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Translated from Indonesian to English - www.onlinedoctranslator.



Seoul, South Korea 21 June 20**

" *kring.. kring.. kring" The sound of an alarm woke up a girl who was sleeping
" Huh, what time is it? " *Looks at the alarm
"9 o'clock, am I late for class?" *rushes out of bed and runs to take a shower

That was the morning of a girl named Afreen Davina Sadajiwa. She is a 19 year old girl. Rin is
his nickname, Rin is a student majoring in civil engineering at one of the famous universities in
South Korea. Rin is an Indonesian national student who received a full scholarship there.

*in lecture class

Rin entered the classroom in a hurry.
Moon: "Hey Rin, are you okay? Your hair, your clothes are all messy. It's still early."
Arra : "Yeah Rin, you also seem to be late for class lately. Luckily the lecturer hasn't come yet"

Bulan and Arra, they are Rin's best friends. Bulan Nayyara Prameswari full name, she is one of
the Indonesian students who received a full scholarship at the same university as Rin. Then
Arra or Kim Ar Ra, Arra is a student with the same major as the two of them. Arra is a beautiful
student who is the belle of a campus, from her name, of course we know that she is a native
Korean. The three of them have been friends since the beginning of college.

Rin : "Ah I stayed up late because I was doing my homework. I want to sleep for a while. Wake
me up when the lecturer arrives"
Arra : "Hey Rin, Rin. Ah, he's fast asleep"
Moon: "Let him"

" *thump" The sound of Rin's desk was knocked on by someone

Lecturer: "Miss Afreen, have you had enough sleep?" The lecturer who entered the class
immediately stared intently at Afreen who was only half awake from his sleep.
Rin : "Ah sorry Miss, sorry I overslept"
Lecturer: "immediately wash your face in the toilet and come back here as soon as possible !!"
Rin : "Okay Miss" Rin immediately ran out of the classroom and headed for the toilet. Basically,
getting caught with the lecturer has taken Rin's sleepiness away. This time the lecturer is known
as a killer lecturer.

While washing her face in the toilet, Rin lamented her fate this morning, which was unlucky
Rin : "It's still early, but I've just been unlucky. You can do it Rin, this won't be difficult for sure"
Rin tried to cheer herself up. Hoping that there will be strength that accompanies him through

"*kriekkkkk…" The sound of the door opened

Rin entered the class feeling a little scared
Rin : "Excuse me Miss"
Lecturer: "Have you washed your face? Still feeling sleepy?"
Rin : " already lost Miss sleepiness "
Lecturer : "Yes, please sit down. Open your book page 245"
Rin: "Thank you miss"

Rin sat down on his stool, and asked his best friend in a whisper to the Moon.
Rin: "why didn't you wake me up?" asked Rin furiously to the Moon
Moon: "I've tried but you can not be awakened"
Rin : " hah, well, thank you "

It was late afternoon, Rin had reached home time. Rin, Bulan and Arra walk side by side to go
home together. They chatted about the incident that Rin experienced this morning.

Moon : " Hahah, you were really funny this morning. funny and make me nervous "
Arra : "Hahaha, yes lan. Besides, you Rin, already sleeping in class in the morning. Which
lecturer isn't angry, try it"
Rin : "Ah you guys, can only laugh at me. I'm really tired today."

*in dorm
After arriving at the dormitory, Rin continued his college assignments which were piled up like
Mount Fuji. Rin started to feel stressed and dizzy, because Rin was indeed in the final years of
her college year. So reports, project assignments, essays, are attacking him mercilessly
Rin: "If I continue like this I can be skinny for a long time" complained Rin
Rin continues to work on assignments until 21:00
*Krucukk… ~~ " Suddenly Rin's stomach made a loud noise, as if to say I'm hungry, I'm hungry.
Rin : "This stomach really can't be controlled. Hmm ~~ OK, how about we eat Tteokbokki and
Odeng first before doing these tasks" Rin really likes having dinner ideas. In fact, he has a place
to eat that Rin knows very well.

The night air was getting colder, which didn't stop Rin from eating tteokbokki and odeng. Finally
Rin went to a place to eat that sells tteokbokki and his regular odeng. After having had his fill of
dinner, Rin immediately returned to the dormitory to quickly complete his assignments.

On the way home Rin heard a voice from the bush.

