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ELSEVIER Desalination 125 (1999) 97-112

Surface water treatment using nanofiltration - -

pilot testing results and design considerations

C. Robert Reiss*, James S. Taylor, Christophe Robert

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universityof Central Florida,
PO Box 162450, Orlando, FL 32816-2450, USA
Fax +1 (407) 679-5003; email: crr51697@ucfedu

Integrated membrane systems (IMS) were pilot tested for treatment of a high TOC river water. Pretreatment methods
included microfiltration, in-line coagulation-microfiltration, and coagulation-sedimentation-filtration. Fouling was
minimized at lower flux, lower recovery and with the addition of a biocide. Such experiments incurred no fouling. A
cellulose acetate nanofilter was susceptible to biological degradation therefore a biocide was necessary to ensure
membrane integrity.A polyamidemembrane was sensitiveto oxidation by monochloramine and rejection characteristics
were compromised. The rate of fouling between the three nanofilters tested increasedwith increasingly negative surface
charge and increasing surface roughness. Organic adsorption therefore did not follow the charge-repulsion theory but
may have been negatively influenced by the greater surface area associated with a rougher surface. Modeling of
productivity decline by a form of the resistance model using permeate volume and TOC concentration provided a better
fit than that of the linear model of productivity with time. Rejection of organic and inorganic parameters increased with
decreasing nanofilter molecular weight cut-off (MWCO). Rejection was influenced by diffusion and size exclusion
mechanisms. Log removals of Bacillus subtilis spores by IMS ranged from 5.4 to 10.7 log with the highest removals
achieved by microfiltration pretreatment followed by a low (200 dalton) MWCO polyamide nanofilter.

Keywords: Nanofiltration; Membranes; Surface water; Fouling; Charge; NOM

*Corresponding author.

Presented at the Conference on Desalination and the Environment, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, November 9-12, 1999.
European Desalination Society and the InternationalWater Services Association.
0011-9164/99/$- See front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
PII: S0011-9164(99)00127-7
98 C.R. Reiss et a l . / Desalination 125 (1999) 97-112

1. Introduction Table 1
Nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) Hillsborough River raw water quality
processes have a history of providing a water
quality superior to that obtained from Parameter Max. Min. Avg.
conventional treatment technologies. The organic
TOC, mg/L 27.5 4.0 16.4
and inorganic removal capabilities of NF/RO are
SDS-TTHM,/~g/L 2581 199 1224
well known for treatment of seawater and
SDS-HAA6,/~g/L 3507 254 1683
groundwater. Extending their application to
Alkalinity, mg/L 178 30 80
surface waters is logical and desirable given
as CaCO3
increasingly stringent regulations and quality
Total hardness, mg/L 184 50 108
concerns with many surface waters. However,
as CaCO 3
spiral wound NF/RO systems foul rapidly when
TDS, mg/L 270 63 169
treating surface water [1,2]. One potential
MIB, ng/L 25.4 <1.0 7.4
solution is the use of an advanced pretreatment
Geosmin, ng/L 11.5 <1.0 4.6
process prior to NF/RO treatment. Such treatment
systems, operated in series, are designated as
integrated membrane systems (IMSs).
This research focuses on the factors affecting Water quality observed during 15 months of
successful multi-stage pilot-scale operation of operation is presented in Table 1. As shown, the
IMSs to treat a highly organic surface water. total organic carbon (TOC) ranged from 4 to
Fifteen months of pilot-scale NF of the 28mg/L, total hardness from 50 to 160mg/L as
Hillsborough River in Tampa, Florida, USA, CaCO 3, and alkalinity from 30 to 180mg/L as
have yielded important operational and design CaCO 3. Though typical of Florida surface waters,
considerations. This paper presents water quality the TOC levels of this river are higher than most
and fouling results for various IMS process other sources in the US.
trains. In addition, fouling mechanisms are
explored and critical design criteria for sustained
operation are presented. 3. Pilot study
IMSs were developed to address four fouling
2. Source water mechanisms of concern: (1) precipitation,
The source water was the Hillsborough River (2) plugging, (3) organic adsorption, and (4) bio-
in eastern Hillsborough County, Florida. The fouling. Applicable pretreatment methods are
Tampa Water Department owns and operates an shown in Table 2 and were evaluated for use
80mgd (303ML) conventional ferric coagula- prior to NF. Acid and antiscalent addition was
tion, sedimentation, filtration (CSF) water chosen for control of precipitation as is necessary
treatment plant (WTP) that was the site for this for all NF systems. Two microfilters were
pilot study. The Hillsborough River is spring-fed selected for turbidity reduction, the Memcor MF
with supple-mental supply coming from (MMF) and Zenon MF (ZMF). Additionally,
precipitation and watershed run-off. Water these MF units were evaluated with in-line
quality varies greatly between seasons with coagulation (C/MMF and C/ZMF) for reduction
higher organic levels and lower TDS during the of organic levels. Monochloramine was used
wet (summer) season and higher TDS and lower during a portion of the study for control of
organic levels during the dry (winter) season. attached bacterial growth. Finally, three
C.R. Reiss et al. / Desalination 125 (1999) 97-112 99

