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• Gateway drugs - types of commonly used drugs that are believed to lead to the use of other
more addictive drugs such as cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana. It is a harmful drug that can
cause addiction and health problems like cancer, brain damage, and many more.
- are legal drugs that can be accessed and can be used by everyone at any age
through the local store like cigarettes and consumable alcohol.
• National youth commission (NYC) - they stated that 2 out of 5 Filipino teenagers aged 13 to 15
years old smoke cigarettes
• The Sin Tax Reform bill was passed to Republic Act 10351. It aims to increase the taxes on all
tobacco and alcohol products.
• Cigarette - a cylindrical roll wrapped in paper with shredded or ground tobacco inside. It
contains nicotine and other cancer-causing chemicals. When the smoke of a cigarette is inhaled,
it will go directly to the lungs and can cause cancer in the mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus,
and heart disease.
• Alcohol or alcohol drink - a type of alcohol that is produced by fermentation of fruits, grains, or
other sources of sugar. The examples of alcoholic drinks that are the most widely consumed
drug are beer, wine, and liquor of various types
• Marijuana - most people perceive the pot (another name for marijuana) as a “soft drug”, just a
“herb” and a drug that is not addictive.


• Cigarette smoking - the practice of smoking tobacco and inhaling tobacco smoke (consisting of
particles and gaseous phases).


• Body odor – the absorption of nicotine into the body, both into the lungs and the skin affects
the sweat glands. Consuming nicotine causes a person to sweat more and affects the way it
smells. If the person sweat extensively, the skin will start to smell like rancid smoke.
• Bad breath and tooth decay - Tobacco is one of the sources causing bad breath. Moreover,
cigarettes as a product of tobacco can cause several oral health problems. Smoking can stain
your teeth and put you in danger of several health issues. Those who frequently use tobacco
have the higher risk of gum disease. This could eventually contribute to bad breath. Smoking
can even impair your sense of smell. Meaning you will not always be aware of how your breath
smells to others.
• Decreases the function of immune system – smoking harms the system of the body making it
less successful at fighting diseases. Additionally, smoking affects the body’s equilibrium, or
balance of the system. This increases the risk of severally immune and auto-immune disorders
(a condition caused when the system mistakenly attacks the body’s healthy cells and tissues).
• Develop different types of cancer – according to a study by researchers from the American
cancer society (Simon, 2015), almost half the deaths (48.5%) are from twelve (12) differing
kinds of cancer combined are attributed to cigarette smoking. Cancer types known to be caused
by smoking include cancer of the liver, colon and rectum, lung, mouth and throat, esophagus,
larynx (voice box), stomach, pancreas, bladder, kidney, cervix and acute chronic leukemia.
• Poor academic performance – students who engaged to smoking are more likely to decrease
attentiveness, cognitive, and memory functions. They will have difficulty remembering
information and develop verbal learning impairment over time. Leading to poor academic
performance in school.
• Mental illness - Smoking can cause physical symptoms like headaches or breathlessness likewise
making people extremely irritable, and anxious or low.
• Loss of interest - When smoking, less oxygen is delivered to the body’s cells, to the heart and
lungs. This decrease in oxygen will reduce as smokers’ physical endurance. Smoking causes both
immediate and long-standing effects on exercise and physical activity.
• Addiction - Consuming nicotine through regular cigarettes or vaping results in the discharge of
the chemical dopamine within the human brain. Like many drugs, dopamine prompts or
teaches the brain to repeat the identical behavior over and over. This can also be referred to as

• Mainstream smoke - refers specifically to the smoke that a smoker directly inhales.
• SideStream smoke - the smoke that comes out of the lighted end of the cigarette or pipe. This
can be also called “Secondhand Smoke (SHS)” or “Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)”. This is
often more dangerous than mainstream smoke because it’s not filtered and is definitely
absorbed by body cells.
• Third-hand smoke - smoke left for a protracted time on sofa, beddings, pillow, and other
objects. This smoke also called residual tobacco smoke (RTS) settles together with dust and
might last for months. This smoke still contains harmful chemicals and carcinogens.


• Alcohol - a liquid form of substance that contains alcohol like ethyl which can cause harm and
even damage a person’s DNA.
- a colorless, bitter-tasting substance that humans are consuming since the past. It
comes from plants that underwent fermentation.
• Fermentation - the process of extracting alcohol from a plant or a fruit.
• Beer – extracted from grains
• Wines – extracted from grapes and other fruits.

• Isopropyl
• Methanol
- methanol and isopropyl can cause extreme damage to the bloodstream and even death may
• Ethanol - additionally called beverage alcohol is often consumed.
• Alcohol intake - often measured through the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). It’s counted in
percentages of ethanol present during a person’s bloodstream at a particular period.
• Central nervous system (CNS) - it controls one’s mental processes, memory, speech, learning
and decision-making.


