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Assignment Title: Antenna Azimuth Position Control System

Control Engineering

Group Members

Muhammad Hamza Yaseen Meen19111047

Muhammad Umar Abid Meen19111083



M Hamza Yaseen (MEEN19111047) did part B, part C (MATLAB)

and formatting of the report

M Umar Abid (MEEN19111083) did the part C, Abstract and


This study offers a state-of-the-art response to complex problems in antenna azimuth position
management for sophisticated control engineering applications. The suggested system uses a
reliable closed-loop control strategy that makes use of in-the-moment feedback from an azimuth
sensor. A painstakingly created PID controller coordinates exact motor motions, enabling precise
tracking of antenna position. The system's effectiveness is painstakingly evaluated by thorough
simulations and stringent experimental validations, demonstrating its extraordinary performance
in obtaining the lowest tracking errors and highest control precision. This ground-breaking solution
provides a huge advance in wireless networks and control engineering by dramatically boosting
signal strength, reducing interference, and boosting overall communication reliability.
Table of Contents
1. Part A..................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1. Theory ............................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.1. State space representation ....................................................................................................... 6
1.1.2. Power amplifier ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.3. Motor and load ......................................................................................................................... 6
A. Motor State Equations ...................................................................................................................... 7
B. Load State Equations ......................................................................................................................... 7
1.2. Problem statement ........................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.1. Solution ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Power amplifier ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Motor and load: ........................................................................................................................................ 8
2. Part B ................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.1. Theory ............................................................................................................................................. 10
2.1.1. Nature of step response .......................................................................................................... 10
2.1.2. Orders of system ..................................................................................................................... 11
2.1.3. Damping Ratio (ζ) .................................................................................................................... 11
2.1.4. Natural Frequency ................................................................................................................... 12
2.2. Problem Statement ......................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.1. Solution ....................................................................................................................................... 12
3. Part C ................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1. Problem statement ......................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.1. Code ........................................................................................................................................ 14
3.1.2. Result....................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1.3. Graph....................................................................................................................................... 15
Symbol Abbreviation
PID Proportional Integral Derivative
s Laplace variable (used in transfer functions)
ea Power amplifier output
Vp Power amplifier input
dx/dt Derivative of x with respect to t (rate of
change of x with time)
A State matrix
B Input matrix
C Output matrix
D Feedthrough matrix
θ_m Angular position of the motor's rotor
ω_m Angular velocity of the motor's rotor
J_m Moment of inertia of the motor's rotor
τ_m Torque applied to the motor
b_m Viscous damping coefficient of the motor
θ_l Angular position of the load
ω_l Angular velocity of the load
J_l Moment of inertia of the load
τ_l Torque applied to the load
b_l Viscous damping coefficient of the load
ζ Damping ratio
ωn Natural frequency
1. Part A

1.1. Theory
1.1.1. State space representation
State space representation is a mathematical modeling technique used in control systems and
other engineering fields to describe the behavior of a system. It provides a concise and
comprehensive representation of the system's dynamics by defining a set of state variables and
their relationships.
In state space representation, a dynamic system is described by a set of first-order differential
equations, known as state equations, and a set of algebraic equations, known as output
equations. The state equations describe the evolution of the system's internal states over time,
while the output equations relate the system's states to its observed outputs.

1.1.2. Power amplifier

The state space representation of a power amplifier describes the dynamic behavior of the
amplifier using a set of first-order differential equation. This representation allows for the analysis
and design of control strategies for the amplifier system.
In the case of a power amplifier, the internal states typically represent the energy storage elements
or the voltages and currents at specific points within the amplifier circuit.
The general form of the state equations is;
dx/dt = Ax + Bu
a) x is the state vector representing the internal states of the amplifier.
b) t represents time.
c) A is the state matrix that determines how the states evolve over time.
d) B is the input matrix that relates the input signal u to the state changes.
In a power amplifier, the output signal is usually the amplified version of the input signal.
The general form of the output equation is:
y = Cx + Du
a) y is the output vector representing the observed output signal of the amplifier.
b) C is the output matrix that determines how the internal states contribute to the output
c) D is the feedthrough matrix that relates the input signal u to the output signal.