Table 2
Pretreatment methods by fouling mechanism

Advanced pretreatment Precipitation Plugging Organic adsorption Biofouling

Acid/antiscalant X
Coagulation, sedimentation, filtration X X
Microfiltration X
In-line coagulation, microfiitration X X
Biocide X

Table 3
Membrane characteristics

Membrane Configuration Nominalpore MWCO, Material No. ofmodules/ Array

size, ~m daltons elements

Memcor microfilter Hollow fiber 0.2 na polypropylene 3 1

Zenon microfilter Hollow fiber 0.1 na proprietary 3 1

Fluid Systems CALP Spiral wound NA 300 cellulose acetate 6 2-1

nanofilter derivative

Hydranautics ESNA Spiralwound NA 250 polyamide composite 9 2-1


Hydranautics LFC1 Spiralwound NA 200 polyamide composite 9 2-1


nanofilters were evaluated. Microfiltration (MF) producing 5 to 12gpm (19 to 45L/min) of

and NF specifications are presented in Table 3. filtrate. The MMF unit produces 8 to 30gpm
These unit processes were developed as (30-114L/min) of filtrate. The CSF pretreated
process trains and tested as shown in Fig. 1. An water was obtained from the full-scale WTP.
operational matrix of four experiments for each This surface water treatment plant employs ferric
process train was developed. Each experiment sulfate coagulation, sedimentation, and sand
was 2 weeks long. Fluxes of 7 and 14 gfd (12 and filtration. The raw water was dosed with ferric
23 L/h/m 2) and recoveries of 65% and 85% were sulfate at an average of 170mg/L (2.6meq/L)
specified for a total of four experiments totaling during the 15-month testing period. The WTP
8 weeks of operation for each pretreatment employs prechlorination; therefore, a residual of
process. free chlorine is present in the filtrate. This can
The Zenon (ZMF) and Memcor (MMF) unit damage the nanofilters and was therefore
processes consisted of pilot-scale units installed removed via granular activated carbon (GAC)
at the WTP site. The ZMF unit is capable of filtration. The 7.0 sf (0.7 m 2) surface area filter
100 C.R. Reiss et al. / Desalination 125 (1999) 97-112


Raw Coagulation/ I Dechlorination Nauofiltration ~ Concentrate

Water Sedimentation/
SandFiltration N Permeate


Raw Zenon/MemcorL Nanofiltration ] ~ Concentrate

Water Microfdtration ~ v


Raw In-line I ----I~ Zenon/Memcor~ Nanofiltration ~ Concentrate

Water . . . . tP Coagulation MicrofiltrationI "
Fig. 1. Treatmentprocess trains.

had been exhausted of TOC removal capacity, to and/or hydrolysis. The ESNA and LFC1
prevent further organic matter removal by GAC, nanofilters are polyamide composite thin-film
but chlorine removal was complete during the membranes and are not susceptible to biological
entire testing period. degradation or hydrolysis.
Filtrate from the ZMF, MMF, and CSF
processes was pumped to the NF units where
hydrochloric acid and/or Argo Scientific Hyper-
sperse 200 antiscalant were added. The hydro-
chloric acid was added at a dose sufficient to 4. Productivityresults
prohibit calcium carbonate scaling and minimize Productivity was measured by the water mass
NF hydrolysis. A target pH of 5.5 was main- transfer coefficient, which accounts for changes
tained. Hypersperse 200 is designed to prohibit in both flux and pressure via Eq. (1) below:
iron fouling and was dosed at 2.5 mg/L for 85%
NF recovery and 5.0 mg/L for 65% NF recovery.
The NF pilot-plants are 2-1 array systems with - (1)
three 4" diameter by 40" long (0.1mxlm)
elements per pressure vessel. The CALP
nanofilter is a cellulose acetate (CA) derivative where Jw is the water flux (gfd, L/h/m2), Ap is the
and therefore is susceptible to biodegradation pressure gradient (psi, bar), An is the osmotic
C.R. Reiss et al. / Desalination 125 (1999) 97-112 101
pressure (psi, bar), and Kw is the water mass Kw -- -- -- C k s n m 8 ....... q'e~t¢hln8= J
transfer coefficient (gfd/psi, L/h/m2/bar).

