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Committee: United Security Coucil

Topic: Addresing Threats to International Peace and Security from Non-State Actors

Country: The Republic of Peru

Delegates: Anggita Nugraheni

The Republic of Peru is experiencing a food crisis and hunger is one of the most serious
problems. According to a report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) in August 2022, said that half of Peru or 16.6 million people are food
insecure. Hunger is a frequent occurrence in the region, with the UN placing Peru at the top
of South America in terms of food insecurity with a poverty rate of 25.9% in 2021 and 20%
in pre-pandemic times according to Peru's National Institute of statistics. Peru has 2 specific
vulnerabilities the first being very high informal employment over 70% of the workforce has
no job stability or social security and high transportation costs across the Andes and Amazon
rainforest to bring products to market. Peru is also highly dependent on imported staples as a
result of which many basic necessities have doubled in price The UN also warns of
increasing malnutrition and other problems such as Anemia and Obesity as more than half of
the Population cannot afford healthy food climate change and economic shocks caused by the
pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine as the main drivers.

Past Action
Peru's consistent change combined with investments in infrastructure, education and health
and the expansion of social programs has resulted in significant reductions in hunger and
poverty. This country strategic plan based on consultations with government and other
partners proposes significant strategic changes to enable the World Food Programme
(WFP) to meet government expectations, taking into account the recommendations of the
strategic review involving a "whole of society" approach in engaging national actors to
deliver the integrated multi-sectoral and political approach needed to continue reducing food
insecurity and malnutrition, contributing to 3 outcomes:

1.) Governments, the tourism sector, academia, and civil society in Peru are mobilized to
work together to contribute to eradicating hunger and malnutrition by 2030.
2.) Vulnerable groups most at risk of malnutrition in peru - stunting Anemia and
overweight that have improved nutritional status by 2022
3.) National and subnational institutions have strengthened capacity to manage food
security, disaster preparedness and social protection policies and programs by 2022.

WFP will therefore rely on its partnerships with key stakeholders in government, the
Ministries of Health, Social Inclusion Development, Defense and National Civil Defense
and will strengthen its partnerships with the private sector, academia and civil society.

Possible Solutions

Over the past ten years, Peru has made significant progress in reducing the national poverty
rate and demonstrating democratic progress, the Peruvian government has sought to create a
friendly investment climate. As a result many multinational companies have turned to Peru
for extractive projects such as mines, dams and oil fields.
In addition, Peru is also working with :

 Cooperation with organizations

a.) The Hunger Project has been active in Peru since 1997, and works in partnership
with Chirapaq (Peru's indigenous cultural center).
b.) World Food Programme WFP works with Peruvian authorities to help crisis-affected
populations meet their immediate needs, nutrition and related needs before and during
multi-pronged crises and disasters.

 Domestic Efforts
a.) Nutrition Education Program
This program provides knowledge on the importance of a healthy diet and provides
information on the nutritional value and benefits of different types of food.
b.) Climate change management
Peru has made efforts to reduce the vulnerability of the agricultural sector to climate
change through improving early warning systems against natural disasters, developing
climate resilient agricultural techniques, and promoting sustainable agricultural

c.) Strengthening agricultural infrastructure

The Peruvian government has invested in strengthening agricultural infrastructure,
especially in rural and remote areas. This includes improving irrigation networks,
building and maintaining access roads to agricultural areas, and providing good food
storage facilities to reduce post-harvest losses.

In this case Peru wants to propose a series of concrete actions to overcome the hunger crisis
and ensure the sustainability of food security in the country, for which Peru wants to establish
international cooperation aimed at strengthening international cooperation in overcoming the
hunger crisis by way of

a.) Mobilize support and resources from the international community, including
international institutions, non-governmental organizations, and partner countries to
enhance the capacity and resilience of Peru's agricultural sector.
b.) Participate in Knowledge and technology exchange with other countries in addressing
the hunger crisis and promoting food security sustainability.
The Peruvian State is convinced that by implementing these Measures, we can mitigate the
hunger crisis, improve food security, and ensure sustainable development in the country. The
State of Peru hopes that the international community is united in facing this global challenge
and is willing to provide the necessary support.



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