"*srekkk.. srekkk" The voice from inside the bush didn't scare Rin but made Rin curious.
Rin: "What's that sound?" Rin moved closer to the bush
*miaaaaww!!! A cat jumped at Rin
Rin : " Aaaaaaaa !! " Rin screamed and fell because of the cat. The cat jumped right above Rin's
Rin : "Hey you, just startled me! " Rin who was about to get angry didn't get angry, because the
cat is very cute. Its fur is white as snow, its eyes are large and its ears are large.
Rin: "Why are you here sweet cat? Don't you have an owner?" asked Rin, because the cat
didn't even wear a necklace. It occurred to Rin to take care of it. For some reason Rin felt very
interested in the cat he had just met.
Rin : " It looks like you really don't have an owner, how do you want to go home with me?"
Cat : " Miawww ~~ " the cat answered Rin's question gently while stroking her head on Rin's
body. Feeling that the cat agreed, Rin took him back to the dormitory.

*In dorm
Rin: "Hey cat, this is my dorm and my room. I hope you enjoy living here."
Cat : " Miawww ~~ "
Rin : " Ahh, you're so funny!!
Rin thought hard to give a suitable name to this new cat
Rin : How about Oliver!! what a great name. do you like it?
Oliver : " Miawww ~~ "
Rin: "You like it, I knew it"

Rin chats with his new cat, plays together. But suddenly Rin remembered the task that he still
had not finished.
Rin : "oh my gosh, I still haven't done a lot of my college assignments" Rok said frustrated
Rin : "Wait Oliver, I'll do my assignments first. Then we'll play together again"
Rin did her work until late at night. Rin really felt tired with all the assignments he got in this
semester. Because he was too tired, Rin fell asleep at his study table.

*the next morning

The clock shows 08.00. Rin has class at 10.00
Rin : "Ahh, it's still 08.00. What time did I sleep last night. Wait a minute, it seems like last night I
fell asleep at my study table. How come I'm on the bed?"
Rin was a little surprised by his presence that had moved on the bed. But Rin still tries to think
Rin : "Ah maybe I was delirious last night and moved myself to this bed"
Feeling it was normal, Rin got ready to go to college.

Rin headed to campus on foot, Rin deliberately left early so he wouldn't be in a hurry because
he brought his college project with him. If you rush, Rin is afraid that the project will be damaged
on the road.

● On campus
Rin walked past the ball field
"Brakk!!!!" A ball flew from the field and hit Rin's project results. The project he had been
working on all night was instantly destroyed before his eyes. Rin froze and was shocked, he
really didn't know what to react.
Rin : " ahhh my project , everything is ruined !! " Rin cried while mourning his project which was
shattered into pieces . Suddenly a big man approached Rin. He was the guy who kicked the ball
until it hit Rin's project. His name is Nico
Nico : "Oh no, sorry I didn't mean to. You can still fix this"
Rin : " Yes sis, it's okay. This deadline is still long anyway "
Nico: "Okay, I'm sorry"
The man left immediately without guilt. Nico is one of the baddies on campus. everyone is afraid
of him, including Rin. Rin knows exactly what will happen if she has to face Nico. So Rin chose
to be silent, even though Rin's heart really wanted to scream.

Rin cried uncontrollably, he cried in the toilet. Rin tried to contact Arra and Bulan to meet him in
the toilet. But they couldn't be reached. After feeling enough in her tears, Rin looked at the time
and it was already 09.45. Soon this course will start, Rin is very afraid that the lecturer will
definitely scold her because her project is damaged.

*In the classroom

Bulan and Arra had arrived first in class, they saw Rin who had come without any project.
Arra : "Why are you Rin!? Where is your project?"
Rin opened her bag and took out the project fragments that had been destroyed by the ball kick.
Moon: "Rin, why is it like this? Why is this your project destroyed like this?"
while crying Rin told the incident that she experienced while walking to class. Arra and Bulan
listened to Rin's story and could only calm her down.
Rin: "I tried to contact you earlier, but none of your cellphones picked up my phone"
Moon : "Ah sorry Rin, last night I forgot to charger my cellphone. When I arrived at class my
cellphone died"
Arra : "You tried to contact me too?"
Rin: "Hmm"
She opened her bag and checked. Why can't he see his cell phone is ringing?
Arra : "oh my gosh Rin, my cellphone is on silent mode. So I can't hear you calling"
Rin : "It's okay guys, maybe I'm just unlucky"
Moon: "Then what about your project? Today's assessment."
Rin : "I will ask for time with the lecturer, hopefully he will understand my problem"

Bulan and Arra feel guilty not being there for Rin when she is in trouble. Bulan and Arra hugged
Rin tightly while saying apologies. Soon the teacher came into the class. Exactly like what Rin
thought, this lecturer scolded Rin like crazy. Rin begs for more time on his assignments. Finally
the lecturer gave Rin 3 days to do this assignment.

