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Prep - Pre-exposure prophylaxis

Keypop - Key-population

TPT - Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy

PMTCT - Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission

SCASCO - Subcounty STI Coordinator

HTS - HIV Testing Services

On administrative issues as per our contracting meeting, the counselors had agreed to meet their transport
expenses for the five weeks they had agreed to support me accomplish my training requirement. They
also realized that supervision is for their own good.

Having no other business, the meeting closed at 1:20 PM with a round and a moment of silence followed.
The visiting supervisor then called to give me the feedback of my session after his observation. Herein
attached are the findings and scores.

Evaluation is the systematic assessment of the design, implementation or results of an initiative for the
purpose of learning or decision making.

Evaluation can also mean making of judgement about the amount, number, or value of something.

I did an evaluation of my supervision work on 24/03/2022. Counselors present were:

1. Omollo Mercy 5. Fancy Ramogi

2. Jacqueline Sharua 6. Vivian Amwayi
3. Victor Ololo 7. Patrick Gitonga
4. Leah Kusah 8. Victoria Anyango

Absent on Apology

1. Nancy Oguk
2. Risper Mwebi
3. Evalyne Salano

The meeting was called to order at 11 AM. On this day we had a visiting supervisor who came to assess
me on the session. I facilitated the meeting by first letting members observe a moment of silence and
thereafter had opening round, where each members shared their feelings from our previous meeting to the
day, we were meeting for our evaluation meeting. After sharing in the round, the counselors were put into
an exercise of optimism, the best possible self-exercise was to put hopefulness and build counselors
confidence and ensure success in what counselors mostly do that is HTS services.

Through sharing I took the counselors through the exercise and all the emerging issues that deter the
counselors from improving their work were positively tackled. The key output to this activity was to
increase the level of counselor’s self- awareness in enhancing HTS service delivery to the clients we

Moving forward I asked counselors to present any available client’s work for supervision. A lady who
was between the age of 17 to 20 years came for HIV test and also wanted prep though she was not a
keypop. Psycho education was done, and the issue of transference and counter transfer was noted during
the session. The counselor saw a younger sister in the lady. Now that rapport has been developed and the
client has aired some of their issues, a greater depth of understanding can be reached, and options can be
explored. The client is helped to see the situation with a new perspective and to focus on what decision
she might want to make. She is helped to see what strengths and resources she might use.

The counselor used the challenging skills because the session was client centered and this made the client
to make her own plan of action that could help her accomplish her goals. I facilitated the review of RAST
tool to assess and screen the clients.

On capacity building I facilitated on TB screening and criteria of starting TPT. We revisited the Nascop
algorithm on duo test. The counselors asked a question on when a couple came for PMCTC test which
test kit should be used on the man and which one on the female. I promise the counselors to follow the
case or rather seek clarity from the SCASCO or on the way forward.
Again, the day I was to be assessed my group had prepared for the session in the afternoon. However, in
the morning I got a phone call from Nancy asking me to call my counselors and change supervision time
to 11:00 AM instead of the 2:00 PM that was earlier arranged. Though it was a very challenging situation
I managed to get the counselors of whom we had contracted on flexibility. 8 turned up for the session and
I was successfully supervised.

I feel that if I were to be supervised in the afternoon as scheduled before then I could have scored well. In
future, the organization should have enough counselor supervisors to avoid such occurrences. Going
forward I am happy to have accomplished the training requirements and hoping for the graduation thanks
very much to the team who contributed to my success.

To terminate a contract means to end the contract prior to it being fully performed by the parties. The
termination of my supervision session took place on the 31/03/2022. The group had bonded well, though
attendance on termination was not very successful.

In attendance were:

1. Omollo Mercy
2. Victor Ololo
3. Fancy Ramogi
4. Patrick Gitonga
5. Leah Kusah

What worked well for me was that the counselors really supported me very well. They participated
actively and really sacrificed though they had a very tough schedule. My in-charge also really supported
me by giving me a room to conduct my supervision, she was also able to allow me time to practice.

During Sims supervision, I had to reschedule my sessions because most of my counselors were engaged
at their workstations.

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