolysis, and oxidation (Chapra 1997; Ji 2008; cussion of the fundamental processes impacting the fate of the dis-
Schnoor 1996). Meanwhile, the particulate fraction is impacted solved and sediment-sorbed fractions is discussed subsequently.
by sediment-transport processes such as settling and resuspension The model presented in Eqs. (25)–(28) is a basic two-fraction
and the sorption and desorption of toxics to the sediments. A con- (dissolved and sediment-sorbed) toxic model. However, more
ceptual model of the fate and transport of toxic substances is pre- complex models exist in the literature to simulate an additional
sented in Fig. 2. DOC-sorbed fraction and to distinguish sorption to multiple sedi-
ment classes, as included in models such as WASP, AQUATOX,
Generic Model of a Toxic Chemical and EFDC (Park et al. 2008; Tetra Tech 2007; Wool et al. 2003a).
Toxic chemicals are present in the water column in dissolved and More complex models can be constructed by adding the new
sediment-sorbed forms. In consequence, the total mass of a toxic sorbed fractions to Eqs. (29) and (26) and by including the proc-
chemical per unit volume (CTox ) (mg · L−1 ) can be expressed esses impacting the new fraction as in Eq. (28).
CTox ¼ CToxðDÞ þ CToxðSedÞ CSed ð25Þ Distribution into Dissolved and Particulated Phases:
Partition Coefficients
where CToxðDÞ (mgTox L−1 )
and CToxðSedÞ (mgTox mg−1
Sed )
= dis-
The distribution of a toxic chemical into dissolved and sorbed frac-
solved and sediment-sorbed concentrations, respectively; and
tions is controlled by adsorption-desorption processes, which vary
CSed (mgsed · L−1 ) = suspended sediment concentration. Toxic
as a function of pH, the properties of the solids in suspension,
substances are subject to several decaying processes in the
and the properties of the toxic substance (Chapra 1997). The
adsorption-desorption processes act faster than other environmental
processes such as decay, and therefore the dissolved and sorbed
Atmosphere fractions are able to rapidly reach equilibrium. When both fractions
are in chemical and physical equilibrium, the partition coefficient
defined by K Tox ¼ CToxðSedÞ =CToxðDÞ is constant [K Tox ¼ ðL ·
Volatilization Air deposition mg−1
Sed Þ] if the linear adsorption isotherm is applied. The partition
Water Column
coefficient may also vary with sediment concentration or adsorp-
tion properties of toxic chemical if the Langmuir isotherm is used to
Sorption describe the adsorption equilibrium substance (Chao et al. 2006;
Dissolved Particulate Chapra 1997). The partition coefficient can be considered as a
property of a toxic chemical and can be used to simulate how a
discharge of a toxic load is distributed into dissolved and sorbed
Bioaccumulation Flocs phases using the following models (Ambrose et al. 1993; Ji 2008):
K Tox CSed
Diffusion Deposition Resuspension fp ¼ ð29Þ
η þ K Tox CSed
Sorption η
Dissolved Particulate fd ¼ ð30Þ
Desorption η þ K Tox CSed
where η = sediment porosity (1 for sediments in suspension);
fp = particulate fraction; and fd = dissolved fraction, where
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of processes affecting toxic
fp þ f d ¼ 1. The partition coefficient is an important input param-
eter for the accurate representation of the fate and transport of toxic

© ASCE 04018063-7 J. Hydrol. Eng.

J. Hydrol. Eng., 2019, 24(2): 04018063

chemicals in aquatic environments and can be measured in labo- example, for segments with depths of less than 0.61 m, the Owens
ratory using different methods such as the slow-stirring method formula is used, resulting in
(Chapra 1997; Lyman et al. 1990; Schnoor 1996). Partition coef-
ficient values for different toxic chemicals and metals have been u2.91
ka ¼ 5.349 ð34Þ
given by Schnoor (1996) and Allison and Allison (2005). H 0.85
The fractioning model given by Eqs. (29) and (30) is the basic
and for segments with flow velocity (u) of less than 0.518 m=s and
generic model to represent the sorption-desorption processes of
depths (m) greater than H ¼ 13.584 · u2.91 , the O’Connor-Dobbins
toxic chemicals in aquatic environments. However, more compre-
formula is used. For other cases, the Churchill formula is used,
hensive fractioning models to represent the sorption of toxic chem-
resulting in
icals to DOC are also available and used in models such as WASP
and AQUATOX. u0.969
ka ¼ 5.049 ð35Þ
Volatilization is a mass-transfer process that occurs between the WASP assumes that in rivers and flowing waters, kvg is constant
and equal to kvg ¼ 100ðm day−1 Þ. For lakes and stagnant water
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water column and the atmosphere. During volatilization, a toxic