It was late afternoon, like the previous days Rin Bulan and Arra went home side by side.
Araa : "To relieve Rin's sadness, how about we have dinner tonight" Arra tried to restore Rin's
mood after today's incident
Moon: "Well that's okay, Princess Rin, what do you want to eat for dinner today?"
Rin: "Ah I didn't go first, I'm really tired" Rin refused his friend's invitation because his monthly
money was starting to run low. Because last night Rin had already used the money to shop for
food outside.
Arra : "no, you have to come. Me and the moon will treat you !!"
Moon: "That's right, we'll treat it. How about that, please?"
Rin : "All right, I'm coming."
Arra, Moon : " Yeay, Let's go! "

Arra and Bulan are Rin's best friends. They know very well what to do if their best friend is
having a problem.

● at the restaurant

Rin, Bulan and Arra went to a Ramyun restaurant which was close to where they lived. this
place is already their customer. In the middle of them enjoying Ramyun, Rin remembered the
cat he met last night
Rin : "Hey guys, I want to tell you a story. So last night I met a very beautiful cat. The color of its
fur is very white"
Last month? "
Rin: "I adopted him"
Moon : " How can you immediately adopt a cat that you just met? "
Rin : "I don't know, I feel very attracted to him when we just met"
Arra : "Did he have a necklace when you first found him?"
Rin : "No, he doesn't have ID. That's why I took him"
Arra : "All right, as long as the cat doesn't have an owner you can take it"
Moon: "you are a very random person Rin"
Rin : "Ah, you have to meet him to understand why I can immediately adopt him"
Moon : " uuuu is he really that funny ? "
Rin : " Of course, you will immediately fall in love with it. I guarantee it "
Arra : " wow I can't wait to see it. How about we go to Rin's dormitory tomorrow. To see the cat "
Rin: "Sure, go ahead"
Moon: "I'm coming"

Rin, Bulan and Arra chatted together until it was already 10 o'clock in the evening. Finally they
left the restaurant and returned to their respective dorms.

● In dorm
Although Rin already feels comforted by his friends. when he arrived at Dormitory Rin again felt
lonely. Rin sat on the floor of the dorm with a limp, because he thought that his difficult project
had to be completed within three days. As if understanding Rin's feelings, Oliver came over to
Rin and put his body at Rin's feet.
Rin : Hi Oliver, sorry I can't seem to play tonight. Have you eaten yet? Rin looked at Oliver's
bowl and placed the food there.
Rin "Here's your food Oliver, enjoy eating" Rin gave a gentle greeting to Oliver, Rin no longer
has the energy to do activities. Rin put her body on the bed and suddenly she cried, for some
reason it felt like she wanted to cry really hard. Until finally he fell asleep soundly.

In the middle of the night at 02.00 Rin felt the urge to urinate. Rin got up from the bed while
walking a few steps Rin heard a voice. The sound came from the kitchen. Rin slowly walked
towards the source of the sound. How surprised Rin was to see a man wearing a white shirt and
pants working on his project.
Rin : "Hey Hey!! Who are you? Why are you here and why are you working on my project?!"
The man was surprised to see Rin standing beside him. but Rin was more scared to talk to this
man while Rin held out a broom in his hand.
Rin : " heiii quickly answer who are you ? you are a thief ! "
man: "Rin, lower your voice. The others will wake up later. It's already midnight." The man
casually answered Rin's question
Rin: "And dan and how did you know my name? You stalker!?
Man : "Of course not, I'm Oliver"
Rin who heard that statement was even more surprised, Oliver is a cat, how can a cat turn into
a human.
Oliver : "Now put the broom down, you can hurt my clean and soft skin"
Rin : "No, that's impossible, how can you be Oliver. But where is Oliver, he's supposed to be
sleeping here. You've taken Oliver, haven't you!? Rin still asks doubtfully, because there's no
way a cat can change like a human.
Oliver : "I told you I'm Oliver"
Oliver pulled Rin's hand closer to Rin's face
Oliver : "Look, I'm Oliver. Handsome and radiant"
Rin realized that the man's eyes were very similar to Oliver's. the cat he met a few days ago.
Rin tried to calm his mind and heart, he tried to digest what was going on.