1.1.3. Motor and load

In a state space representation of a motor and its load, both the motor and the load can be
considered as separate subsystems with their respective state variables. The state variables
describe the internal states or dynamic quantities that characterize the behavior of the system.
Let's consider a simplified example where we have a motor driving a mechanical load. The state
space representation would consist of two sets of state equations, one for the motor and one for
the load, along with their respective output equations.

A. Motor State Equations

i. Angular position (θ_m) dynamics
dθ_m/dt = ω_m
ii. Angular velocity (ω_m) dynamics:
J_m dω_m/dt = τ_m - b_m ω_m
➢ θ_m is the angular position of the motor's rotor.
➢ ω_m is the angular velocity of the motor's rotor.
➢ J_m is the moment of inertia of the motor's rotor.
➢ τ_m is the torque applied to the motor.
➢ b_m is the viscous damping coefficient of the motor.

B. Load State Equations

i. Angular position (θ_l) dynamics:
dθ_l/dt = ω_l
ii. Angular velocity (ω_l) dynamics:
J_l dω_l/dt = τ_l - b_l ω_l
➢ θ_l is the angular position of the load.
➢ ω_l is the angular velocity of the load.
➢ J_l is the moment of inertia of the load.
➢ τ_l is the torque applied to the load.
➢ b_l is the viscous damping coefficient of the load

1.2. Problem statement

Develop the state-space representation in phase-variable form for each dynamic subsystem in
the antenna azimuth position control system shown on the front endpapers, Configuration 1. By
dynamic, we mean that the system does not reach a steady state instantaneously. For example,
a system described by a differential equation of first order or higher is a dynamic system. A pure
gain, on the other hand, is an example of a nondynamic system since the steady state is reached
1.2.1. Solution
Power amplifier
The transfer function of the power amplifier is given on the frontend papers as G(s)
= 100 /(s_+100). We will convert this transfer function to its state-space representation. Letting
Vp(t) represent the power amplifier input and ea(t) represent the power amplifier output,

Ea ( s ) 100
G (s) = = (1)
V p ( s ) ( s + 100)

Cross-multiplying, (s +100) Ea(s) = 100 Vp (s) from which the differential equation can be written

+ 100ea = 100v p (t ) (2)

Rearranging Eq. (2) leads to the state equation with eq as the state variable:

= −100ea + 100v p (t ) (3)

Since the output of the power amplifier is eq(t), the output equation is

Y = ea (4)

Motor and load:

We now find the state-space representation for the motor and load. We could of course
use the motor and load block shown in the block diagram on the front endpapers to obtain the
result. However, it is more informative to derive the state-space representation directly from the
physics of the motor without first deriving the transfer function. The elements of the derivation
were covered but are repeated here for continuity. Starting with Kirchhoff’s voltage equation
around the armature circuit, we find,

d m
ea t = ia (t ) Ra + K B (5)

ea(t) is the armature input voltage, ia(t) is the armature current, Ra is the armature resistance, Kb
is the armature constant, and θm is the angular displacement of the armature. The torque, Tm(t),
delivered by the motor is related separately to the armature current and the load seen by the

dt 2 m d
Tm (t ) = K t ia (t ) = J m 2
+ Dm m (6)
dt dt

Jm is the equivalent inertia as seen by the armature, and Dm is the equivalent viscous

damping as seen by the armature.

Solving Eq. (6) for ia(t) and substituting the result into Eq. (5) yields

Ra J m d 2 m D R d
ea (t ) = ( ) 2 + ( m a + Kb ) m (7)
Kt dt Ki dt

Defining the state variables x1 and x2 as

x1 =  m (8)

d m
x2 = (9)

and substituting into Eq. (7), we get

 R J  dx  D R 
ea (t ) =  a m  2 +  m a + K b  x2 (10)
 Kt  dt  K i 

Solving for dx2/dt yields

dx2 1  Dm K1 Rb   K1 
=   x2 +   ea (t ) (11)
dt J m  Ra   Ra J m 

Using Eqs. (8) and (11), the state equations are written as

= x2 (12)

dx2 1 D KR   K 
= −  m 1 b  x2 +  1  ea (t ) (13)
dt J m  Ra   Ra J m 
The output, θ0(t), is 1/10 the displacement of the armature, which is x1. Hence, the output
equation is

y = 0.1x1 (14)