substance in the water column is able to move across the water– bodies, alternative models to calculate kvl and kvg are included
atmosphere interface, escaping to the atmosphere in gaseous form. in WASP and AQUATOX models.
The rate of volatilization is driven by partial pressure differences at
the interface water–atmosphere and also by concentration gradients Photolysis
of the toxic substance in the water and atmosphere. Volatilization Photolysis is the transformation of a chemical substance due to the
only acts on the dissolved fraction of the toxicant (CToxðDÞ ¼ radiant energy of light. Photolysis can be a direct or indirect pro-
f d CTox ) and is generally represented similarly to surface oxygen cess. Direct photolysis is a reaction caused by direct absorption of
exchange using a model of the following form: light by the chemical substance. Indirect photolysis or synthesized
  photolysis is a process initiated through light absorption by inter-
∂CToxðDÞ v kToxðDÞ v CToxðatmÞ mediary compounds present in water. Given the complexity of the
¼− f d CTox − ð31Þ
∂t H He
RT photolysis, most models focus on direct photolysis because it is
better understood. Direct photolysis only occurs in molecules able
where ∂CToxðDÞ v =∂t = rate of change of the dissolved concentra- to absorb sunlight energy. Benzene, for example, is a compound
tion of the toxic substance in the water column due to volatilization; unaffected by photolysis because it is unable to absorb light ener-
kToxðDÞ v = transfer rate of toxic mass across the air-water interface gies within the sunlight spectrum. Naphthacene, on the other hand,
m day−1 ; Catm = atmospheric concentration of the toxic substance; is able to absorb sunlight energy in the 300–500 nm wavelength
R = universal gas constant (e.g., 8.206 Pa m3 mol−1 K−1 ), He = range and in consequence is subject to direct photolysis. Direct
Henry’s constant for the toxic substance (Pa m3 mol−1 ); and T k = photolysis can act on both the dissolved and particulate fractions
water temperature (K). Eq. (31) is the basic model of volatilization of toxic chemicals. This process is simulated in models such as
included in models such as WASP, AQUATOX, and EFDC. The WASP, AQUATOX, and EFDC using a first-order decay process
parameter kv can be treated as a calibration parameter and/or of the following form:
directly prescribed based on air–water mass-transfer studies and
measurements. Alternatively, kv can also be modeled based on ∂CToxðiÞ p
¼ −kToxðiÞ p fi CToxðiÞ ð36Þ
Whitman’s (1923) two-layer resistant model as follows: ∂t
He where i = dissolved (i ¼ 1) or particulate (i ¼ 2) form of the toxic
kTox v ¼ kvl ð32Þ substance; fi = fraction of the contaminant present in dissolved or
He þ RT k ðkvl =kvg Þ
particulate form; ∂CToxðiÞ p = change in concentration of the dis-
where kvl and kvg = mass-transfer coefficients for the liquid and solved or particulate fractions due to photolysis; and kToxðiÞ p
gaseous films (m day−1 ). The values of kvl and kvg depend on sev- (day−1 ) = photolysis rate acting on the fraction i. The photolysis
eral physical factors such as flow turbulence and wind speed. rate included in Eq. (36) implicitly assumes that light absorption
WASP includes several options to compute the mass-transfer coef- is independent of wavelength and is representative of conditions
ficients kvl and kvg . The first one is based on adjusted or calibrated near the surface water.
reaeration rates using a model of the form There are several options to calculate kToxðiÞ p . AQUATOX, for
example, computes kTox p;i as the product of an observed photoly-
kvl ¼ ka kvo ð33Þ sis rate (day−1 ), a dimensionless screening factor to account for
light attenuation, and a dimensionless factor to account for seasonal
where ka = reaeration transfer coefficient (m day−1 ); and kvo = ratio changes in light conditions. WASP includes more complex models
of volatilization rate to reaeration rate, which can be provided to theffi
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi to calculate kToxðiÞ p as a function of sunlight wavelength allowing
model or internally computed by the model as kvo ¼ 32=mToxi the user to specify different values of molar absorptivity for differ-
using the ratio between the molecular weight of O2 (32 g mol−1 ) ent wavelengths.
and the toxic substance under analysis mToxi (g mol−1 ).
Alternative models to compute the rates kvl and kvg using Biodegradation
Eq. (33) take into account the type of water body under analysis Some microorganisms are able to obtain energy from the decom-
to internally calculate the reaeration rates based on the sources of position of organic compounds such as fuels, solvents, and pesti-
turbulence. In rivers and other active flowing water bodies, turbu- cides. This type of transformation is known as biodegradation.
lence is induced by flows dynamics. For these type of systems, kvl Biodegradation is a process that impacts the dissolved and particu-
can be computed based on velocity and segment depth using a late fractions of a toxic chemical and is simulated as a first-order
reaeration rate formula, such as the Owens formula, O’Connor- reaction process similar to the decomposition of detritus. In WASP,
Dobbins formula, or Churchill formula (Bowie et al. 1985). For the model used to represent biodegradation is given by

© ASCE 04018063-8 J. Hydrol. Eng.

