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Mentari Intercultural School Jakarta

Math: applications and interpretation HL Y1 Exponential functions and models

School Year 2021 – 2021 || Semester 2 Name: ____________________ Class: ______
Date: _________________________________

1. A cup is filled with hot water and left to stand. The temperature 𝑇 of the water after 𝑡 minutes have elapsed is
modelled by 𝑇(𝑡) = 24.5 + 55.9𝑒 −0.0269𝑡 for 𝑡 ≥ 0.
a. Determine the y-intercept of the graph of function.

b. State the contextual interpretation of the y-intercept.

c. State whether the function displays growth or decay.

d. State how the growth or decay relates to the cooling of the water.

e. Determine the horizontal asymptote of the function.

f. State how the horizontal asymptote relates to the physics of the cooling of the water.

g. Determine the range of the function in the given domain and explain its significance.

h. Sketch the graph of the function on the graph paper provided.


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