Oliver : "Rin, look at your project I have completed!" The man who claimed to be Oliver said with
a smile and showed Rin's project, he completed it in just one night. Even Rin took 5 days to
complete it. Rin looked back at the man in front of her. He is indeed very similar to Oliver, his
skin is white as snow, his charming blue eyes, his jaw line is very firm, he even has fangs like a
Rin : "Hey, let's forget about the project first. I want to know who you are, where are you from
and if you are my cat, why did you turn into a human?"
Oliver : "Where should I start to tell everything huh?"
Rin : "Where do you come from, everything is clear !!" Rin said in a slightly louder tone
Oliver : "Hoi hoi, calm down Rin"
Rin: "Ah sorry"
Oliver : "I am indeed the cat you met a few days ago, I am Oliver"
Rin: "Then which world are you from? Why can you turn into a human?"
Oliver : "I have many friends here, cats who are in the same world as me. We are cats sent to
this world to accompany people who are experiencing their lowest times. We exist to cure their
loneliness and depression And you Rin, you've been feeling depressed lately right?
Rin : "Yeah, but I don't think it was that bad until you came to me"
Oliver : "Sorry because I showed my human form to you and scared you"
Rin: "Huh, you mean?"
Oliver : "We are designed not to be able to reveal our human form when in the world. but
because of me.."
Rin : " because of what ? " Rin interrupted Oliver because he was very curious
Oliver : "Because of me, Because my system is damaged I have a hard time controlling myself. I
can change like a human or a cat if I can't control myself"
Rin : "Then, you will be like that forever?"
Oliver : "My system will be repaired for the next 2 weeks. after my system is repaired I have to
return to my origin and we will erase your memory of me"
Rin : Ah well, then where will you live?
Oliver : "Hehehe Rin, may I ask for your help to accommodate me in your hostel for 2 weeks"
Rin : " Huh, what!? Seriously. This is a girls' dorm, how can I hide a boy in here "
Oliver : "But I'm a cat" *Bofff suddenly Oliver turns into a cat.
Rin : "But still, you are a boy"
*Boff Oliver changes back
Oliver : "Please Rin, I don't know where else to go. I will help you do all your homework, or even
your college assignments" Oliver forced Rin to accept him in the dormitory
Rin thought hard, even though Oliver, a cat, Rin couldn't bear to kick Oliver out of his house. But
Rin is impossible if he hides a man in his room.
Rin: "I'll think about it tomorrow, I'm already sleepy. You sleep at your place, don't try to sleep
near me"
Oliver : "Okay miss, thank you. But, the one who moved you last night was me"
Rin : " What !! you carry me!?
Rin left Oliver in the kitchen alone and Rin continued sleeping.

*The next morning

Rin wakes up from bed and hopes that last night's incident was just a dream, when he reaches
the kitchen Rin realizes that everything is real.
Oliver : "Hey Rin, are you awake? I've made vegetable soup for you and this is your project I've
been working on" Rin could only be silent watching this strange sight this morning. Rin feels like
she has a baby sitter. Rin took a shower and ate the vegetables that Oliver had cooked.
Rin : "You are good at cooking too, this is delicious"
Oliver : "Hoho, of course. I'm really good at cooking"
Rin : "Very arrogant. Hey Oliver I'm leaving for college. I warn you not to make noise here, hide
yourself as much as possible so you don't get caught"
Oliver : "Ready miss"
Rin got up from her desk and went to the door, while wearing printing shoes said to Oliver
Rin : "Hoi Oliver, thank you for the project"

without hearing a reply from Oliver prince immediately left the dormitory and headed for

*On campus
Rin ran into the moon when he was in front of the classroom door.
Moon: "Hi Miss Rin, wow have you been working on your project? just last night?
Rin : " Hehe, yes. I will go to the lecturer room to collect this. You can go to class first "
Moon: "Good luck Rin !!"
Rin: "Thanks !!"
*in the classroom
Moon: "Rin, how's the project going?
Rin : "The lecturer said my project was perfect and he gave additional value for my hard work
that did it overnight"
Moon: "Wow, indeed my best friend is extraordinary !!"
Arra : "Today we make it to Rin's dormitory? to see the cat that - !
Rin : "Eh you can't, sorry !! My cat yesterday when I came home he wasn't in the dormitory.
Maybe he does have an owner.
Rin lied to his best friend, Rin was afraid that later Oliver could not control himself and turned
into a human in front of his best friend. What would he say later if that happened
Arra : " Huh, that's a shame. Even though I want to meet him "
Moon: "It can't be helped, maybe now he has arrived at his house. Rin's dormitory is only used
as a playground"
Rin : " Hahah, maybe "