J. Hydrol. Eng., 2019, 24(2): 04018063

∂CToxðiÞ b
¼ −Pbac kToxðiÞ b fi CToxðiÞ b ð37Þ Mercury is a neurotoxin that can cause severe damage to the nerv-
ous system, immune system, and other human organs (Bernhoft
where ∂CToxðiÞ b = change in concentration of the dissolved (i ¼ 1) 2012). Compared with other contaminants requiring TMDLs,
or particulate (i ¼ 2) fractions of a toxic chemical due to biodeg- mercury is unique given that impairments are evaluated based
radation; Pbac = active bacteria population density (cell=mL); and upon potential risks to human health. Human exposure to mercury
kTox b;i = biodegradation rate constant (day−1 ). Corrections of mainly results from consumption of fish that contain this metal.
kToxðiÞ b due to temperature, DO concentrations, and pH can be In consequence, TMDLs are targeted at reducing the anthropogenic
considered. WASP includes a temperature correction factor of sources of mercury to limit the concentrations found in fish tissues.
the following form: Contamination due to mercury is a serious problem around the
globe. In the United States, mercury is listed as the seventh most
kToxðiÞ b ðTÞ ¼ kToxðiÞ b QðT−20Þ=10 ð38Þ important cause of contamination, with at least 4,471 water bodies
included in the 303d list (USEPA 2017) as of August 2017 (Table 1).
where Q = dimensionless temperature correction factor that ac- Contamination due to mercury affects approximately 47,600 km
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counts for an increase in the biodegradation rate resulting from (29,600 mi) of rivers and streams, 0.7 million hectares (1.7 million
a 10°C temperature increase. Q usually varies between 1.5 and 2.0. acres) of lakes, and 1.7 million hectares (6,700 sq mi) of bayous and
estuaries (USEPA 2018d). The USEPA provides the National List-
Hydrolysis ing of Fish Advisories (NLFA) to warn people about the risks of
Hydrolysis is the reaction of a chemical substance with water. eating contaminated fish from local water bodies. By 2011, 37
During hydrolysis, a chemical is subject to molecular breakdown states had statewide advisories, and 94% of all advisories involved
and formation of a bond with either the hydrogen or hydroxyl com- five bioaccumulative chemicals, with mercury the most common
ponent of a water molecule. Hydrolysis can be an important deg- source of contamination found in fish tissues (USEPA 2011). Other
radation path for several toxic chemicals and is usually simulated as chemicals identified included PCBs, chlordane, dioxins, and
a first-order decay process. In WASP and AQUATOX, a basic dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDT). By 2017, contaminated
model to simulate hydrolysis is given by fish tissues had been reported for approximately 51,500 km
(32,000 mi) of rivers and streams, 2.45 million hectares (6.1 million
∂CToxðiÞ h acres) of lakes, and 2.9 million hectares (10,000 sq mi) of bayous
¼ −kToxðiÞ h fi CToxðiÞ h ð39Þ
∂t and estuaries.
TMDLs studies addressing mercury contamination have been
where kToxðiÞ h (day−1 ) = first-order hydrolysis decay rate. The conducted on a statewide basis in Minnesota, Florida, Michigan,
hydrolysis rate kToxðiÞ h is usually a function of pH. To account and North Carolina (FDEP 2013; LimnoTech 2013; MPCA
for this dependency, the user must specify baseline hydrolysis de- 2007; NCDENR 2012), and similar studies are expected to occur
cay rates for neutral, acid, and basic environments. In AQUATOX, in other states in the next years. Most of the existing TMDL studies
the hydrolysis rate is then modeled as a function of the pH using the have been conducted based on statistical relationships relating mer-
approach of Mabey and Mill (1978) as follows: cury loading to mercury concentrations in fish. However, these ap-
proaches have a limited capability to predict the internal cycling
kToxðiÞ h ¼ ðkAcid × 10−pH þ kBase × 10pH–14 þ kUncatÞ × θhydr and transformations of mercury in the water column (Caruso et al.
ð40Þ 2008). The development, implementation, and testing of mechanis-
tic models of mercury fate, transport, and biological accumulation
where kAcid = acid-catalized hydrolysis rate constant; pH = water is at present one of the most critical challenges to support TMDL
pH; kBase = base-catalized hydrolysis rate constant; and kUncat = studies.
hydrolysis rate at pH 7. A temperature correction factor is also
Sources of Mercury, Speciation, and Partitioning
included in the computation of kTox h;i by means of θhydr , which
Mercury is a chemical element found in the environment in form of
is computed
elemental mercury Hg0, inorganic mercury Hg(II), and organic

mercury or methylmercury MeHgþ. Some of the main sources
1800 1800
RTRef −RTAdj
θhydr ¼ e ð41Þ and sinks of each form are listed in Table 2. Mercury undergoes
several transformation reactions in the water column and sedi-
where T Ref (K) and T Adj (K) = reference temperature and temper- ments, including oxidation of elemental mercury, reduction and
ature at which the rate kToxðiÞ h is computed, respectively. Alterna- methylation of organic mercury, and demethylation of methylmer-
tive models to simulate hydrolysis as a second-order decay process cury. Currently, only few mechanistic models are able to simulate
are also included in WASP. mercury cycling and speciation including sources and sinks. One of

Table 2. Sources and sinks of mercury in the environment

Form Location available Sources Sinks
Elemental mercury (Hg ) Predominant form in the Volcanic eruptions, fires, Atmospheric deposition and direct plant
atmosphere anthropogenic sources as mining of uptake. In water, oxidation to Hg(II) and
gold, and photoreduction of Hg(II) volatilization to the atmosphere
in the water
Inorganic mercury (Hg(II)) Water, soil, and sediments Mostly oxidation of elemental Settling, photoreduction to Hg0 , and
mercury. Bacterial demethylation methylation
Organic mercury or Water, soil, sediments, and animals Methylation of Hg(II) Bacterial demethylation to Hg(II) and
methylmercury (MeHgþ ) reductive demethylation by sunlight to Hg0

© ASCE 04018063-9 J. Hydrol. Eng.

J. Hydrol. Eng., 2019, 24(2): 04018063

Atmosphere exchange of elemental mercury between the water column and
atmosphere is simulated using a transfer rate calculated based
Hg0 Watershed, point
on flow velocity, depth, and Henry’s Law constant. Processes im-
Atm. and atmospheric sources of
Deposition Hg(II) and MeHg pacted by sunlight, such as reduction and demethylation, are
attenuated through the water column using light extinction coeffi-
Volatilization cients. A summary of the main processes simulated in WASP is
presented in the Appendix.

Oxidation Methylation
Hg0 Hg(II) MeHg Water Quality Models for TMDL Applications
This section presents a review of widely used models for water
Reductive demethylation Settling and resuspension quality studies and TMDL applications in the United States.
Water Column of solid phases Although a comprehensive review of the large amount of existing
software packages used for water quality studies is unpractical, the
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Methylation models discussed in this section have been identified by the ASCE/
Hg(II) MeHg EWRI TMDL Analysis and Modeling Task Committee as a
Demethylation representative subset of models that effectively illustrates the main
Sediments capabilities and approaches currently used to support TMDL stud-
ies (ASCE 2017). A summary of the models discussed in this
Fig. 3. Conceptual representation of mercury transformations in the section is presented in Table 3. Additional reviews of water quality
water column and sediments included in WASP. models not included in this section can be found elsewhere
(e.g., Shoemaker et al. 2005).