0.10 : chemicals
4.1. Process design issues NH2CI/pH NH2CI pH no

= =65%1
Primary issues for IMS treatment of surface 0.00 IFlux
I 0 gfd, Reeov©ry
, I t
200 400 600 800 1000 1200
water that evolved from the 15-month pilot-scale
Time (hours)
testing were: (1) biodegradation (associated with
CALP), (2) irreversible fouling (associated with
Fig. 2. Single-elementCALP Kw.
ESNA), and (3) biofouling and oxidative
degradation (associated with LFC 1).
Over the course of testing, each of these
10s colony forming units per milliliter (cfu/ml) in
issues was addressed and corrective measures
the feed compared to 105 cfu/ml and 10 5.7 cfu/ml
implemented, where possible. These issues and
in the permeate and concentrate, respectively.
the productivity results for the three nanofilters
This showed biodegradation to be the cause of
are discussed in this section.
failure as opposed to hydrolysis of the membrane.
The success of the pH-adjusted experiment is
4.1.1. CALP attributed to the slower microorganism growth
Initial tests of the CALP nanofilter used CSF rate that may result at pH 5.5 compared to the
pretreated water and antiscalant addition. During non-adjusted feed water pH of approximately 7.3.
operation with CSF feed water, no fouling was All subsequent testing included mono-
observed and productivity was consistent, chloramine addition and pH adjustment to pH
indicating the CALP membrane was not affected 5.5. It is believed that removal of organic
by precipitation, biogrowth, organic adsorption, substrate by CSF pretreatment limited the growth
or particulate fouling. Following 2 months of of microorganisms during the CSF-CALP
operation, the CSF feed was replaced by ZMF operation. The failure during ZMF treatment
feed. The ZMF pretreatment reduced turbidity to illustrates the vulnerability of cellulose acetate
less than 0.15NTU but removed no dissolved (CA) membranes to biological degradation and
organic carbon (DOC). At 7 days of operation the care that must be taken in selecting and
using ZMF feed water, the KW of the CALP operating CA membranes.
increased dramatically and TDS rejection fell to Following the addition of monochloramines,
zero, indicating no treatment of the feed water the CALP was tested in conjunction with ZMF,
and complete loss of membrane integrity. MMF, in-line coagulation-ZMF (C/ZMF), and
Suspecting either biodegradation or C/MMF pretreatment processes. No cleanings
hydrolysis, tests were performed using a single- were needed for the CALP system and integrity
element CALP system with and without acid and was not compromised. A slight decline in Kw
monochloramine addition. Heterotrophic plate (10%) was observed over 6 months of operation
counts (HPCs) were monitored for characteri- and was not associated with a given pretreatment
zation of bioactivity. Productivity results are process or set of flux and recovery settings. Thus
shown in Fig. 2. Integrity was lost during the the CALP system is said to have a 9-month
fourth experiment, which used no mono- cleaning frequency, based on a criterion of 15%
chloramine or acid addition. In addition, I-IPC decline in Kw. The virtual absence of fouling
concentrations at the end of this experiment were using the CALP membrane is significant and
102 C.R. Reiss et al./ Desalination 125 (1999) 97-112

shows this film is not susceptible to organic Though biocides or oxygen-scavenging

adsorption at TOC levels greater than 20 mg/L. chemicals could be applied to this system to
eliminate the potential for biogrowth, the
4.1.2. ESNA inability to clean this membrane, once fouled,
Testing of the 2-1 array ESNA system was was considered sufficient to eliminate it from
initiated using CSF pretreated feed water. No further consideration at this site. A replacement
biocide was used. Acid was not added; the feed nanofilter, the LFC1, was proposed by
water averaged pH 6.6. A 40% decline in Kw was Hydranautics and tested in lieu of the ESNA.
observed over 1600h of operation. Chemical
cleanings using both acidic and basic cleaning 4.1.3. LFC1
solutions were performed at 515 h and 1600 h of The LFC 1 was presented as a less-negatively
operation but did not recover the productivity. charged, low fouling, polyamide membrane. The
Factory cleaning of a single element shipped 2-1 array LFC1 system was initiated with acid
back to the manufacturer also resulted in and antiscalant addition and MMF feed. A
marginal improvements in performance. bioinhibitor was not used for the first 1000 h of
Based on an extensive cleaning investigation, operation. Productivity results are shown in
it was concluded that the ESNA membrane was Fig. 3.
irreversibly fouled. No HPC data were obtained The LFC1 fouled under these conditions;
during operation; therefore, it is not known if the however, chemical cleanings were able to restore
fouling was due to adsorption or biogrowth. performance. Following discussions with Hydra-
However, precipitation and particulate loading nautics, it was determined that the LFC1 is
were controlled. monochloramine-tolerant. A monochloramine

f),'10 $ 1 ~ I K~. ~,~,z "~ K~, ~.'l,',,,.,ing

....... I'L--,- C h a n ~ ,I, "-:.1 "l'l~,'q. I~i~ri~m • .',;,2 "1"1)~ R ~ i t , , n
I~. ~.~