• Theater arts - one of the standard traditions of the people in Asia, particularly in Japan and
• Shadow puppet theater (wayang kulit)- popular in Indonesia and some countries all over the
world. It is one of the oldest traditional storytelling which includes puppet material with
background music.
• Wayang kulit - “Wayang” is an Indonesian term for theater and “Kulit” means skin which refers
to puppet theater performance whose materials are made of leather and has control rods.
Another feature of “Wayang Kulit” is it is cast on the shadow.
- performed with the accompaniment of the Gamelan Ensemble.
• Gamelan - an orchestra consisting largely of several varieties of gongs and various sets of tuned
metal instruments that are struck with mallets.
• Bronze content of gamelan – it gives bright, lingering sound, and majestic melodies
• Balinese gamelan – it adds delicate sounds of percussive melody. Its mood has two major
dramatic functions that accompany the Dalang.
• Dalang - a specific name for the puppeteer and storyteller who operates the puppets while
narrating the story, speaking all of the dialogue, providing the sound effects, and conducting the
• Peking opera - also known termed as Beijing Opera, is an essential cultural tradition in China.
Nearly 200 years ago, four big opera troupes from Anhui province combined to create what is
now known as Peking Opera.
- the music of it is not created by a composer, but is based on sets of traditional,
codified tunes, with the singing mainly following two sets of tunes.


• Wenchang - mainly there to accompany the singing of the actors and actresses. It features
musical instruments such as jinghu, the yuequin, and the pipa.
• Whuchang - is there to accompany the acting, dancing and fighting.

• Kabuki theater - “Ka” means to sing, “Bu” means to dance, and “Ki” means to act.
- the first dramatic entertainment that was designed for the tastes of the
common people in Japan. It is dated at least 400 years where a female dancer, “Okuni”,
performed comedic imitations of Buddhist prayers in an empty riverbed.
• Hayashi - a group of performers who provide musical accompaniment for another theater in
Japan called the “Noh.”
- Although Hayashi in a Noh performance is located on the stage, most Kabuki Hayashi
is located in a small room just off-stage and is not visible to the audience but a barred window in
the walls of the stage set indicates its location.
• Shamisen players - are added to the Hayashi along with, depending on the play, traditional
percussion instruments such as taiko, wind instruments, and others including those that are
used for sound effects.


• Music - has been an integral part of theater. It can reveal the inner emotional life of a character,
support the mood of the scene on stage, or emphasize on the action onstage.
• Wayang kulit - a shadow puppet performance in Indonesia.
• Gamelan - used to accompany Wayang Kulit.
- silent when the Dalang is speaking, except when it rattles and clanks to emphasize a
statement or phrase.
• Gamelan players - they react instinctively to the Dalang's timing and narration, and play music

• Pathet Nem
• Pathet Sanga
• Pathet Manyura
• These three acts also symbolize stages and spiritual developments in the life of the story’s hero.

• Music of Peking opera - based on sets of traditional, codified songs, with the singing primarily
following two sets of tunes.
• Tunes – that are referred to as 'Xipi' are used to express an ecstatic mood such as pleasure,
rage, or agitation.
- known as 'Erhuang' are used to convey a low-key mood and deep thought, such as
sadness, grief, or melancholy.
• Changbai – a recitation in which the story is told, but it is not at all like real-life conversation.
• When it comes to the conference act, syllables are often omitted to keep the exact rhythm.
Even dialogues are governed by strict tempos and rhythms. Chanting and sung texts can be
openly incorporated into monologues and dialogues.


• Geza-ongaku - which means Off-Stage.
- located offstage behind a curtain. It is assigned to play background music and
sound effects
• Shosa-ongaku - which means On-Stage Music.
- located onstage by the Shamisen and Hayashi ensemble, visibly accompanying
the acting and dancing. This music accompanies actors as they describe scenic settings.

• Ki and tsuke - which are "signaling" accents complementing the action of the performers and
transition of one scene to the other.
• Musical theater - a form of theatrical performance that combines songs, spoken dialogue, acting
and dance

• Dalang - makes ready all the facilities used like cloth and the bright light for the shadow. Also,
the dalang sings the mood songs (suluk) at regular intervals during performances.
• Wayang kulit - was performed in the royal court and widely performed in public on religious
occasions so that knowledge of wayang became widespread among all classes in Java.
• The dramatic stories depict mythologies, such as episodes from the Hindu epics, the Ramayana,
the Mahabharata as well as local adaptations of cultural legends.

• Kabuki - a popular Japanese theatre form that combines acting, singing, and dancing.
• Debayashi - One of the onstage segments of Kabuki
- it is divided into two songs (nagauta and joruri) or a chant with highly dramatic
recitation with the accompaniment of shamisen.
• Nagauta (long song) - most popular shamisen music
• Sakura - One of the performance music in Nagauta.
- widely performed in Kabuki.