the most comprehensive models available at present is included in
WASP. The conceptual representation of mercury transformations
in WASP is presented in Fig. 3. Model Background and Capabilities
Mercury, like other toxic chemicals, can be sorbed to sediments The CE-QUAL-ICM model (Fig. 4), is a three-dimensional (3D)
and biotic solids and bounded to organic carbon. This is simulated eutrophication water quality model initially developed by USACE
in WASP by partitioning the Hg(II) and MeHgþ into DOC- for application on Chesapeake Bay (Cerco and Cole 1993). Since
bounded, sediment sorbed (sand and silts), and biotic-sorbed frac- its initial development in the late 1980s and early 1990s, many re-
tions. For MeHgþ, this fractioning is represented by finements and additions to the model have been made (Cerco et al.
2006, 2004). These include adding submerged aquatic vegetation,
CMeHgðDOCÞ ¼ K MeHgðDOCÞ CMeHg ð42Þ multiple zooplankton groups, benthos, and other compartments.
Additionally, the model was modified later specifically to address
CMeHgðsedÞ ¼ K MeHgðsedÞ CMeHg ð43Þ the unique environment of the Lower St. Johns River, Florida. The
CE-QUAL-ICM model computes and reports concentrations, mass
where CMeHg = dissoved concentration of MeHgþ (μg L−1 ); transport, kinetics transformations, and mass balances for 36 water
CMeHgðDOCÞ and CMeHgðsedÞ = carbon-bounded and solid-sorbed con- quality state variables including, among others, multiple forms
centrations; and K MeHgðDOCÞ and K MeHgðsedÞ = partition coefficients of algae, zooplankton, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silica, and
(L · mg−1 ). As explained in the “Toxic Chemicals” section, when dissolved oxygen. Each state variable may be individually activated
these partition coefficients are prescribed from measurements, they or deactivated. CE-QUAL-ICM is generally recognized as the most
can be used to calculate the dissolved, DOC-bounded, and sorbed comprehensive 3D water quality model in the world.
fractions of the mercury species concentration (in this case MeHgþ ) One of the features of the ICM model is that it is an unstructured
using models similar to those presented in Eqs. (29) and (30) as grid finite-volume model. Thus, mass is absolutely conserved. Its
follows: unstructured grid feature enables it be linked with various hydro-
dynamic models, including CH3D and EFDC. This feature enables
f MeHg;d ¼ ð44Þ many simulations of the model to be made economically during
η þ K MeHgðDOCÞ CDOC þ K MeHgðsedÞ CSed model calibration because the hydrodynamics has to be simulated
once, saved, and used repeatedly during water quality simulations.
fMeHg;DOC ¼ ð45Þ Applicability to TMDL Studies
η þ K MeHgðDOCÞ CDOC þ K MeHgðsedÞ CSed
ICM is able to simulate water quality responses to point and non-
point-source loads and can be used as part of TMDLs. In addition to
K MeHgðsedÞ Csed
fMeHg;sed ¼ ð46Þ its application in Chesapeake Bay, it has also been applied in Green
η þ K MeHgðDOCÞ CDOC þ K MeHgðsedÞ CSed Bay, New York Harbor, San Juan Bay, Florida Bay, Lower St. Johns
River, Mississippi Sound, Lake Washington, and many other sys-
where f MeHg;d þ fMeHg;DOC þ f MeHg;sed ¼ 1. A similar partitioning tems (Cerco and Noel 2013; Mark et al. 1993; Martin et al. 2002).
approach is included in WASP to simulate the dissolved and sorbed
fractions of Hg(II).
Reaction Processes
The mercury model included in WASP simulates transformation Model Background and Capabilities
reactions as first-order decay processes with rate constants adjusted During the 1960s and 1970s, the 1950s estuarine box models were
for temperature changes in the water column. The volatilization and extended to simulate water quality as a series of completely mixed

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J. Hydrol. Eng., 2019, 24(2): 04018063










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Fig. 4. Schematic representation of CE-QUAL-ICM water quality





reactors that could be stacked to represent one-, two-, or three-

dimensional water body physics. WASP started as a modular trans-
port code with water quality subroutines. After Di Toro et al. (1983)

applied the WASP model to simulate nutrient cycling in the Great


Water quality

Lakes, Ambrose et al. (1986) created a publicly available WASP

code, which has evolved during the last decades to simulate ad-
vanced eutrophication, organic toxicants, metals, pH, and sediment
and algae
C, N, P,

diagenesis. The WASP model is at present one of the most widely


used water quality models in the world, and it has a user database
with over 15,000 users. The latest model version WASP 8.1 (as of
2018) can be downloaded from the USEPA—WASP distribution

website (USEPA 2018e). The WASP model includes a graphical


user interface (GUI) with preprocessing capabilities to create

and edit model segments, develop model parameterization, and

read inputs from different database formats. It also includes a


postprocessor system [Model Visualization Enhancement Module

(MOVEM)] to visualize model results and generate comparison

plots between simulations and field data for calibration and con-
Can be linked to hydrodynamic models to simulate 2D and 3D transport.

firmation testing. Simulation outputs can be transferred to spread-


sheets as *.CSV files and plotted or animated two-dimensionally.

In addition to the WASP model interface, preprocessing of input
Table 3. Capabilities of selected receiving water body models

information and generation of WASP modeling segments can be

In-build transport


assisted with tools available in the Better Assessment Science In-


tegrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) system.

The WASP model is commonly used in conjunction with hydro-


logic and hydrodynamic models to simulate complex large-scale

water bodies. Hydrologic models such as the Storm Water Manage-




ment Model (SWMM) and the Hydrological Simulation Program–

FORTRAN (HSPF) are typically used to calculate watershed loading
Public license

inputs for the model (Mandel et al. 2008). Meanwhile, multidimen-

sional hydrodynamic models such as EFDC are used to provide the



model with critical transport information (e.g., velocities, depths, and

water temperatures, among others) via a linkage file.

Applicability to TMDL Studies


The WASP model can be used to simulate complex water quality





problems in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, estuaries, and coastal waters.

The software can simulate conventional pollutants, three types of


sediments, pathogens, temperature, nitrogen speciation, phospho-




rus speciation, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand,

sediment oxygen demand, sediment digenesis, multiple species of

© ASCE 04018063-11 J. Hydrol. Eng.

