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* Yakuharai – a Japanese vocal pattern and technique with subtle delivery of poetical text written in
the Japanese metrical form of alternating the seven and five syllables
* Noh - A Japanese Theatre that unique and genuinely expresses the Japanese spirit culture
* Wayang Kulit - is widely known among all classes in Java, Indonesia because it is performed in
royal courts and accompanied by the popular Gamelan ensemble.
* Suling – this is classified as wind instrument from the Gamelan ensemble
* Suluk – a mood songs in Wayang Kulit performances
* String, Percussion, Wind – these are types of instruments used in Chinese theatre performances
* Kabuki – this is considered as the most important Japanese contribution to world theatre because
it expresses the nation’s spirit and culture


* Shadow puppets, gamelan music, and storytelling – these are important visual elements and
components in Wayang Kulit
* Fan – this props in Kabuki used by the performers, symbolizes wind
* Kabuki, Wayang Kulit, Peking Opera – these are considered as theatrical plays in East Asia
* Red – in Peking Opera this color symbolizes courage, bravery, and uprightness
* Chinese New Year, the Sky Lantern Festival of Thailand, and Taiko Drum Festival of Japan
these are popular festivals that signify the following characteristics :
> The celebrations are important to maintain the sanctity of their tradition, as a way of
thanksgiving for a very fruitful year, and to strengthen family relationships.
> The celebrations are associated with having good fortune, wealth, and longevity
> The celebrations are highlighted with massive colorful decorations, musicals, and
extravagant food preparations
* Dance-Acting - it is the performance element that includes both acrobatics and fighting with all
manner of weaponry in Chinese Peking Opera
* Peking Opera – a theatrical form that is considered a cultural treasure of China showcasing
musical vocal, pantomine, dance ,and acrobatics


* Saludo – a dance term that means to bow

* Binislakan – a term in Pangasinan which means “ with the use of chopsticks“
* Skill-Related Fitness – refers to the abilities that help people learn skills
* Folk Dance – a dance developed by people that reflects the life of a certain region or country
* Bleking – the step pattern is heel place, close
* Pangalay costume – Joloana costume
* Arms in Lateral Position - both arms are on one side at shoulder level either right or left
* Set – a dance formation of one or two couples
* Change Step – the step pattern is step, close, step
* Skill-Related Fitness – the components are power, agility, coordination, balance, speed , and
reaction time
* 4/4 – rhythmic pattern of Sua- ku- Sua
* Pangalay - A dance of the ethnic people living in the western side of the Cordillera way back before
the coming of the Americans to our country.
* Alcoholic - It refers to a person who can no longer control their use of alcohol
* Cancer – one of the risk factors of drinking alcohol and smoking
* Nicotine - a chemical found in cigarettes that are considered an addictive drug
* Republic Act 6956 - Republic Act responsible for the restructuring of the excise tax on alcohol and
* Gateway Drugs - these are drugs that can lead young people to take from less harmful drugs to
more harmful drugs
* Respiratory System - system in the body which is more affected when smoking
* Restlessness Behavior – a behavior of someone who is already obsessed with smoking
* Mainstream Smoke – the smoke exhaled by the smoker
> How can you help a person to avoid using gateway drugs
* Focusing on career
* Having supportive friends and family
* Goal setting
> Why does alcohol affect men and women differently
* Women’s bodies are generally smaller and have less body water, so alcohol
concentrations rise more quickly
> Reason why pregnant women are advised not to drink alcohol
* Unborn babies may die inside the mother’s womb
> Engage in physical activities like sports to keep away from smoking.
> Busy hands keep you occupied to prevent you from putting cigarette on your lips
> Smoking cigarettes is dangerous to our health.
> 100 meters away from school, cigarette sales are prohibited

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