• Peking opera - It is the most leading form of Chinese Opera. It combines, singing, mime, dance,
and acrobatics.
• Opera artists – their goal is to make every performance exceptionally beautiful in every
movement they will make.


• Aria - a solo accompaniment portraying a character
• Qupai - a fixed-tuned melody
• Percussion pattern - provides context to the music according to the character by his/her rank or

• Shui long yin (Chant of the Water Dragon) - generally denotes the arrival of an important

• Festivals - are celebration of life, culture and tradition.
• Asian festivals – depict cultural norms, religious beliefs, lifestyles and even the richness of Asian
countries in terms of art.
- are remarkably unique and diverse
• Well-known festivals in Asia:
- Chinese New Year (China)
- Taiko Drum Festival (Japan)
- Bali Dance Festival (Indonesia)
- Krathong Festival (Thailand)
• India – known as the land of festivals
- have over million God and goddesses.


• Chinese New Year – the origin of this festival dates back to the Shang dynasty (1600-1100B.C)
- commonly referred to as “Lunar New Year”
- at times, it is called “Spring Festival” as it starts from the beginning of
- It marks a new year for the Chinese people
- the most important national Chinese-new-year celebration
• The most important meal of the year “reunion dinner” that they share during New Year’s Eve:
- fish (for increase prosperity)
- Chinese dumplings (to signifies great wealth)
- Glutinous Rice Cake (to welcome higher income/position)
• Red – symbolizes happiness, wealth and prosperity
- the main color of the festival
• Lucky red items:
-red Chinese lanterns
-red envelopes “hongbao”
-red posters with poetic verses on it
• Dragon dance – a highlight of Chinese New Year celebrations held worldwide in Chinatowns.
- a form of traditional dance and performance in Chinese culture.
- the dragon (“long”) symbolizes power, strength and dignity; it is believed that
dragons bring good luck to people.
- the movements in a performance traditionally symbolize historical roles of
dragons – both frightening and bold but it has a benevolent disposition.

• Chinese zodiac – has a repeating 12-year cycle that is based on the Chinese Lunar Calendar.
- they believe that the zodiac provides guidance on how people live their lives as
another year comes.
- has been associated with zodiac animals and personality traits of people to the
year they were born.
• 12 Chinese zodiac signs:


• Taiko drums – used in temples and shrines all over Japan over 200 years ago
- originally played in religious ceremonies, in court style music and even in kabuki
- is focused on the uchite, different drums, and other traditional Japanese musical
- a festival that shows off Japanese traditional dances and vocal performances
• Taiko – means drum
- was used to signify boundaries of a village, to motivate and lead troops into battles, and
to pray for rain and other religious ceremonies.
- has become a performance and presented at festivals – the Taiko Drum Festival.
• Uchite – the taiko drummer

• Gambuh – the source of all Balinese dances, started during the Balinese kingdom era (15th-19th
• Balinese dances – a very ancient dance tradition that is a part of the religious and artistic
expression among the Balinese people.
- are well tied by the Hindu and Balinese culture beliefs combined.
• Barong – the lion
• Legong – a refined dance form characterized by intricate finger movements, complicated
footwork, and expressive gestures and facial expressions
• Kecak – a form of Balinese dance and music drama
- originated in the 1930s in Bali and is performed primarily by menClassification of Bali
Tari Wali – a Bali dance that is only performed during times which are considered sacred.
Tari Bebali – a ceremonial dance that is performed to complete a religious ritual.
Tari Balih-Balihan – a secular show that is performed in a profane arena.

• The lantern festivals of Thailand:
-Loi Krathong and Yi Peng – are both held on the full moon of the 12th month of the traditional
Thai lunar calendar.
- they feature two wish lanterns (symbolize a bright future and attract
good luck) : the water lanterns and the sky lantern.
• Water lanterns – are released into a river in belief that the problems, worries and misfortune of
the person who released the lantern can be taken away.
• Sky lanterns – are sent out to the sky as a petition, small prayer, or good wishes to buddha.
• Loi krathong – features water lanterns
- described to be “a powerful union of water and lights”
- a celebration of gratitude to the gods, especially to buddha, for good rain and the
bountiful rice harvest.
- a chance to repent for the pollution that people have created in the environment.
• Thailand lantern release festival – common name for Yi Pee / Yee Pee Festival.
- features the floating sky lanterns called “khom Loi” which is
made of rice paper.
- starts one or two days before Loi Krathong and is celebrated
in the northern part of thailand specifically in Chiang Mai.