J. Hydrol. Eng., 2019, 24(2): 04018063

algae, detritus, periphyton, organic toxicants, metals, and mercury. Applicability to TMDL Studies
The WASP model has been applied to support TMDL studies in the The EFDC has been used for more than 100 modeling studies of
Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, Sawgrass Lake, Florida, and rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal regions, and wetlands internation-
Wissahickon Creek, Pennsylvania, among others (USEPA 2009; ally. Due to its range of applicability with respect to water body
Wool et al. 2003b; Zou et al. 2006). and pollutant type, as well as its compatibility with watershed mod-
els such as the Loading Simulation Program C (LSPC) and HSPF,
EFDC has been a choice model for TMDL development. TMDL
EFDC applications include river, pond, lake, and estuary applications
throughout the continental United States. Notable TMDL appli-
Model Background and Capabilities cations include the Charles River in Massachusetts, Mobile Bay
EFDC is a multifunctional surface water modeling system that in- in Alabama, Klamath Estuary in California, Christina River in
cludes hydrodynamic, sediment-contaminant, and eutrophication Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware, Peconic Bay in New York,
components (Hamrick 1992). The public-domain EFDC model Los Angeles Harbor in California, and Charleston Harbor in South
was originally developed at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science Carolina. The EFDC has been tested using analytical solutions,
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(VIMS) and was later enhanced by Tetra Tech, Inc. for the USEPA. simulations of laboratory experiments, and verified prototype ap-
The EFDC is available for download from the USEPA–EFDC plications. An extensive bibliography of refereed journal and con-
website (USEPA 2018b). ference proceeding articles exists.
The EFDC simulates 1D, 2D, and 3D domains using a
curvilinear-orthogonal horizontal grid and a sigma terrain following CE-QUAL-W2
vertical grid. For 1D applications, an optional HEC cross-section de-
scription can be used. The EFDC hydrodynamic simulation is based Model Background and Capabilities
on a semi-implicit, conservative finite-volume solution scheme for CE-QUAL-W2 is a 2D laterally averaged hydrodynamic and water
the hydrostatic primitive equations with either two-level or three- quality model. The model simulates water levels, temperature,
level time stepping. Salinity and heat transport are dynamically cou- density, and constituent concentrations in surface water bodies.
pled with a choice of high-accuracy advection schemes including the CE-QUAL-W2 was originally developed in the 1970s as a hydro-
multidimensional positive definite advection transport algorithm dynamic model known as Laterally Averaged Reservoir Model
(MPDATA) and the conservative operator splitting for multidimen- (LARM) (Edinger and Buchak 1975). In the last three decades,
sions with inherent constancy (COSMIC). Additional capabilities model research and development of CE-QUAL-W2 has been con-
include simulation of shoreline movement by drying and wetting, ducted by the USACE and Portland State University (Cole and
hydraulic control structures, vegetation resistance, wave–current Wells 2016). CE-QUAL-W2 allows the model to be applied to
boundary layers, and wave-induced currents. An embedded single- multiple reservoirs and river reaches. The model can simulate sev-
port buoyant jet simulation is included for coupled near-field and eral water quality variables including a conservative tracer, nitrogen
far-field mixing analysis. and phosphorus species, DO, and multiple algae and CBOD
The EFDC includes a variable configuration eutrophication groups. The model also includes a sediment diagenesis module to
component for simulation of aquatic carbon, nitrogen, and phos- simulate sediment–water exchanges of nutrients (C, N, P, and Si).
phorus cycles. The full configuration of state variables mimics the The latest W2 model can be downloaded from the PSU (2018).
USACE’s CE-QUAL-ICM model including sediment diagenesis. Fig. 5 provides an overview of the CE-QUAL-W2 water quality
state variables and major processes simulated by the model.
The configuration can be readily reduced to equivalent WASP con-
figurations. In addition to the internal eutrophication model, EFDC Applicability to TMDL Studies
can create hydrodynamic transport files formatted for WASP and The CE-QUAL-W2 model has been used to support TMDL studies.
CE-QUAL-ICM. US governmental agencies including the USACE, US Bureau of
In addition to the conventional eutrophication variables, the Reclamation (USBR), USGS, USEPA, and Tennessee Valley
EFDC simulates multiple size classes of cohesive and noncohesive Authority (TVA), as well as numerous states, county, and local
sediment. A library of sediment processes functions allows the agencies, have used this model as a management tool to evaluate
model user to choose from a wide range of currently accepted pa- effects from various stressors including temperature, nutrients, and
rameterizations for settling, deposition, resuspension, and bed-load organic wastes in water bodies (Bowen and Hieronymus 2003;
transport. The sediment bed is represented by multiple layers and O’Donnell et al. 2011; Singleton et al. 2013; Sullivan et al. 2003;
includes a number of armoring representations for noncohesive Zhang et al. 2008). Recent applications of CE-QUAL-W2 include
sediment and a finite strain consolidation formulation for dynamic studies in the Lower Minnesota River, Minnesota, Lost Creek Lake,
simulation of bed layer thickness, void ratio, and pore-water advec- Oregon, and Applegate Lake, Oregon, among others (Smith et al.
tion. The sediment-transport component can operate in a morpho- 2012; Threadgill et al. 2017).
logical mode with full coupling with the hydrodynamic component
to represent dynamic evolution of bed topography. HEC-RAS
EFDC can also represent the transport and fate of an ar-
bitrary number of contaminants, including metals and hydrophobic Model Background and Capabilities
organics, sorbed to any of the sediment classes and dissolved HEC-RAS is a river analysis model developed by the USACE
and particulate organic carbon using a three-phase equilibrium Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC). HEC-RAS is an industry
partitioning formulation. Dissolved and particulate organic car- standard hydraulic tool that has been used worldwide. It is designed
bon can be represented as independent state variables, or pollu- to perform hydraulic simulation for a full network of open channels
tant of concern (POC) can be fractionally assigned to any of the and a wide variety of hydraulic structures, such as bridges, culverts,
sediment classes. A contaminant processes function library allows spillways, and weirs. The HEC-RAS system contains five modules:
the representation of various degradation and transformation (1) 1D steady flow water surface profile module; (2) 1D unsteady
processes. flow module; (3) 2D unsteady flow module; (4) movable boundary

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Fig. 5. Schematic representation of CE-QUAL-W2 water quality kinetics.