0.00 i I i l I i "'~ .... _t__ t 50

0 I~11 2000 30tKJ 431.10 5~J0
Tim,-' t~ ~r~)
Fig. 3. LFC1 Kwand TDS rejection.
C.R. Reiss et al. / Desalination 125 (1999) 97-112 103

addition system was installed and the NF system Electrokinetic analysis (EKA) was performed
tested with CSF and MF pretreatment processes, to determine surface charge. Pieces of film from
beginning at 1000h of operation. As shown, the three NF membranes were analyzed in a
LFC1 performance was greatly improved with 0.01 M NaCI solution with varying pH. Results
monochloramine addition. Some fouling was for the new membrane film are shown in Fig. 4.
observed in individual experiments; however, the In the pH range 4-8.5, all three films were
overall performance was improved. negatively charged. The CALP was the least
More importantly, the Kwincreased over time, negative film and was influenced by pH less than
starting at 1100 h of operation. This corresponds the two polyamide films. The ESNA was the
to the inception ofmonochloramine addition. To most negative film at all pH values. The order of
confirm the suspected degradation of the film due charge, from most to least negative, is ESNA>
to oxidation, TDS rejection was calculated and LFC I>CALP and followed the order of fouling.
plotted over time (Fig. 3). As shown, there was The roughness of each membrane surface was
partial loss of membrane integrity over time as characterized using scanning electron
TDS rejection (as measured by probe) started at microscopy. Selected surface photographs are
100% and decreased to 90% at the end of testing. shown in Figs. 5-7. Roughness was categorized
It was concluded that the LFC1 suffered from by visual comparison. As shown, the order of
chemical oxidation due to monochloramine roughness was ESNA>LFCI>CALP. These
addition. This damage resulted in an increase in results follow the order of fouling.
K w and a decrease in rejection over time. The data above indicate fouling increased
In summary, biofouling was a significant with increasing roughness and increasingly
fouling mechanism for the LFC1 membrane. negative charge. The ability of more negatively
Control of biofouling could result in favorable charged polyamide membranes to better reject
operation using this membrane. However, the natural organic matter has been explained by
LFC1, based on this testing, is not mono- charge repulsion [3,4]. The negatively-charged
chloramine tolerant. Barring the development of polymeric surface repels like-charged solutes and
an alternate, National Sanitary Foundation- has a high affinity for water (hydrophilicity)
approved biocide, the LFC1 membrane is not a
viable choice for use at this site.

-.-N---. CALP

4.2. Surface characterization >

0 --II.-- LFC 1

The order of membrane fouling for this study

was ESNA>LFCI>CALP. To determine the
cause for such differences, a surface characteri- 0
¢'~ -6
zation study was conducted to quantify relative
charge and roughness. All membrane systems had
been operated for control of particle fouling and
precipitation. Additionally, biological fouling 4 5 6 7 8
was controlled during certain periods of pH (units)
operation with the CALP and LFC 1. Therefore,
organic adsorption was considered the primary Fig. 4. Surfacechargeof new membranefilm in 0.01 M
fouling mechanism of concern. NaCI electrolytesolution.
104 C.R. Reiss et al. / Desalination 125 (1999) 97-112

Fig. 5. New CALP film, 133×. Fig. 6. New ESNA film, 102×.

organic fouling for cellulose acetate over poly-

amide membranes [9]. One possible explanation
is a difference in surface area due to surface
roughness. A rougher film will have a greater
number of sites for adsorption or ion exchange.
Polymeric membranes are typically weak ion-
exchange membranes with fixed charge groups
commonly provided by sulfonic (SO~-) and
carboxylic (COO-) functional groups [3,4,10].
Regardless of the cause, charge-repulsion by the
more negatively charged membranes did not
mitigate fouling, but instead these membranes
experienced higher fouling rates than less
negatively charged membranes in this study.
Fig. 7. New LFCI film, 100x. Surface roughness correlates with fouling and
may be due to the associated increase in surface
area and organic adsorption, as opposed to
which also explains the higher productivity of increased particle fouling.
these membranes [3,5,6]. Additionally, the
rejection of a greater quantity of natural organic
matter is expected to reduce adsorptive fouling 4.3. Operational conditions
[3,4,7,8]. In fact, the results of this field study The impact ofmonochloramine addition, flux,
show greater adsorptive fouling for the more and recovery was evaluated by linear regression
negatively charged polyamide membranes. These of Kw decline data and calculation of a cleaning
results do not support a charge-repulsion cycle based on the decline rate, the initial Kw, and
mechanism for fouling control. Other research a cleaning criterion of 15% productivity decline.
has found similar results at bench-scale, with less The linear regression followed the form:
C.R. Reiss et al. / Desalination 125 (1999) 97-112 105