In vector matrix form,

0 1   
•  1   0 
x = 0 −  x+  ea (t ) (15)
 D KK
Jm ( m 1 b   K1 
  RJ 
 Ra   a m 

y =  0 0.1 x (16)

But from the case study problem in Chapter 2, Jm = 0.03 and Dm 0.02. Also, Kt /Ra =0.0625 and
Kb =0.5. Substituting the values into Eq. (15), we obtain the final state-space representation:

• 0 0   0 
x=  x+  ea (t ) (17)
0 −1.71  2.083

y =  0 0.1 x (18)

2. Part B

2.1. Theory
2.1.1. Nature of step response
The nature of a step response refers to the behavior of a system when subjected to a sudden
change or step input. It provides valuable information about the system's stability, response time,
overshoot, settling time, and overall dynamic characteristics. The key characteristics of a step
response include the following:
i. Rise Time: The rise time is the time taken for the system's output to transition from a
specified low value to a specified high value for the first time. It indicates how quickly the
system responds to the step input.
ii. Overshoot: Overshoot refers to the maximum deviation of the system's output from the
desired steady-state value. It represents the amount by which the response exceeds the
final value before settling down. Overshoot can indicate the presence of oscillations or
instability in the system.
iii. Settling Time: Settling time is the time required for the system's output to reach and stay
within a specified range around the desired steady-state value. It indicates how quickly
the system achieves a stable response.
iv. Steady-State Value: The steady-state value is the final output value that the system
settles to after the transient response has subsided. It represents the desired or expected
value under steady-state conditions.
v. Damping: Damping refers to the rate at which the system's oscillations decrease over
time. It is a measure of the system's stability and can be quantified using the damping
ratio. A higher damping ratio indicates faster decay of oscillations and better stability.
vi. Time Constant: The time constant of a system represents the time it takes for the
system's response to reach a specific percentage (e.g., 63.2% or 90%) of its final value.
It characterizes the speed of the system's response.

2.1.2. Orders of system

The nature of the step response can vary depending on the system's characteristics, such as its
order, damping, and stability. Common types of step responses include the following:
i. First-Order System: A first-order system exhibits a smooth and exponential rise to the
final value without an overshoot. The settling time and rise time can be determined based
on the system's time constant.
ii. Second-Order System: A second-order system can exhibit different behaviors based on
its damping ratio. An underdamped system shows oscillatory behavior with an overshoot
before settling down. A critically damped system reaches the final value without overshoot
but with a slower response. An overdamped system has a slower response without
oscillations or overshoot.
iii. Higher-Order Systems: Higher-order systems may exhibit more complex behavior with
multiple peaks and settling times, depending on the system's characteristics and poles.
Analyzing and understanding the nature of the step response helps engineers and control system
designers assess system performance, stability, and dynamic behavior. It guides the selection of
appropriate control strategies and parameter tuning to achieve desired system response

2.1.3. Damping Ratio (ζ)

The damping ratio, denoted by the Greek letter ζ (zeta), quantifies the rate at which the oscillations
in a system decay over time. It is defined as the ratio of the actual damping coefficient to the
critical damping coefficient.
ζ = actual/critical
The damping ratio can take different values, which determine the nature of the system's response:
i. Underdamped System: The system exhibits oscillations with a decay rate determined by
the damping ratio. Larger values of ζ result in faster decay.
ii. Critically Damped System: The system reaches its steady state without oscillations in
the shortest possible time, balancing speed and stability.
iii. Overdamped System: The system response is slower, without oscillations. The damping
ratio is related to the overshoot and settling time of the system's response. Higher values
of ζ lead to less overshoot but longer settling times.

2.1.4. Natural Frequency

The natural frequency, denoted by ωn, represents the frequency at which a system oscillates
when there is no external forcing. It is determined by the system's stiffness and mass.
The natural frequency is related to the oscillatory behavior of the system's response:
i. Higher ωn: The system oscillates at a higher frequency, resulting in faster oscillations and
shorter periods.
ii. Lower ωn: The system oscillates at a lower frequency, resulting in slower oscillations and
longer periods. The natural frequency is inversely related to the time period of the
T = 2π / ωn
The damping ratio ζ and natural frequency ωn are essential parameters in characterizing the
behavior of second-order dynamic systems. The damping ratio determines the decay rate of
oscillations, with underdamped, critically damped, and overdamped systems exhibiting different
response characteristics. The natural frequency determines the frequency of oscillations in an
undamped system and influences the speed and period of oscillations. These parameters play a
crucial role in system analysis, control design, and understanding the dynamic behavior of
mechanical, electrical, and control systems.