sediment-transport module; and (5) water quality module. All five sources and sinks to the advection-dispersion transport solver in
modules use a common geometric data representation and common HEC-RAS. Fig. 6 provides an overview of water quality state var-
geometric and hydraulic computation routines. In HEC-RAS, its iables modeled in nutrient simulation modules NSMI and NSMII.
GUI standardizes many aspects of data entry and facilitates an
efficient display of model results, data checking, data conversion, Applicability to TMDL Studies
and communication among model subcomponents. The latest The HEC-RAS water quality model has been used to support
HEC-RAS model can be freely accessed and downloaded from TMDL and environmental-impact statement studies. Some recent
the HEC website (USACE 2018). studies include the lower Minnesota River (Zhang and Johnson
A set of plug-in water quality modules developed by USACE 2014), Missouri River (Zhang and Johnson 2017), Columbia River,
have been integrated into the 1D HEC-RAS model. The water and Snake System underway.
quality modules were developed to simulate a wide range of water
quality constituents in aquatic environments including water tem- CCHE-1D/2D/3D
perature, general constituent, solids, nutrients [nutrient simulation
modules I (NSMI) and nutrient simulation modules II (NSMII)], Model Background and Capabilities
and mercury. The submodules have been described in detail by The Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering
Zhang and Johnson (2016a, b). Each water quality module was de- (CCHE) CCHE1D model simulates one-dimensional unsteady
signed to compute kinetic terms in aquatic environments and flows, sediment transport, and water quality in dendritic channel

(a) (b)

Fig. 6. Schematic representation of water quality kinetics for (a) NSMI; and (b) NSMII.

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networks. CCHE1D was designed to facilitate the combined mod- (EPD-RIV1) model is a fully dynamic one-dimensional, cross-
eling of watershed and channel processes. CCHE1D is free and sectional averaged hydrodynamic water quality model created to
distributed by the National Center for Computational Hydroscience simulate the impact of time-varying point and nonpoint sources
and Engineering (NCCHE) at the University of Mississippi on the hydrodynamics and water quality of a stream or river.
(NCCHE 2018). The development was supported by United States EPD-RIV1 was initially developed for the Georgia Environmental
Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service by means Protection Division (EPD) to simulate water quality and hydrody-
of funds allocated by the United States Congress, with a mandate to namics in the Chattahoochee River (Martin and Wool 2002). The
develop state of the art numerical models for simulating flow and code EPD-RIV1 was the result of a series of modifications to the
sedimentation processes in the natural environment. original CE-QUAL-RIV1 code to improve its performance and add
The CCHE1D hydrodynamic model includes special procedures to its capabilities, particularly to perform analysis of waste load
for the computation of flow across hydraulic structures like cul- allocations. Several model improvements were focused on making
verts, low-drop and high-drop structures, bridge crossings, and the model easier to use and easier to link to preprocessing and post-
measuring flumes. The sediment-transport module computes non- processing tools. At present, powerful preprocessing and postpro-
equilibrium transport of nonuniform sediment mixtures. It has been cessing capabilities for the EPD-RIV1 model are available within
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designed for long-term simulations of channel morphological the Water Resources Database (WRDB), a program also developed
changes, and it can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of in- for the Georgia EPD and USEPA Region IV to retrieve, organize,
channel remedial and control structures on the sediment yield. and process environmental data for model inputs as well as to pro-
The CCHE1D water quality module simulates the transport and
cess simulations results. The EPD-RIV1 model was distributed by
fate of nutrients and other pollutants in channel networks, including
the USEPA.
the biogeochemical reactions that take place in the streams and
In the EPD-RIV1 model, the hydrodynamic module simulates
sediment bed layers (Inthasaro 2010; Wu and Vieira 2002). This
the advective and dispersive transport of contaminants. The quality
water quality module can be applied to simulate phytoplankton,
module simulates the interactions of up to 16 state variables,
biological oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, organic nitrogen,
including water temperature, organic and inorganic nutrients, dis-
ammonia, nitrate, organic phosphorus, and phosphate. It is also
applicable to simulate toxic materials or metals. An ArcView solved oxygen, carbonaceous oxygen demand (two types), algae,
GUI facilitates the data management and the integration of the iron, manganese, coliform bacteria, macrophytes, and two arbitrary
channel model with watershed models and other tools. It also constituents.
includes a landscape analysis module that delineates the drainage
Applicability to TMDL Studies
network and corresponding subcatchments based on digital eleva-
The model is applicable to one-dimensional river systems, with
tion data.
In recent years, NCCHE also developed CCHE2D and some limited branching, with highly variable and dynamic flows.
CCHE3D models to simulate the free surface flow hydrodynamics, It is capable of continuous simulations of water temperature and
sediment, water quality, and pollutant transport in rivers, lakes, and a relatively extensive set of water quality constituents, primarily
coastal waters (Chao et al. 2007; Jia et al. 2013). A mesh generator focused on dissolved oxygen. EPD-RIV1 is not applicable to sedi-
and GUI were developed to generate the mesh for a computational ment transport, toxics, or metals. It has preprocessing, postpro-
domain and operate the CCHE2D and CCHE3D models, including cessing, and database capabilities. The model was designed for
model selection, data input processing, model execution, and the simulation of dynamic conditions in rivers and streams for
output visualization (Zhang 2013). the purpose of analyzing existing conditions and performing
waste load allocations, including allocations for TMDLs. The
Applicability to TMDL Studies EPD-RIV1 model has been used, among others, by the Alabama
The CCHE1D/2D/3D models are applicable to TMDL studies of Department of Environmental Management as part of TMDL
rivers, streams, lakes, and estuaries for conventional pollutants, studies in the Cahaba River Watershed (ADEM 2006) and by
toxic chemicals, and metals. CCHE1D has been applied in various the USEPA to support TMDL studies in the Savannah Harbor,
hydrodynamic and sediment studies, including bed load transport Georgia (USEPA 2010).
in East Fork River, Wyoming; sedimentation in the Danjiangkou
Reservoir on the Hanjiang River, China; runoff and sediment yield
in Goodwin Creek Watershed, Mississippi; and sediment and con- QUAL2K
taminant transport due to a coal ash spill accidents in Dan River,
North Carolina (Chao et al. 2016; Inthasaro 2010; Wu and Vieira Model Background and Capabilities
2002). More information on model capabilities and applications for The QUAL2K model is a river and stream water quality model that
version 3.0 of CCHE1D can be found at NCCHE (2018). The is intended to represent a modernized version of the QUAL2E
CCHE2D and CCHE3D models have been applied to simulate model. Version 1 was released in 2003. The most recent version
water quality and sediment transport in Hudson River, Yangtze 2.12 was released in 2012 (Chapra et al. 2012). The QUAL2K code
River, Lake Pontchartrain, Ross Barnett Reservoir, Enid Lake, is distributed by the USEPA (2018c).
Beasley Lake, and Mississippi coastal waters, among others. The QUAL2K model is a powerful model based on many of the
(Chao et al. 2007, 2012; Zhu 2006). The simulation results provide same assumptions as QUAL2E, such as a one-dimensional system
useful information for water quality management and TMDL
with steady-state, nonuniform flows and hydraulics while allowing
simulation of diel variations in water quality. Enhancements over
QUAL2E include algorithms for slow and fast carbonaceous bio-
EPD-RIV1 chemical oxygen demand, periphyton, and detritus in addition to
sediment diagenesis, pH, and alkalinity. The model inputs and out-
Model Background and Capabilities puts are in the form of user friendly Excel spreadsheets, with under-
The Georgia Environmental Protection Department–One- lying VBA routines to write and read files for use in a FORTRAN
Dimensional Model of Hydrodynamics and Water Quality executable code.