drw biological growth. For individual experiments

Kw = Kw° + dt t (2) that were operated at such conditions, no fouling
was observed. This strongly supports the viability
of IMSs for surface water treatment and shows
where Kwo is the initial gw, d K J d t is the rate of that fouling can be minimized.
change o f Kw with time, and t is time.
Average cleaning cycles by operational
4.4. Productivity modeling
condition are presented in Table 4. As shown,
operational times were maximized by (1) addition The productivity of membrane systems is
of a biocide, (2) lower flux, and (3) lower commonly assessed using the linear regression
recovery. The exception to this trend was flux for model of Eq. (1). This model provides a simple
the CALP, in which case cleaning cycles were and rapid method of quantifying fouling rates.
shorter for lower flux rates. This phenomenon However, changes in productivity are not always
may have been due to variations in feed water linear but may follow a non-linear form such as
quality between the lower and higher flux second order in some studies [11]. One
experiments but is the only exception to this explanation for such a decline rate is that foulants
overall trend. These results show that cleaning accumulate and affect productivity according to
frequencies would be minimized by operation at a resistance model [Eq. (3)]. The resistance due
low flux, low recovery, and with control of to foulants would increase with time. This
resistance term, R~-, can be modeled with time or
with permeate volume as shown in Eqs. (4) and
(5). Use of permeate volume in lieu of time
Table 4
accounts for effects of flux. Additionally, a term
Estimated effects of operating conditions on nanofilter
can be added to account for variations in
cleaning cycle
concentration at the feed side due to changes in
Average cleaning cycle, feed concentration or recovery. Such a model is
days shown in Eq. (6) for TOC. The productivity data
Factora Setting CALP ESNAb LFC1 for this study were regressed using a linear model
and the three resistance models. Results are
Biocide No -- -- 7
presented in Table 5 and show that the resistance
Yes -- -- 12 model using volume and TOC concentration
Flux 7 gfd 59 25 13 produced a higher coefficient of determination in
(12 L/h/m2) all but one case. The statistical significance of the
14 gfd 101 25 7 differences in R2 between the three models was
(25 L/h/m2) not determined. However, this exercise shows
Recovery 65% 103 28 16 that the resistance model with volume and
85% 57 22 7 concentration effects may be suitable for
describing Kw. Expansion of the resistance model
aExperimentsthat combined the favorable conditions for to include effects of particles, biogrowth, and
each factor (biocide addition, low flux, and low recovery) other factors may further support modeling o f Kw
experienced no fouling. decline.
bOnly tested with CSF pretreatment. Performance of the
LFC1 exceeded that of the ESNA when only comparing
the CSF pretreatment. KW- (me-ATe) - ~t(Rm+Rf) (3)
106 C.R. Reiss et a l . / Desalination 125 (1999) 97-112

Table 5
Productivity modeling results

Coefficient of determination (R2 )

Nanofilter Stage No. of observations Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
ESNA 1 213 0.91 0.84 0.89 0.92
2 213 0.76 0.75 0.76 0.77
LFC1 1 828 0.75 0.73 0.73 0.75
2 828 0.57 0.57 0.56 0.62
CALP 1 672 0.50 0.47 0.47 0.46
2 672 0.44 0.43 0.43 0.44

Bold indicates highest R2.

Model 1: K w =Kwo + t Model 3: Kve

,(R +Av)
Model 2: Model 4: Kw=
Kw- ~t(Rm+At)

5. W a t e r quality results
Water quality samples were obtained every
Kw- ~tIDm+At\~,1 (4) 2 weeks from both NF systems. Results are
summarized in Table 6.

1 5.1. Disinfection by-product precursors

Kw- ~t(Rm+A~) (5) As shown, SDS-THMs for the CALP
nanofilter were in the range of 34 to 60~g/L.
SDS-HAA ranged from 19 to 57~zg/L. These
results indicate the CALP might not meet the
1 proposed US Disinfectant/Disinfection By-
Kw - ~t(Rm +TOC'A" V) (6) Products Rule (D/DBPR) Stage 2 maximum
contaminant level (MCL) o f 40 and 30~g/L for
THMs and HAAs, respectively, using free
chlorine. Thus a disinfectant other than free
where ~t is the water viscosity, R~t the resistance chlorine or a coagulant-based pretreatment
due to membrane film, R F the resistance due to process might be required to meet the proposed
foulants, A the statistically determined coeffi- Stage 2 D/DBP Rule MCLs. The LFC1
cient, TOC the average feed-side total organic nanofilter, with its lower molecular weight cut-
carbon concentration, t the time, and V is the off, is capable of greater organics rejection. SDS-
permeate volume. THM and SDS-HAA values are well below
C.R. Reiss et al. / Desalination 125 (1999) 9 7 - 1 1 2 107

. o



, ~ v ~ ~ . ~ . ~ v . : ~ o -

I #a

rd ~ m ~ ,.. ~:~ I"-- ,.~ 0", e 4 0 ee

~ d v v g d v e4 ~ ' ,i-; 6 6 g >


~ <<
< < < < < <
~ o o ~

i o



i ,

I g ~ ~ g ' ' "

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V V V ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 ~