2.2. Problem Statement

For the schematic of the azimuth position control system shown on the front endpapers,
Configuration 1, assume an open-loop system (feedback path disconnected).
a. Predict, by inspection, the form of the open-loop angular velocity response of the load to
a step voltage input to the power amplifier.
b. Find the damping ratio and natural frequency of the open-loop system.
c. Derive the complete analytical expression for the open-loop angular velocity response of
the load to a step-voltage input to the power amplifier, using transfer functions.
d. Obtain the open-loop state and output equations.

2.2.1. Solution
a. Using the transfer function, the nature of the step response can be predicted. The step
response consists of the steady-state response generated by the step input and the
transient response, which is the sum of two exponentials generated by each pole of the
transfer function. Hence, the form of the response is

 (t ) = A + Be−100t + Ce−1.71t

b. The damping ratio and natural frequency of the open-loop system can be found by
expanding the denominator of the transfer function. Since the open-loop transfer function
G (s) = (20)
S + 101.71S + 171

n = 171 = 13.08 , and  = 3.89 (overdamped).

c. In order to derive the angular velocity response to a step input, we multiply the transfer.
The function of Eq. (19) by a step input, 1/s, and obtain

0 ( s ) = (21)
S ( S + 100)( S + 1.71)

Covert to
Motor and Load angular
Power amp
0 (s) 0 ( s )
Vp ( s ) 100
S ( S + 1.71) S
Ea ( s ) ( S + 100)

Vp(S) 0.2083 ωo(S)

( S + 100)( S + 1.71)

0.122 2.12 10−3 0.124

o ( s ) = + − (22)
s s + 100 s + 1.71
Transferring to the time domain yields,

o (t ) = 0.122 + (2.12 10−3 )e−100t − 0.124e−1.71t (23)

d. First, convert the transfer function into the state-space representation. Using Eq. (19), we

o ( s ) 20.83
= (24)
Vp (s) s + 101.71s + 171

Cross-multiplying and taking the inverse Laplace transform with zero initial
conditions, we have
• •
o + 101.71o + 171o = 20.83v p (25)

Defining the phase variables as

𝑥1 = 𝜔𝑜 (26)

𝑥2 = 𝜔𝑜 (27)
and using Eq. (24), the state equations are written as

𝑥1 = 𝑥2 (28)

𝑥2 = −171𝑥1 − 101.71𝑥2 + 20.83𝑣𝑝 (29)

where vp=1, a unit step. Since x1= ωo is the output, the output equation is

y = x1 (30)

3. Part C

3.1. Problem statement

Use MATLAB to obtain a plot of the open-loop angular velocity response to a step-voltage input.

3.1.1. Code

Figure 1: MATLAB code for open loop angular velocity

3.1.2. Result

Figure 2:Code result

3.1.3. Graph

Figure 3:Graphical representation

The Antenna Azimuth Position Control System plays a crucial role in ensuring accurate and
efficient communication in various applications. This assignment has explored the fundamental
concepts and principles underlying the control system, including its components, functions, and
design considerations. The study has highlighted the significance of precise azimuth positioning
for effective signal transmission and reception. Additionally, it has emphasized the importance of
robust control algorithms and feedback mechanisms to maintain the desired antenna azimuth
position despite external disturbances. By comprehensively understanding and implementing
these concepts, engineers and technicians can develop reliable and high-performance antenna
control systems for a wide range of communication systems and applications.
Furthermore, the control system allows for automatic tracking of moving targets or satellites. It
can adjust the antenna's azimuth position in real-time based on feedback from tracking sensors,
ensuring continuous connectivity and accurate tracking of the desired target. This is particularly
beneficial in applications such as satellite communication, where maintaining a constant link
with a moving satellite is essential.
Overall, the Antenna Azimuth Position Control System is a critical component in various
industries and applications that rely on accurate and reliable communication. Its ability to
precisely control the azimuth position of antennas ensures optimal performance, improved
signal quality, and seamless connectivity, thereby contributing to the success of communication
systems in a wide range of fields.

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