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Skills: observe, develop a hypothesis, realize the project, verify and transfer.
Area: communication technologies.
Starting point: conceiving and creating an object with a particular performance.


Your best friend and yourself have got a bedroom on the 1st floor in two houses that are
next to each other. Your windows are right in front of each other, at a distance of 10 m.
At night, when you are about to go to bed, your parents force you to leave your phones
and tablets in the kitchen. You are thinking about a way to « talk » discreetly, without
drawing attention. Of course, you cannot leave your bedroom !

To succeed in this challenge, you will be able to communicate to your friend a sentence
that the teacher will communicate to you.

Reformulate (in one sentence containing the 4 important key points) the challenge:










1. Individually, draw, annotate and describe your communication system project.

2. In groups of .......... students, work on each idea again (drawing, annotations and text)
and select THE solution that will be used.
3. Give two reasons justifying your choice.












1. The realization of your project can start.


1. Attempt 1 : Success Fail

Modifications :





2. Attempt 2 : Success Fail

Modifications :





3. Attempt 3 : Success Fail

Modifications :





1. Which number corresponds the best to how you feel ?

(1 = not at all 2 = rather no 3 = rather yes, 4 = very much so)

- I was interested in the challenge : ……………

- We easily chose the final project : ……………

- The work was split equally between all group members : ……………

- I found my role in the team : ……………

- I am satisfied by the realization: ……………

2. Complete the following sentences :

- With this work, I learned about



- While collaborating with the team, I learned about …………………..………………


- During the realization of the challenge, my strength was



- During the realization of the challenge, my weakness was


3. Shared ideas






















Skills Evaluation Grid


Observer The sentence includes 4 key points. /4

The individual hypothesis is drawn. /3

The individual hypothesis is annotated. /3

The individual hypothesis is described. /3

Individual bonus point /1

Elaborate a hypothesis The group hypothesis is drawn. /3

The group hypothesis is annotated. /3

The group hypothesis is described. /3

Group bonus point. /1

2 justifications are given. /4

Realize The work is split equally. /8

Verify The message is clear. / 10

The feeling was shared. /5

Phrases are completed. /4

TOTAL / 55

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