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For many years, people have been communicating by sending letters.

This way of communication

was very popular for centuries. E-mailing is now an inseparable form of talking for almost everyone
now. In my opinion, sending letters won’t be brought back to our everyday life anytime soon, but we
could manage to use e-mailing in a correct way.

In recent years, e-mailing has been evolving constantly, which, unfortunately, led to people’s
language become much poorer. For example, a person who writes e-mails, often doesn’t think a lot
to write a long message, using a developed grammar. They just write what they really want and,
many times, don’t add anything else from themselves. This action not only can cause your dictionary
to become much shorter, it could also occur in people not taking another person seriously in an
argument for example.

Secondly, e-mails are more of a mass form of communicating, so, unlike letters, they aren’t really
focused on a receiver, so most of the time, they seem very undirected. Much of the time, it causes
that a receiver doesn’t take the message seriously.

However, countless of people, especially those who work in a business industry, say that e-mailing
allows their business to spread and make money much quicker.

In conclusion, I think, although e-mails have many pros and also cons, we also need to know how to
use them wisely and not get lost in writing quick, poor in grammar messages.

Kacper Gutkiewicz IID

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