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IELTS Essay Questions & Answer June 2018

June 18, 2018 by Liz 75 Comments

IELTS Writing Task 2 Questions and Model Essay June 2018

Below you will find:

1. June IELTS essay question with model answer

2. List of more June essay questions for you to practise at home
3. List of March April essay questions
4. Tips for Writing Task 2 Preparation

Take your time to read through this page and make the most of the tips and links.

Please note: these are past essay questions which have been used this month. They are not predictions. To
prepare for IELTS writing task 2, you should prepare ideas for recent questions and common questions. See
below for recent questions and here is a link to common essay questions: 100 IELTS Essay Questions

IELTS Essay Question June 2018

Some people think that the teenagers should concentrate on all subjects at school. Others believe
that teenagers should focus on the subject they are best at or they are most interested in. To what
extent do you agree?

Model IELTS Essay June 2018

While it is thought that adolescents ought to focus on a broad range of school subjects, others feel it would
be better for them to concentrate only on chosen subjects. I believe the number of subjects they study should
depend on their age.

One reason adolescents from around the age of 13 to 17 ought to focus on learning as many different subjects
as possible is that they are too immature to make serious decisions that will affect their future. By studying
various subjects, they will develop a clearer understanding of their skills and interests, which often change
as a child ages. Secondly, teenagers need to vary what they learn to help them develop into well rounded
adults. For example, they need sport to encourage health, they need maths to be able to perform simple
arithmetic in life, and they need languages to help them learn communication. At a young age they are not
mature enough to be responsible for their own development.

However, by the age of 18, adolescents know not only what subjects they most enjoy or excel at, but also
which subjects are most useful for their future prospects in life. For this reason, the majority of university
applicants are 18 years old, and they are eager to engage more deeply in specific subject
matter. Furthermore, their ability to concentrate on one specific subject and study in depth is fully
established at that age, unlike when they were younger. Lastly, older adolescents have the ability to manage
their own schedule and can take responsibility for continuing art or sport as hobbies.

To conclude, younger teenagers are not ready to specialise and require a broad framework of subjects to help
them develop, but at the age of 18, this is no longer the case.

More IELTS Essay Questions June 2018

1. Nowadays, people move from one country to another for work. Some people think children of these
families suffer because of this, while others think it is helpful for them. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.
2. Adults do less exercise these days. Some people think that showing sports events on the television such
as the Olympics and international tournaments is the best way to encourage adults to do exercise.
Others believe there are more effective ways to do so. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
3. Some parents, specially mothers, stay at home instead working, and some people think that they should
receive monetary compensation from the government. Do you agree or disagree?
4. Some people use technology to take advice for their medical problems rather than seeing a doctor. Why
this is so? It is positive or negative development according to you?
5. Although more and more people are reading the news on the internet, most people still prefer reading
the news in a newspaper. What are your views?

Click here for: March & April Essay Questions

How to Prepare for IELTS Writing Task 2

1. Prepare ideas for topics. You can do this by googling online. Here is a list of common essay questions
and topics for IELTS writing task 2: 100 Essay Questions
2. Make sure you have learned your list of linking words which must be used flexibly: Linking Words for
3. Learn about essay length and paragraphing:
1. essay length
2. structure and importance of conclusions
4. Learn how to add examples to your essay: Adding Examples Language

All the best


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Filed Under: IELTS Writing Task 2


eze says
November 6, 2020 at 6:27 pm

There is currently a contentious argument over the areas of concentration by teenage students while at
While some set of people are of the opinion that students should specialize in areas they are very good at or has
interest in, others think having a broader perspective on all these subjects is a wise decision. In my opinion, I totally
agree that students should have a more robost experience as this greatly determines their future prospect.

First, we are in an uncertain world of opportunities that changes with time. This breeds some form of uncertainties and
fear. Specializing in just a subject because
you are great at it only limits your scope and potentials. To maximize all these opportunities, it is best teenager
students have broader ideas, skills, and
exposure to compete favourably with their counterparts. Also, there seems to be no harm in exploring new things and
the knowledge gained will upskill them with an
insight in areas where they can actually specialize.

