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Name: Md Mustafizur Rahman Grade: 11

Reflection Essay
The public speaking Masterclass I recently attended, led by the remarkable mentor Jonada
Shukarasi, was an invaluable experience that aimed to equip students with the skills necessary
to deliver impactful speeches in front of large audiences. Through this reflection essay, I will
share my key takeaways and personal growth from the masterclass, while also recognising
Jonada Shukarasi for her exceptional ability to provide clear and insightful explanations
throughout the session.

At the start of the class, Ms. Jonada Shukarasi introduced us to a range of public speeches,
including informative speeches, persuasive speeches, motivational speeches, and impromptu
speeches. Here is a brief explanation of each type:
❖ Informative Speech: An informative speech focuses on educating the audience about
a specific topic, providing factual information, and enhancing their understanding.
❖ Persuasive Speech: A persuasive speech aims to sway the audience's opinions, beliefs,
or actions by presenting compelling arguments, evidence, and emotional appeals.
❖ Motivational Speech: A motivational speech is intended to inspire and motivate the
audience, often through personal stories, triumphs, or powerful messages that
encourage listeners to pursue their goals and embrace positive change.
❖ Impromptu Speech: An impromptu speech is challenging as it requires speaking on
the spot without prior preparation. It demands quick thinking, adaptability, and the
ability to articulate thoughts spontaneously.
Ms. Jonada Shukarasi also emphasised that while these speeches were mentioned, there
are numerous other types of speeches that exist, each serving its unique purpose.
Moreover, she specifically highlighted that delivering an impromptu speech can be tricky
and challenging, underscoring the need for speakers to develop skills in thinking on their
feet and expressing themselves effectively in spontaneous situations.

Following that, Ms. Jonada delved deeper into the realm of persuasive speeches, offering
valuable insights and essential tips to effectively prepare for delivering a flawless speech.
Here are the tips she shared:
❖ Select a topic you are passionate about: Ms. Jonada emphasised the importance
of choosing a topic that ignites your passion, enabling you to speak confidently
and extensively without succumbing to nervousness. She further stressed the
significance of ensuring the topic is also captivating to your audience, capturing
their attention and interest.
❖ Understand your audience: Recognising the diversity of your audience is crucial,
as different groups require tailored speeches. Ms. Jonada exemplified the need for
adapting speech content and style based on the audience's characteristics, such 2

as age, background, and interests. A speech intended for a young audience will
differ from one presented to an elderly audience.
❖ Utilise body language and maintain eye contact: Ms. Jonada underscored the
pivotal role of body language in delivering a persuasive speech. Demonstrating
confidence and expertise through non-verbal cues is essential. Additionally, she
highlighted the significance of maintaining eye contact with the audience, as it
enhances engagement and establishes a connection.
❖ Continuously practice the speech in front of a mirror: Lastly, she emphasised the
importance of consistent practice to refine speech delivery. In addition to
practicing in front of a mirror, she recommended seeking opportunities to
rehearse before friends, family, or mentors for valuable feedback and further

Furthermore, it is worth noting that these tips shared by Ms. Jonada are not solely applicable
to persuasive speeches. They can be effectively employed to enhance the delivery of other
types of speeches as well. Whether it's an informative speech, motivational speech, or any
other form of public speaking, choosing a topic of personal interest, understanding the
audience, utilising body language and eye contact, and continuous practice are valuable
techniques that can elevate the impact and effectiveness of any speech. By incorporating
these tips into various types of speeches, speakers can engage their audience, convey their
message with clarity and confidence, and leave a lasting impression.

In addition to the aforementioned tips, our mentor further provided additional insights while
addressing students' inquiries. For instance, she advised wearing attire that instills
confidence, as it can positively influence one's mindset and overall delivery. Additionally, she
recommended practicing facial expressions to add impact and emotive depth to the speech,
enhancing audience engagement. Furthermore, she emphasised the importance of
conducting thorough research on the topic at hand, enabling speakers to effectively address
critical questions posed by the audience, thus fostering a sense of credibility and expertise.

In conclusion, this Masterclass has been a transformative experience for me, addressing the
struggles I have faced when conveying a message to a large audience. Through invaluable
knowledge and practical tips, I have gained the confidence to overcome my fears and deliver
impactful speeches. I now understand the power of passionate topics, tailored
communication, body language, continuous practice, and thorough research. Equipped with
these newfound skills, I am ready to make a lasting impact, inspire others, and elevate my
voice to create positive change in the world.

(This is my picture as asked)

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