© ASCE 04018063-14 J. Hydrol. Eng.

J. Hydrol. Eng., 2019, 24(2): 04018063

Applicability to TMDL Studies Applicability to TMDL Studies
QUAL2K is applicable to WLA and TMDL studies of rivers and OTEQ can be applied to support WLA and TMDL studies deal-
streams and to investigate problems related to pathogens, nitrogen, ing with the fate and transport of metals in rivers and streams.
phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, sedi- The ability of the model to support the evaluation of remediation
ment oxygen demand, phytoplankton and benthic algae, and pH alternatives for polluted streams has been examined by Runkel and
(Ohio EPA 2009, 2013). It is not applicable to toxics or metals Kimball (2002).
and is limited to simulation of steady time-invariant flow, and time
variations in water quality are only over diel cycles but constant

Model Background and Capabilities

MINTEQA2 and Visual MINTEQ MIKE 11 is part of a family of water modeling software products
developed by DHI Water and Environment (DHI 2018). Part of
Model Background and Capabilities the MIKE suite of models, MIKE 11 is the river hydraulics and
These two separate models have similar capabilities. The Metal sediment-transport model. The model has been used in numerous
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Speciation Equilibrium for Surface and Ground Water Model applications around the world for real-time forecasting of river flows
(MINTEQA2) (Allison et al. 1991) is a geochemical equilibrium and flood warnings, including projects in Thailand, China, Italy, the
speciation model for dilute aqueous systems. Visual MINTEQ and United Kingdom, United States, Bangladesh, Czech Republic, Iran,
MINTEQA2 compute the equilibrium distribution and mass distri- and Denmark.
bution among the dissolved, adsorbed, and multiple solid phases Although MIKE 11 is a 1D model, it can be dynamically linked
under a variety of conditions including a gas phase with constant to other DHI software such as MIKE 21 to perform 2D river and
partial pressure. The computations are based on input of measured floodplain modeling, MIKE SHE (Système Hydrologique Eu-
concentrations of a chemical of interest. The distribution is then com- ropéen) for surface water–groundwater modeling, and ECO-Lab
puted from known chemical forms including in a series of chemical for water quality modeling. These linkage options facilitate the
databases, with databases available for thermodynamics, gas reac- use of MIKE 11 in complex projects requiring an integrated analy-
tions, sorption, and other chemical reactions and transformations. sis of hydrologic, hydraulic, and hydrogeological processes. The
MINTEQA2 was originally developed at Battelle Pacific North- linkage between MIKE 11 and ECO-Lab in particular, allows
west Laboratory (PNL) by combining the mathematical structure of the user to perform water quality simulations and TMDL studies
MINEQL with a thermodynamic database. The latest release is for different constituents. General MIKE 11 capabilities include
version 4.03, released in May 2006. The model is distributed by floodplain analysis and mapping, integrated groundwater and sur-
the USEPA (2018c). face water analysis, design and analysis of flood mitigation sys-
Visual MINTEQ was originally developed in 2000 as a tems, dam-break analysis, real-time flood, inflow, and water
Windows user interface to the USEPA model MINTEQA2. Sub- quality forecasting, analysis and design of hydraulic structures, op-
sequently the model gradually diverged from MINTEQA2, such timization of river and reservoir operations, water quality analysis,
as in expanding and revising the thermodynamic database and in- TMDL development and channel restoration, sediment transport,
cluding new options. The model is distributed free of charge by the and dredging impact.
developer, Jon Petter Gustafsson at KTH (Royal Institute of Tech-
nology) in Stockholm, Sweden (KTH 2018). Applicability to TMDL Studies
MIKE 11 is commonly used in the United States along with MIKE
Applicability to TMDL Studies SHE to analyze surface water–groundwater interactions, develop
Simulation of the formation of free metal ions, dissolved metals, minimum flows and levels (MFLs), and support ecosystem restora-
metal precipitates, sorbed metals, and metal complexes is a difficult tion studies (e.g., Cook 2012; Dai et al. 2010; Sørensen et al. 1999).
task. Speciation is governed by the simultaneous occurrence of Meanwhile, MIKE 11 and ECO-Lab are used for water quality stud-
multiple chemical reactions that must be resolved to understand ies involving eutrophication of water bodies and nutrient transport
the transport, fate, biological exposure, and toxicity of metals. and cycling and to support TMDL projects (e.g., Liang et al. 2015;
MINTEQ and MINTEQA2 can be used to evaluate most of these Long 2014).
processes and to determine the necessary controls on sources of
metal pollution that must be applied for a particular TMDL
(e.g., USEPA 2002a). Conclusions