Another reason why I agree that students should graps all they can while in school as against dwelling on a single
subject is because a
significant amount of industries in the world today employs graduates who can multi-task with varieties of skills.
Nations are built on the pillar of sound background
and knowledge. The foundation of these knowledge, is in learning various concepts. It is worth noting that we are in
an era where knowledge is wealth -an idea in an
area will no doubt make them stand out.
In conclusion, I strongly agree that although specializing in a particular field makes these kids experts, the merits of
grasping all these
concepts while in school is far more profitable because they will have a better competitive advantage than their peers,
that will certainly gets them prepared for the future.


nour says
December 27, 2019 at 6:53 pm

while some people think that adolescents should focus on a broad range of subject ,others believe that they
must emphasis to what they are better for them and more enjoyable to studying it .
one of principal reasons for studying adolescents for all subjects is that they gain a great deal of knowledge which they
need in their life such as Math ,Art and foreign languages which are organised by pedagogical experts which means
weakness and strong point will be proven by official examinations and continuous assessment thus they can take their
decision what subject they are professional that help them to choice right selections based on their school academic
achievements .
However,concentrating studying what they are good at or desire it due to the fact is that any students who admire
studying something will be creative persons .For example,when they enjoy studying computer science ,many sources
will be searched by students leading to broaden their horizons which means variety of discovering innovative such as
report which benefits society and individuals .
In conclusions ,those are thought adolescents should focus on all subjects in school curriculums or they believe that
what they are better for them must be concentrated .
Personally , I am with opinion that they should emphasis whole the subjects in their school in additions we should
give them a chance for extra education to practice and to study their interested.


Delgy says
September 19, 2019 at 1:40 pm

Education plays pivotal role n adolescents . A little individuals opponing that teens have concenterated on
all subjects whileothers arguing that intresting subject only needed to concentrate .I agree this statement partialy. As a
considered teenage period is good steps to future Studying all subject help them in many ways.Firstly it give
opportunity to experience the tastes of various levells of knowledge and possibilities .Actually it opens the many
windows for various options to select beautiful future according with their caliber. Besides that all subject related to
one another in case of problems solving and solutions .For instance if try to solveproblems in physics lessons Should
have basic knowledge in maths .Hence to have basic nowledge is paraamount . Furthet more perod of adolescent is a
era of changing growth in physically and mentally.By studying subject they are capable of accommodate this changes
on the contrary focusing the intersting subject youngsters are more enhusiastic and more active on it.They get more
freedom and tension free atmosphere ,which help them to bringout all potential and concentration to particular subject
that facilitate their academic growth lead him to easily accomplish their dream . To conclude by studying all subject
help teenagers to build up overall development.Hence subjects related to one onther basic knowledge is inevitale
especially this decade.



September 12, 2019 at 2:22 pm

Is it compulsory to have examples in all types of essays??


Liz says
September 12, 2019 at 6:55 pm

Examples are used when you feel they are relevant.


Tomo says
July 23, 2019 at 12:59 pm

Hi Liz,

I just saw the question “what are your views?”. How should candidates answer this type of question?


Liz says
July 23, 2019 at 2:17 pm

That is the same as “What is your opinion?” or “Do you agree or disagree?” or “To what extent do you


Mennie Castro says

July 2, 2019 at 11:06 am

Hi Liz,

I am Mennie Castro, from the Philippines, and I am taking IELTS exam this coming August 1. I would like to know if
the question says “to what extent do you agree” does it mean you cannot write anything that implies you disagree?

I know it might sound like a stupid question, but it’s really important for me.

Warm regards,


Liz says
July 2, 2019 at 12:28 pm

It is a completely normal question to ask (and an important one too). Those instructions indicate you
must present your personal opinion. Your opinion can be anything you want – agree / disagree / partial agreement.
They are the same instructions as “Do you agree?” or “Do you agree or disagree?” or “To what extent do you agree
or disagree?” or “What is your opinion?” – they are all the same instructions paraphrased. They are Opinion Essays.


Noman Jabbar says

April 22, 2019 at 4:55 pm

Kindly, please answer a query:

Like in the 2nd sample essay above, you started para 1 saying one reason and then added “Secondly”. Is it fine to add
multiple ideas in a single paragraph on one aspect of the topic by using words: one reason, another point to consider,
besides this, in addition, etc
Will this reduce marks for proper paragraphing?
Will marks will be penalized for not using a proper topic sentence? because in the topic sentence all the issues in the
paragraph will not be mentioned. However, the topic sentence will make clear what this topic is about.


Liz says
April 22, 2019 at 6:00 pm

The examiner will mark you on each paragraph having a central topic – which means one paragraph
containing all the advantages or all the solutions. The signposting is appropriate.