~ g -- @ < < < < < < ~
~ o ~ - - m . ~ Z Z Z Z Z Z m

0 [-- ~ [-- ("', b', ~ ~'g


< .g =, } ¢.
= ,~ 72
,U ~ o - o
o >~
108 C.R. Reiss et al. / Desalination 125 (1999) 97-112

10#g/L except for SDS-HAAs for the MMF- 5.3. Pathogen rejection
LFC I system, which average 27/~g/L. Neverthe-
To evaluate the pathogen protection provided
less, the LFC1 membrane would be suitable for
by each IMS, challenge testing of unit processes
meeting Stage 2 regulations and is capable of
was performed. Research by the US Environ-
consistently reducing TOC to below 0.5 mg/L.
mental Protection Agency (USEPA) has shown
that bacterial endospores (i.e., Bacillus subtilis)
can be used as surrogates for the protozoans
5.2. Taste and odor Cryptosporidium and Giardia [12]. These
For the Hillsborough River, taste and odor organisms propagate in the soil and are
compounds, geosmin (trans- 1,10-dimethyl-trans- ubiquitous in surface waters. The spores are
9 decanol) and MIB (2-methlyisoborneol), are ellipsoidal to spherical in shape and on average
present during summer months and are difficult measure approximately 0.5 x 1.0x2.0#m. For the
to remove via conventional treatment. Geosmin CSF system (full-scale WTP), log removal was
and MIB are secondary metabolites of certain determined by measurement of indigenous spore
blue-green algae and Actinomycetes. The two populations. All other unit processes were
compounds have stable ring formations that make challenged with approximately 1× 107 cfu/100 ml
bond-cleaving by oxidants difficult. Geosmin and of Bacillus subtilis cultured on-site by the Tampa
MIB have molecular weights of approximately Water Department laboratory. The log rejection
182 and 168 daltons, respectively, which of spores for each unit process was summed by
suggests greater removal would be achieved by IMS to provide an estimate of the expected IMS
the 200 molecular weight cut-off(MWCO) LFC 1 performance. Results are presented in Fig. 8. The
nanofilter vs. the 300MWCO CALP nanofilter. order of performance by pretreatment was
Odor problems associated with both compounds MMF>ZMF>CSF. The difference in spore
have been reported at levels as low as 10 ng/L. As rejection between the MMF and ZMF systems
shown in Table 6, pretreatment processes was less than 0.7 log and may not be significant.
removed from 5% to 65% of geosmin and MIB. The order of performance by nanofilter was
The CALP IMSs removed 40% to 65% of LFC 1>CALP. Thus the IMS capable of providing
geosmin and MIB but detectable concentrations the highest log rejection of spores would be the
still remained. The LFC1 IMSs were able to MMF-LFC 1 or the C/MMF-LFC 1. No difference
reduce concentrations to less than the 1 ng/L was found between the MF systems with or
detection limit in all cases. without in-line coagulation. The CSF removal
It is not clear if the CALP nanofilter could capabilities were potentially understated due to
meet taste and odor control requirements. the lower spore concentrations found in the
However, if CSF pretreatment is employed, natural surface water compared to the seeded
product water from the CALP would still be concentration of 1×107 cfu/100ml used for the
lower in MIB and geosmin than the current other systems.
finished water supply. The LFC 1 membrane, with In summary, the use of multiple barriers for
its lower MWCO, is capable of complete pathogen control is favored by USEPA and can
geosmin and MIB removal at the concentrations be accomplished by IMSs. Results of this study
encountered and most likely would be able to show that log rejection of Cryptosporidium-sized
remove the substantial fraction, if not all, of the microorganisms can be greater than 10-log when
taste and odor compounds which might result in using IMSs consisting of a pretreatment process
consumer complaints. followed by nanofiltration.
C.R. Reiss et al. / Desalination 125 (1999) 97-112 109

Table 7
0 TOC and TDS rejection by flux and recovery
v I0 • ". . . . . . . . . . . !

Membrane Flux, gfd Recovery, %

7 14 65 85
0, , s "'

I• . . . . . . . . | - TOC CALP 93 94 96 93
ESNA 94 97 97 94
~ ~ ~ ~ .~ , ~, , , ,
LFC1 96 96 97 96
TDS CALP 37 49 45 37
ESNA 86 98 99 86
Fig. 8. Spore removal by IMS. Summation of log
LFC1 90 89 94 85
removals obtained from challenge testing of each unit

