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9/10/12 SFASOFT

Minimum clearance of live parts

Impulse Withstand *Minimum Clearance Of Live Parts,

B.I.L. Inches
Rating KV Phase-To-Phase Phase-To-Ground
KV Indoor Outdoor Indoors Outdoors Indoors Outdoors
2.4 - 4.16 60 95 4.5 7 3.0 6
7.2 75 95 5.5 7 4.0 6
13.8 95 110 7.5 12 5.0 7
14.4 110 110 9.0 12 6.5 7
23 125 150 10.5 15 7.5 10
34.5 150 150 12.5 15 9.5 10
200 200 18.0 18 13.0 13
46 200 18 13
250 21 17
69 250 21 17
350 31 25
115 550 53 42
138 550 53 42
650 63 50
161 650 63 50
750 72 58
230 750 72 58
900 89 71
1050 105 83

For SI units: one inch = 25.4 m illim e te rs

*The value s give n are the m inim um cle arance for rigid parts and bare conductors unde r favorable
se rvice conditions. The y shall be incre ase d for conductor m ove m e nt or unde r unfavorable se rvice
conditions, or whe re ve r space lim itations pe rm it. The se le ction of the associate d im pulse withstand
voltage for a particular syste m voltage is de te rm ine d by the characte ristics of the surge prote ctive
e quipm e nt.
Reprinted with permission f rom NFPA 70-1999, the National Electrical Code®, Copy right 1998, National Fire Protection Association,
Quincy , MA 02269. This reprinted material is not the ref erenced subject which is represented only by the Standard in its entirety . 1/1

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