Noman Jabbar says

April 22, 2019 at 6:26 pm

Thanks a lot for your kind and genrous and timely reply. Please clarify one more thing.
As you mentioned that using multiple signpostings within each body paragraphs is fine (regardless of essay
question type) unless the focus is on central topic. Don’t you think that using multiple signposts (each having
new reason for the topic) will impede to fufill this requirement of IELTS:
“presents a well-developed response to the question with relevant, extended and supported ideas”
Since each idea can just be expanded in one or two sentences. (As you did in the 2nd body paragraph in the above

Kindly plzzzzz reply me back.


Liz says
April 23, 2019 at 8:16 am

If that was the case, I would not have taught this. Having done the IELTS examiner training, I am
aware of the marking criteria and how extending ideas is marked – it isn’t something I can explain in a short
message. IELTS would consider a paragraph with two advantages in to be sufficiently developed if it is about
95 words which is the average length for a body paragraph if the essay have only two body paragraphs. If
IELTS ask for advantages (plural) and disadvantages (plural), and the essay is only about 280 words in length,
I’m sure you can work it out. Use your logic and you will get there.

Every single essay and tip I have written on this site are based on my knowledge of IELTS. It’s really up to you
if you follow this or not. I can’t justify and explain every single page. The pages have been written to teach you
– you choose to learn from them or not. I teach through these pages – not through comments because I get too
many comments and it is too hard to teach in a message. So, use these pages to learn for yourself.


Noman Jabbar says

April 23, 2019 at 1:57 pm

Dear Liz,

Thanks a Lot for all your efforts which you’re doing for this website. I completely understand your point
behind your reply and now I am more confident with your logic. My exam is on 11th May and I hope that I
will sure secure my desired band score because along with this website material, I also have purchased all of
your paid lectures which are really helpful, and trust me anyone aiming band 7 or above should buy them.

If you get some time, please answer to one more question:

In task 1 General Letter to a “friend”. Will I be penalized, if I do not use contradictions (It’s, can’t etc) or its
complely fine if contradictions are not used.


Liz says
April 23, 2019 at 3:09 pm

You should use contractions, but don’t over use them. It is normal to write “it’s” and “don’t”,
for example in an informal letter. It isn’t usual to write “it is not” in an informal letter.
About your task 2, remember technique is only one part of your essay. You still need to practise analysing
essay questions to identify the issue or issues. You need to ensure your ideas are presented clearly and the
supporting points all connect back to the first sentence and the issue. You also need to avoid language
errors in grammar and vocab – this means be careful with over paraphrasing and avoid sentences that are
too long. Aim for accuracy, don’t aim to impress.
Good luck!


joni says
April 24, 2019 at 8:05 am

Thank you so much Mam,you are the best teacher I always follow you.My test will be on 27 April.


nadine says
April 22, 2019 at 12:56 pm

Hello Liz,
when they ask us in task 2 writing ” to what extent do you agree”? should I take a side and discuss it or state my
opinion and discuss both sides?
Thank You


Liz says
April 23, 2019 at 3:10 pm

It is asking for your opinion – only your opinion.


Bolade says
February 4, 2019 at 8:33 pm

Although, it is argued that teenagers should pay more attention to all subjects they are being taught in
school,while some people believe that concentrating on chosen subjects is better of. In my own opinion, teenagers
should focus on their subjects of interest.

To start with, teenagers often find learning a variety of subjects overwhelming, confusing and frustrating and this can
pose a negative impact all other aspects of their life such as social, emotional and psychological. In fact, taking different
kinds of lessons puts the child in a confused state as per how to efficiently manage the reading and understanding of
these subjects, thus resulting in low academic performance. In view of this, I think it is quite important for school to let
them have specific career oriented classes based on their interest and capability instead of just making them pass
through the rigor of attending all classes. In other words, a child who is good at science subjects should be in science
class, a child who is passionate about art work and drawings should be in Art class etc. This way, they are motivated to
maximize their potentials.

In contrast, taking a wide range of subjects in school could help broaden the teenagers knowledge and provide for
them an array of career choices to choose from, but if they are not still well guided about their choices they may end up
in the wrong path as their too many available choices to consider.

In conclusion, reducing the academic workload on teenagers in school does not only enhance a better academic
performance, it also helps them achieve a purposeful living.

I started preparing for IELTS few days ago. The essay above is my first practice essay. I’m aiming for band 7 overall
and in all modules. I am open to corrections and suggestions. God bless.