5.4. Rejection mechanisms

For solutes controlled by size exclusion, a
Nanofiltration membranes are derived from
simple model as shown in Eq. (8) can be used.
the same methods of construction and present
Permeate concentration would be independent of
similar rejection characteristics for dissolved
flux and recovery, assuming a single distinct
constituents as reverse osmosis membranes. This
MWCO or pore size cut-off. For a membrane
suggests a similar removal mechanism, namely
surface with a distribution of MWCO or pore size
diffusion-controlled solute passage. However, an
cut-offs, effects would be divided between:
alternate mechanism o f solute passage is by
• Solutes of size smaller than the lowest
convection through imperfections in the
MWCO: permeate concentration would be
membrane surface. Due to their higher water
independent of flux and recovery and would
mass transfer coefficients and a thinner layer of
be equal to the feed concentration;
active film, nanofiitration membranes could be
• Solutes of size that fall within the MWCO
more prone to imperfections and convective
distribution: permeate concentration would
transport o f solute.
increase with increasing recovery but would
The film theory model [Eq. (7)] predicts that
be independent of flux; and
solute flow is diffusion controlled and solvent
• Solutes o f size greater than the largest
flow is pressure (convection) controlled [13].
MWCO: permeate concentration would be
Additionally, the film theory model incorporates
a back diffusion constant that addresses
concentration polarization. Based on diffusion
theory, permeate concentration would increase C = dOcv (8)
with decreasing flux and increasing recovery.

J where dOis the fractional removal of solute.

TOC and TDS rejection are listed by flux and
Cfki e kb
Cr = j (7) recovery in Table 7 for the CALP, ESNA, and
LFC1 membranes. As shown, all membranes
kw(Ap_Arc)( 2 - 2 r ] +kiek7 followed diffusion-control theory with rejection
increasing as flux increased and recovery
110 C.R. Reiss et al. / Desalination 125 (1999) 97-112

decreased. Flux had less of an influence than 6. Conclusions

recovery. However, for the range of flux and 6.1. Productivity
recovery settings evaluated, the film theory
• The order of membrane fouling, from most to
model predicts approximately the same degree of least fouling, was ESNA>LFC l>CALP.
change in the permeate concentration. The • The CALP system requires addition of an
diminished influence of flux that was observed oxidant such as monochloramines to control
may have been due to partial convective passage biological degradation of the membrane film.
of solute as suspected in NF systems. The impact • The CALP system required no chemical
of varying flux and recovery on TDS rejection cleanings over a 6-month period. The 10%
was much greater than on TOC rejection. The decline in Kw observed was independent of
average molecular weight of compounds that pretreatment process and operating con-
make up TDS may be smaller than that of TOC ditions.
compounds, which would explain this difference. • Projected CALP nanofilter cleaning frequency
The conclusion from this evaluation is that both is once every 9 months.
diffusion and size exclusion mechanisms play a • The ESNA was irreversibly fouled and was
role in control of solute passage for these three not a viable membrane for this source.
NF membranes. Size exclusion has a greater • Bacterial growth contributed to LFC 1 fouling;
impact on higher molecular weight constituents cleaning cycles were improved with the
such as those present in TOC. addition of monochloramine.
• The LFC 1 suffered damage due to oxidation
from the monochloramine and would need a
5. 5. Water quality summary
non-oxidative biocide for use at this site.
In summary, the IMSs using the CALP • The order of membrane surface charge, from
nanofilter are suitable for meeting current US most to least negative, as well as surface
regulations. Long-term regulatory compliance roughness, from most to least rough, was
with the CALP nanofllter would be more readily ESNA>LFCI>CALP, which followed the
met by selecting a pretreatment process that uses order of fouling.
a coagulant, such as CSF, or via the use of a • A more negatively charged membrane surface
disinfectant other than free chlorine. The correlated with increased fouling, indicating
coagulant would remove a portion of TOC, taste electrostatic repulsion, was not effective for
and odor compounds, and other constituents that fouling control. Increased surface area due to
the CALP nanofilter is only partially able to greater surface roughness for the more
reject. Nevertheless, the CALP nanofilter negatively charged membranes may have
produces a water higher in quality than most contributed to organic adsorption fouling.
conventional treatment systems for the source • Fouling was reduced with addition of
water tested. The LFCl-based IMSs are capable monochloramine, lower flux, and lower
of meeting current or proposed US regulations recovery. Experiments operated under such
irrespective of the pretreatment process. conditions did not foul and affirmed the
Decisions regarding selection of a pretreatment viability oflMSs for treatment of this source.
process to pair with the LFC 1 membrane would • Statistical regression of productivity decline
most likely be solely driven by cost. Rejection for data showed that a resistance model using
all three membranes was influenced by diffusion permeate volume and TOC concentration
and size exclusion. better fit K w decline data than the linear model
CR. Reiss et al. / Desalination 125 (1999) 97-112 111

