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Course Code CBM0016 - 01

Course Name The Entrepreneurial Mind

Assessment FINAL EXAM Summative Assessment Paper

Date of submission 15-JUN-2023

Summative Assessment Instruction – FINAL EXAM Paper

YouTube Video Reference: Jack Ma speech about failure | Listen before give up Link:

Guide questions:
Watch the video and prepare a paper based on the questions below.
o What is the most important lesson you can learn from Jack Ma? Cite only ONE lesson. Explain why.
o In your opinion, which failure of Jack Ma affected you the most? Can you relate to this failure? Explain
o Relate an obstacle/failure that you have encountered in your life and describe how you overcame this.
Did you succeed or fail to overcome? If you failed, what did you do afterwards?
o Please ensure you elaborate your answers with references to your personal experiences. Ensure you
answer ALL questions above.
Essay guideline:
o Write a paper to answer the questions posed above. Please do not copy paste from the internet. Use
your own words. Plagiarism shall be checked and work that has more than 20% will automatically be
graded as ZERO for this assessment. You may include citations for your findings using the APA 7 th ed
format. It is expected that some research has been done in order to answer this assessment properly.
o Paper format
 Letterhead size
 Margin: Normal (1” all around)
 Font: Arial, 12pt
 Space: 2.0
 File Name convention: # (number sequence in the alphabetical list) LAST NAME CBM0016
E.g. 20 FERRER CBM0016 FINAL PAPER_08 Jun 2023
 File format upon submission: converted to PDF
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Jack Ma, the co-founder of Alibaba Group, is widely regarded as one of the most

influential entrepreneurs of our time. Throughout his journey, he has faced numerous

obstacles and failures but emerged as a successful leader. While there are many

lessons one can learn from his life, the most important lesson is undoubtedly the power

of perseverance. This essay will explore the significance of perseverance, discuss the

failure of Jack Ma that affected many individuals, and share a personal experience of

overcoming an obstacle. As a student, maybe the lesson that I can get from Jack Ma is

the possess the power of perseverance. Perseverance refers to the steadfast

persistence and determination to achieve a goal, even in the face of challenges and

setbacks. Jack Ma's life story is a testament to the power of perseverance. From his

early failures and rejections, such as being rejected by Harvard ten times and failing

twice in his college entrance exams, to the early struggles of Alibaba, Ma consistently

displayed resilience and perseverance. Perseverance is a crucial lesson because it

teaches us that success does not come easily or instantaneously. It requires continuous

effort, dedication, and the ability to bounce back from failures. Jack Ma's perseverance

enabled him to overcome adversities and build Alibaba into a global e-commerce giant.

By embodying this lesson, individuals learn to approach challenges with a positive

mindset, learn from failures, and keep moving forward.

Many people suffer from failure even Jack Ma himself; one failure of Jack Ma that

affected many individuals was his initial attempt to establish Alibaba's online

marketplace, called China Yellow Pages. This venture struggled to gain traction and
faced significant financial difficulties. Despite the challenges, Jack Ma persisted, learned

from the failure, and eventually transformed Alibaba into the successful e-commerce

platform it is today. The failure of China Yellow Pages resonated with many aspiring

entrepreneurs and individuals seeking success. It highlighted the uncertainties and risks

associated with starting a business, especially in a highly competitive market. The ability

of Jack Ma to bounce back from this failure inspired countless individuals to persevere

in their own pursuits, despite setbacks and initial failures.

In my personal life, I encountered a significant obstacle while pursuing a career

change. I had invested time, effort, into my old business to working in an office. It feels

like I fail at the decision making because before, I have my own time but now I have to

work like a robot every day. These failures made me question my abilities and consider

giving up on my career aspirations. However, witnessing the failures faced by

successful individuals like Jack Ma provided me with a different perspective. I realized

that setbacks and failures are a natural part of the journey towards success. I learned to

embrace the lessons from these failures, adapt my approach, and persistently pursue

my goals. Through perseverance and self-reflection, I recognized the need to acquire

additional skills and knowledge to strengthen my chances of success. With the help of

my experience, I must say that it gave me a valuable lesson in life.

Jack Ma's life and journey exemplify the power of perseverance and the

importance of embracing failure as a steppingstone towards success. By learning from

his failures, Jack Ma inspired countless individuals to persevere in the face of

challenges. Drawing from his example, I overcame personal obstacles by

acknowledging failure as a part of the process and persisting in the pursuit of my goals.
The lesson of perseverance is an asset that enables individuals to navigate the trials of

life, learn from setbacks, and ultimately achieve their aspirations.

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