This paper has presented a review of mathematical models and ap-

One-Dimensional Transport with Equilibrium Chemistry proaches currently used in TMDL studies to simulate some of the
main causes of water pollution in the United States, including
Model Background and Capabilities eutrophication, toxic chemicals, and mercury. The physical and
The One-Dimensional Transport with Equilibrium Chemistry biochemical processes associated to eutrophication, including
(OTEQ) model is a reactive transport model for streams and rivers nutrient cycling, phytoplankton production, organic matter decom-
(Runkel et al. 1999) developed and distributed by the United States position, and DO balance, were discussed. Similarly, the paper de-
Geological Survey (USGS 2018). scribed the main processes controlling the fate and transport of
The OTEQ model simulates the transport and speciation of met- toxic chemicals and mercury, including volatilization, photolysis,
als and the fate and transport of solutes in streams and rivers. The biodegradation, and hydrolysis, and presented mathematical mod-
model couples a solute transport model with a chemical equilibrium els to simulate each of the aforementioned processes, indicating
model based on MINTEQ. The transport model simulates dispersion, the main assumptions and limitations for their use in TMDL
transient storage, and transport and deposition of waterborne solid applications.
particles. The chemical algorithms include acid–base reactions, com- The paper also included a review of the capabilities and limi-
plexation, precipitation or dissolution, and sorption. tations of selected water quality modeling packages (Table 3).

© ASCE 04018063-15 J. Hydrol. Eng.

J. Hydrol. Eng., 2019, 24(2): 04018063

Although a comprehensive review of the large amount of software of the general modeling capabilities available at present to support
packages used for water quality studies is unpractical, the reviewed TMDL studies. The purpose of the review is also to help users to
modeling packages have been identified by the ASCE/EWRI make a more informed selection of models for their specific
TMDL Analysis and Modeling Task Committee as representative project needs.

Appendix. Simulated Processes in the WASP Mercury Model

Reaction process Species Process path Model

∂CHg CHgðatmÞ
Volatilization Water–atmosphere exchange ¼ kv CHg −
∂t He
RT k
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kv = volatilization rate (day−1 )

∂CHg ox
Oxidation Hg0 From Hg0 to Hg(II) ¼ −kox CHg
Sink for Hg0 ∂t  
∂CHgðIIÞ ox ∂CHg ox
Source for Hg(II) ¼ Abs
∂t ∂t
kox = oxidation rate (day−1 )
∂CHgðIIÞ r
Photoreduction Hg(II) From Hg(II) to Hg0 due to sunlight ¼ −kr Ln ðCHgðIIÞ þ CHgðIIÞðsedÞ Þ
Sink for Hg(II) ∂t  
∂CHg r ∂CHgðIIÞrd
Source for Hg0 ¼ Abs
∂t  ∂t
Ls 1 − e−Ke H
Ln ¼
Lref Ke H
Ln = normalized light intensity over the depth (H);
Ls = surface light intensity; Lref = light intensity at reference
photoreduction rate; K e = light extinction coefficient [Eq. (19)];
and kr = photoreduction rate (day−1 )
∂CHgðIIÞ m
Methylation Hg(II) From Hg(II) to MeHgþ ¼ −km ðCHgðIIÞ þ CHgðIIÞðsedÞ Þ
Sink for Hg(II) ∂t  
∂CMeHg m ∂CHgðIIÞm
Source for MeHgþ ¼ 1.07 Abs
∂t ∂t
km = methylation rate (day−1 )
∂CMeHg rdm
Photoreductive MeHgþ From MeHgþ to Hg0 due to sunlight ¼ −krdm Ln ðCMeHg þ CMeHgðsedÞ Þ
demethylation Sink for MeHgþ ∂t  
∂CHg rdm ∂CMeHgrdm
Source for Hg0 ¼ 0.93 Abs
∂t ∂t
krdm = photoreduction rate (day−1 )
∂CMeHg bdm
Bacterial demethylation MeHgþ MeHgþ to Hg0 due to bacteria ¼ −kbdm ðCMeHg þ CMeHgðsedÞ Þ
Sink for MeHgþ ∂t  
∂CHg bdm ∂CMeHgbdm
Source for Hg0 ¼ 0.93 Abs
∂t ∂t
kbdm = bacterial demethylation rate (day−1 ).

Acknowledgments References

The TMDL Analysis and Modeling Task Committee of the Amer- ADEM (Alabama Department of Environmental Management). 2006.
ican Society of Civil Engineers’ Environmental and Water Re- Final nutrient total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for the Cahaba
sources Institute was formed to address concerns and challenges River Watershed, 96. Montgomery, AL: ADEM.
Allison, J. D., and T. L. Allison. 2005. Partition coefficients for metals in
over the current practices of analysis and modeling in the TMDL surface water, soil, and waste. Rep. No. EPA/600/R-05. Washington,
development and implementation in terms of analysis technique DC: USEPA.
and model selection, data requirements, calibration, validation, Allison, J. D., D. S. Brown, and K. J. Novo-Gradac. 1991. MINTEQA2/
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practices of analysis and modeling in TMDL development and tems: Version 3.0 user’s manual. EPA/600/3-91/021. Athens, GA:
implementation and documented the review in a report, “Total USEPA.
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dynamic and water quality model—Model theory, user’s manual and
the Practice,” published by ASCE in 2017. The authors of this programmer’s guide. Athens, GA: USEPA.
paper are members of the Task Committee and the paper is partly Ambrose, R. B., T. A. Wool, and J. L. Martin. 1993. The water
based on the findings of the Task Committee. quality analysis simulation program, WASP5. Part A: Model

© ASCE 04018063-16 J. Hydrol. Eng.

J. Hydrol. Eng., 2019, 24(2): 04018063

documentation. Athens, GA: USEPA Center for Exposure Assess- Chapra, S. C. 2003. “Engineering water quality models and TMDLs.”
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