and other less complex resistance models. may include addition of oxidants such as
Further development of the resistance model monochloramine or control of dissolved
is recommended. oxygen by methods such as limiting exposure
to the atmosphere or addition of oxygen
6.2. Water quality scavenging chemicals.
• The ability of a given membrane to withstand
• MF can remove significant amounts of
extended exposure to monochloramine, other
particles, turbidity, and pathogens and cannot
oxidants or any other non-standard chemical
reject color, DBPFP or DOC unless aug-
should be thoroughly investigated to ensure
mented by another process.
long-term membrane viability. Six to twelve
• The nanofiltration systems provide a higher
months or more of pilot operation may be
quality water compared to conventional
required for any integrity losses to become
coagulation treatment (CSF) or MF treatment.
evident. The membrane warranty should
• The LFC 1 nanofilter provided a higher quality
permeate than the CALP nanofilter. This can reflect anticipated pretreatment methods
be attributed to the composition and lower including addition of oxidants.
MWCO of the LFC 1 compared to the CALP. • Fouling rates and finished water quality are
• The CALP nanofilter can meet current and dependent on membrane make and model, raw
Stage 1 D/DBPR regulations. Stage 2 water quality, operational conditions, and
regulations may require a coagulant-based system design. To ensure goals are met:
pretreatment or an alternate disinfectant. (1) long-term testing (>6 months) of the
• The LFC1 nanofilter can meet Stage 2 selected membrane make and model should be
regulations with any of the pretreatment conducted; (2) the raw water quality should
processes evaluated. be representative of that which will be fed to
• Log removals of the sporulated-form of the the full-scale plant. Seasonal variations should
pathogen surrogate Bacillus subtilis by IMSs be included in the testing; (3) the pilot design
was found to be a function of pretreatment should reflect all unit processes expected in
unit as well as nanofilter. Spore removal of the full-scale system, including pretreatment
the least capable IMS averaged 5.4 log processes, pretreatment chemicals and doses,
compared to 10.7 log for the most capable static prefilters, and acid, antiscalant, and
system. The MF systems outperformed CSF bioinhibitor type and dose; (4) operational
and the LFCI nanofilter outperformed the conditions (flux and recovery) should be
CALP nanofilter. tested to the limits of expected settings.
• Organic and inorganic rejection were • The ability to restore membrane productivity,
influenced by both diffusion- and size- once fouled, must be determined. A laboratory
exclusion mechanisms. Higher molecular or pilot study that does not evaluate the ability
weight compounds were controlled more by to clean a fouled membrane may allow
size exclusion. selection of a membrane that becomes
irreversibly fouled and requires replacement
at full-scale.
• The benefit of a low fouling CA membrane
6. 3. Pilot- and full-scale design considerations must be weighed against the potential for
• Control of biogrowth is crucial for many damage or destruction via biodegradation or
surface water nanofiltration systems. This hydrolysis.
112 C.R. Reiss et a l . / Desalination 125 ('1999) 97-112

Acknowledgements [4] B. Marinas and R.E. Selleck, J. Membr. Sci., 72

The authors would like to extend their sincere (1992) 211.
thanks the Tampa Water Department for the [5] J.G. Bitter, Transport Mechanisms in Membrane
substantial support provided throughout this Separation Processes, Plenum Press, New York,
project. Dave Tippen, Mike Bennett, Christine
[6] H.P. Gregor, in: Charge Gels and Membranes, Part 1,
Owen, Jim Gianatasio, Steve Johnson, and many
E. Selegny, ed., D. Reidel, Boston, 1976, pp.57-69.
others have been instrumental in the success o f
[7] M. Nystrom and P. Jarvinen, J. Membr. Sci., 60
this project. In addition, the support of U S E P A (1991)275.
and project officer J e f f A d a m s is significant and [8] C. Jucker and M.M. Clark, J. Membr. Sci., 97 (1994)
appreciated. University support was provided by 37.
Dr. S.K. Hong, Dr. C. Norris, Maria Robert and [9] J.A. Nilson and F.A. DiGiano, J. AWWA, 88 (1996)
Sharon Beverly and is appreciated. 53.
[10] H.U. Demish and W. Pusch, J. Electrochem. Soc.,
123(3) (1976) 370.
References [11] L.A. Mulford, J.S. Taylor, D.M. Nickerson and S.S.
Chen, J. AWWA, 91 (1999) 64.
[1] C.R. Reiss, J.S. Taylor and L.A. Mulford, Proc.,
[12] E.W. Rice, K.R. Fox, R.J. Miltner, D.A. Lytle and
AWWA GAC, Membranes & the ICR-- a workshop
C.H. Johnson, Proc., AWWA Water Quality and
on bench-scale and pilot-scale evaluations,
Technology Conference, San Francisco, CA, 1994,
Cincinnati, OH, 1996, 3.1-3.18. pp. 2035-2045.
[2] C.R. Reiss and J.S. Taylor, Proc., AWWA Membrane [13] J.S. Taylor, in: Water Treatment Membrane
Specialty Conference, Orlando, FL, 1991, pp. 317- Processes, P. Jacobs et al., eds., McGraw-Hill, New
328. York, 1996, 9.30-9.32.
[3] A. Braghetta, Doctoral dissertation, University of
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