• Philippines – the land of majestic wonder
• Philippine festivals – locally known as fiestas
• Fiesta – considered as a time of joyful celebration for the Filipinos, who indulge in cooking loads
and loads of tasty food, welcome with open arms to visitors, and dance in the streets with
- have become into elaborate, multi-day festivals, while there are others which have been
kept to their community roots.
• Holding festivals – and ancient tradition that has been handed down by the Spaniards.
• Festivals – have been consistent crowd producing activity leading to the boost due to its tourism
and entertainment value.
- are form of entertainment that attracts foreign and domestic tourists to visit a place
eventually leading to the elevation of the filipino’s quality of life.
• Two types of festivals in Philippines:
-religious festival
-secular festivals
• Religious festival – are celebrated to honor a religious iconlike patrons and gods
• Secular festivals – are done to celebrate gratefulness for a bountiful harvest or our industry.
• Famous festivals in the Philippines:
-Ati-atihan (Aklan) - known as “the mother of all festivals” since it is the oldest festivals in the
-Sinulog (Cebu) - the grandest festival of the country
-Dinamulag Festival (Zambales) - or mango festival which is the home of the sweetest mangoes
in the Philippines.
- Bangus festival (Pangasinan) - a festivity for the abundance of milkfish in the city.

• Kadayawan / durian festival (Davao city)
• Talong Festival (Villasis)
• Tuna Festival (General Santos City)
• Penefrancia fluvial festival (Naga city)
• Moriones Festival (Marinduque)
• Bagoong festival (Lingayen)
• Dance fundamentals- refers to a base for your movements.

• Basic fundamental positions of the arms and feet – helps the dancer to create a better
connection between steps in the center or while performing on stage.
• Touch step – point, close
• Bleking step – heel, place, close
• Close step – step, close
• Hop step – step, hop
• Slide step – slide, close
• Cross step – step, cross, step
• Change step – step, close, step
• Cross and change step – cross-step, close, step
• Contraganza – leap, cross-step, step
• Mincing step – with heels raise, take as many steps as desired
• Shuffling step – with both feet flat on the floor, take tiny slide step
• Chasing step – with one foot leading, take successive close steps to any direction
• Folkdance – a dance developed by people that reflect the life of the people in that certain
country or region.
• Ritual dances – usually called “religious dances” because of their purpose.
• Ethnic & traditional – used when it is required to emphasize the cultural roots of the dance.
• Philippine folk dance – it speaks so much about the heartbeat of our people for they talk about
our customs, ideas, beliefs, superstitions, and events of daily living in a certain community.
• Ethnic dance – indigenous dance
- found among the ethnolinguistic groups scattered all over the philippine islands
who have not been substantially westernized.

• Ethno-linguistic group: pangasinense
• Dance researcher: Francisca Reyes Aquino
• Dance culture: Christian Lowland
• Classification: Social dance
• Country of influence: China
• Meaning: with the use of sticks
• Place of origin: pangasinan

• Lingayen – in Pangasinan, it means having to look backward and upward.

- derived from “Li-King-Tung", a Chinese word given to the name Lingayen, the capital
of Pangasinan, by the Chinese settlers of this place a long time ago.
• Limahong – a Chinese pirate who built his kingdom here.
• The tausug of sulu – southern Philippines, though known as fearsome warriors are also better
known as sturdy seafarers and hardy farmers.
• Extensive orchads - are planted with coconuts and pomelos and fields with staples like rice and
root crops.
• Sua Ku Sua – means My pomelo tree
- originated in Jolo, Sulu where most of the people living there are farmers or
- this dance made to be a courtship where it is performed by two people or more
mostly by a male and a female.

• Classification: Courtship dance
• Ethno-linguistic group: tausug
• Meaning: My pomelo tree
• Origin: Jolo, Sulu
• Country of influence: China, Malaysia, and Indonesia
• Dance researcher: Ramon A. Obusan

• Pangalay – a traditional Tausug dance characterized by elaborate body postures and gestures
and the graceful arm and hand movement of the dancer, amplified by the use of janggay or
metal claws.
- it is performed to the music of the kulintangan, gandang, agong and gabang.
- commonly referred to as fingernail dance.
- usually performed during weddings and other festive celebrations.
- has a number of versions including the pangalay linggissan.
• Pangalay linggisan – performed by a solo female dancer imitating the movement of a bird in
• Mr. Rapih Jairi – director of the ingat kapandayan performing arts of the notre dame of jolo
- according to him, the pangalay performed in sulu is characterized by the
graceful movement of the dancer’s arms and hands flowing in synchrony the gentle blowing of
the wind.
• The pangalay courtship – another version of the dance wherein a pair of dancers imitate the
graceful courtship dance of bird.
• The pangalay ha patung – characterized by two men carrying two bamboo poles on their
shoulders with a solo female dancer keeping her balance on top of the two bamboo poles.

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