Rin returned to the dormitory in the afternoon. He saw Oliver sitting on the balcony in his human
Rin : "Hey Oliver, why are you sitting there. Then people will see you"
Oliver : " will not take it easy, I was enjoying tea while watching the sunset "
Rin : "no! you come in here now!"
Oliver : "alright, have you missed me?" Suddenly Oliver brought his face closer to Rin's face.
Oliver's handsome face was clearly visible in Rin's eyes. Whether it's because he's never
experienced this before, Rin's heart suddenly beats fast. Rin pushed away Oliver's massive
Rin : "Hey, don't get too close like that"
Oliver : "why? is my face too handsome?"
Rin : " You are so annoying Oliver , stop looking at me like that ! "
Oliver stared at Rin with those blue eyes. Of course that made Rin uncomfortable.
Oliver : " Hahaha, you are very funny Rin !! "
Oliver said that easily, not knowing that Rin's heart was beating faster than before. Rin got up
from his seat, he took a towel and went to the bathroom
Rin : "I'm going to take a shower, don't you dare peek on me!!"
Oliver : "Take it easy miss"

After taking a shower Rin and Oliver have dinner together. Rin spends the night with Oliver.
They exchange stories, watch movies together, and many other activities they do together. Until
not felt the clock was showing at 23.00. Rin felt it was too late, Finally he told Oliver to sleep.
Likewise with him, Rin decided to sleep too.

The two of them passed day after day, Rin had been living with Oliver for almost a week and
Rin had gotten used to Oliver's presence in her life. Until one day, Rin saw Oliver sitting alone
on the balcony. Rin felt sorry for Oliver. It seems Oliver wants to experience the outside world.
Rin : "Hey Oliver, tomorrow I'm off from college. How about tonight we play until late?"
Oliver : "Really? Where do you want to take me?"
Rin : "How about we go to the night market?"
Oliver : "Well, fine. I'm coming"
Rin : "Let's go!"

Rin and Oliver leave together. They are like a couple who have only been dating for a few
months. They played several games, did a photo booth together, bought food and drinks. They
laughed together, trying to build memories they would never forget.

Unknowingly at the same time, Bulan and Arra saw Rin going to the night market with a man.
Previously, Bulan and Arra had asked Rin to play together tonight, but Rin refused.
Moon : "Hey Arra!"
Arra : "Why? the moon?"
Moon: "Look at that, isn't that Rin? But who is she with?"
Arra : "oh that's a man, don't be Rin's boyfriend. Where can he find a man as handsome as that"
Moon : "Hoho, so this is the real reason he doesn't want to come with us tonight"
Arra : "let's approach him !!"
Moon : "no, let him enjoy his time with his new girlfriend. while on campus tomorrow we will ask
Moon: "Hmm okay"
Arra and Bulan left Rin and Oliver. They didn't want to disturb Oliver and Rin's time playing

Rin and Oliver are still having fun playing rides at the night market. They really spent a lot of
time together. But Rin gave a suggestion that turned the night's atmosphere into tense.
Rin : "Let's try to play a merry-go-round, over there!"
Oliver : "Okay! Don't cry when you're on top later"
Rin : "Who? Me? You times !!
Oliver : " Hahahah, we prove it ! "

Actually, this is Rin's first time trying extreme rides. As he climbed up, Rin's legs began to
shake. But he was too proud to say that he was afraid. Oliver has also convinced Rin many
times whether he really wants to ride this vehicle. Because Oliver saw clearly the fear on her
face. While riding the rides, what Rin was afraid of happened. He felt very scared and sick to his
stomach. He could only scream on the rides.
Rin: "I can faint like this," Rin said to himself.
After getting off the rides, Rin fell and fainted. Oliver, who saw the incident, panicked and tried
to revive Rin. Knowing his efforts were futile, Oliver picked Rin up and looked for a more
comfortable place to put Rin. After trying to do CPR several times, Rin finally woke up. Oliver
hugged Rin tightly with watery eyes.
Oliver : " Huh, I.. I thought I would lose you Rin. Please don't move too much. Let me just hug
you for a while. I really felt short of breath"
Rin let Oliver hug her, this helped Rin too in relieving her pain. somehow Oliver's hug is more
potent than all the medicine in this world. After that Rin and Oliver decided to return to the
dormitory and rest. Oliver is afraid that Rin will faint again.

● In dorm
Oliver : "Take this medicine Rin, this is to relieve your nausea and headaches"
Rin: "thank you Oliver"
Oliver : "You can sleep first, I will clean up some messy things here"
Rin : "Sorry to trouble you Oliver"
Oliver: "It's okay"
Oliver let Rin sleep and he cleaned up the mess. After finishing cleaning the item. Oliver looked
back at Rin's condition. when he saw Rin's sleeping face, Oliver felt a feeling that shouldn't
exist. Oliver's heart pounded. Olivee denies that he is in love with Rin, it is certain that this
feeling is clear from how panicked Oliver was when Rin fainted earlier.
Oliver : "This feeling shouldn't exist, I can't fall in love with you. We are in different worlds" Oliver
stroked Rin's hair softly. After seeing that Rin was fine Oliver returned to the kitchen to sleep.

● The next day

Due to last night's incident, Rin has a fever. The temperature reaches 40°. Because of that Rin
couldn't move as usual, she just stayed silent in bed. Oliver took care of Rin when he was sick.
He gave medicine and fed Rin. Rin felt that she couldn't be away from Oliver. Rin didn't just curl
up in bed all day, until at night he only got out of bed when he wanted to urinate and defecate.

● The next day

the next morning Rin was feeling better, and she was going to go to college
Oliver : "You are going to college today?"
Rin : "Yes, I'm going to college"
Oliver : "Don't be long, when it's time to go home go straight home"
Rin : " Hey, why do you say like that? Are you going to miss me? " Rin asked in a joking tone
Oliver: "Yes, I will miss you" But Oliver answered the joke with a straight face
Rin : " ah okay fine. I'm going "

● In the classroom
Rin came earlier than his two best friends, Arra and Bulan. When they arrived Arra and Bulan
immediately asked Rin a question
Moon: "Wow, someone has a new boyfriend!" Moon said mockingly
Arra : "Yes, there are those who have boyfriends but don't say that.
Rin: "Who are you talking about?"
Arra and Moon: "Yes you are!"
Moon: "Yesterday you saw you playing at the night market with a man. It must be your
boyfriend, right!? Come on, admit it !!
Rin: "Huh? Moon, that's my friend
Arra : "Don't lie Rin, we know it's your boyfriend"
Rin : " Why don't you believe it? We met online "
Moon: "You're on a blind date?"
Rin : "Of course not, we just made an appointment."
Arra : "Well, you really don't have a boyfriend?"
Rin: "Yeah, I see. hehehe"
Bulan and Arra were disappointed with Rin's statement. Rin is also forced to lie to his best friend
to cover up Oliver's true identity.

● in dorm
Rin : "Hi Oliver, I brought tteokbokki and odeng for us to eat together. do you want to eat with-?"
Ara stopped talking when she saw Oliver's gloomy face.
Rin : "What's wrong Oliver? why do you look so sad?"
Oliver : "I got word from head office, my system will be finished faster and will be finished
repaired tonight"
Rin : "So, you have to go tonight?"
Oliver : "Yeah, place at 12 tonight"
Rin : "It's okay Oliver, I'll accompany you until you return to where I came from"

Rin and Oliver are hanging out together on the balcony, while waiting for 12 at night. Before I
realized it, it was already 12 o'clock. Oliver held Rin's hand tightly.
Oliver : "Thank you Rin, for wanting to give me a place to live. Thank you for wanting to give
color to my life and thank you for giving me a sense of love" hearing Oliver's statement, Rin
could no longer hold back his tears. Rin cried uncontrollably in Oliver's arms
Oliver : "I know, I shouldn't feel this way. But I love you"
Rin : "I, I love you too Oliver"

suddenly the sky gave rise to a blue light, Oliver disappeared slowly like flying dust. The light
pulls Oliver back to where he came from, as well as eliminating Rin's memory of Oliver.
Rin lay on the balcony he fell asleep there, until morning came.

● the next morning

Rin woke up in a daze. He couldn't remember why he had been on the balcony all night. Rin
remembers that he has to leave for college soon. Rin went to campus feeling empty. For some
reason there is a disturbing feeling in his heart. His memory had completely forgotten about
Oliver. However, every time Rin sees a white cat, she feels a great longing even though Rin
doesn't know where this longing is headed.

Rin had indeed forgotten her memories and memories of Oliver. But Oliver still has a special
place on Rin's day

- end -

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