Okeke Emmanuela says

March 11, 2019 at 1:40 pm

I think you did well.


Abdullah Hussaini says

June 4, 2020 at 8:32 pm

Hi Bolade,
You have indeed done well.

However, as a suggestion, I would like to mention that your 2nd body paragraph is very short when compared to
1st body paragraph. Your both body paragraphs should always be of almost similar length.
I suggest to add some more points and its always recommended to have one example in each body paragraph.

Best of luck for your exams


Muhammad Uzair says

January 14, 2019 at 5:29 pm

Hi Liz,

I am trying to copy some contents from your website, but I can’t. How I can do it
and Thank you for developing such a wonderful website


Liz says
January 14, 2019 at 5:49 pm

My website does not allow copying. You can use the materials online and also make notes.


Julio Pérez says

January 2, 2019 at 11:58 pm

Hi Liz,

I hope you are well, and I wish you a Happy New Year.

Thank you for your all posts, they are very useful and invaluable. I am preparing for the IELTS exam. I will take the
exam in 6 months.

Are there a templates essay ? do you recommend them?

In an essay When should I defend both sides? does essay have always introduction, body, and conclusion?

Julio Pérez


Liz says
January 3, 2019 at 1:55 pm

Click on the RED BAR at the top of this site to see the main page for writing task 2 which has model
essays and other tips.


Aye Chan says

November 28, 2018 at 8:22 am

Dear Liz,

Don’t you think it is riskful to take partial view on this kind of agree or disagree essay for me, with limited knowledge
of language?
let me know your thoughts on it.


Liz says
November 28, 2018 at 12:51 pm

If you have not been trained and your English isn’t strong, it would be a risk.


Lota says
November 22, 2018 at 7:54 am

Thanks you lot ma’m, for all your good deeds.

Please I’m a bit confused here. For opinion essays, are we allowed to introduce a third view when the question gives
two opposing views? I always felt we should agree on one of the views. I ask because this format is similar to the
discussion/opinion essay.


Liz says
November 22, 2018 at 12:13 pm

There are NO rules stating you can’t present your own specific view point. You do NOT have to agree or
disagree. You have to present a view and you can have any view you want. The examiner does not mark which view
you have, the examiner only marks if it is relevant and extended.


Lota says
November 22, 2018 at 6:22 pm

Thank you for the swift reply.


neha hada says

September 2, 2018 at 2:00 am

Is it good to start essay with “It has been sparked of controversy over whether ………..”


Liz says
September 2, 2018 at 1:34 pm

Each sentence must be unique to yourself and created in the test room. No, it is not good to memorise
phrases and sentences.


Maria Manuela Dominguez says

August 29, 2018 at 5:44 pm

Hi Liz, I wanted to know if I should write the scope of the essay in the introduction. Phrases like “I will
support this view with arguments in the following paragraphs”..
Thank you!!


Liz says
August 29, 2018 at 6:13 pm

The examiner knows you will do this – everyone will do this. Don’t waste time with useless sentences.
Each sentence should be 100% unique to yourself, created in the test by yourself and should relate 100% to the topic
and issues in the question.


Sherif says
August 10, 2018 at 1:27 pm

great job


Princy wilson says

August 3, 2018 at 7:38 pm

Can we start the essay by using the opening sentence such as”Having said that “


Liz says
August 3, 2018 at 8:53 pm

“having said that” is for speaking, not formal writing.


Fremps says
July 2, 2018 at 3:20 pm

Thanks a lot Liz for your tips


Sirojiddin says
July 2, 2018 at 12:26 pm

Greats Liz, many thanks for all hints and tips!

Just wanna ask. Today i took my speaking exam and during the exam i was asked whether international food was
popular in my country. I answered positively and tried to illustrate my claim with mcdonald(it is not sooo popular
there but anyway it exists at least one or two branches).Would it affect my band score? The examiner showed a big
surprise and reasked “is it popular”
My sincere gratitudes for your time and respond and favour in advance!


Liz says
July 2, 2018 at 12:58 pm

Popular means it is enjoyed by many people. To be popular in a country, means many people in your
country enjoy it. How can McDonalds be popular by many people in your country, if there are few restaurants? I
think the examiner was checking your understanding of the word “popular”.


Khislatjon says
July 2, 2018 at 10:27 am

Dear Liz,I want to ask you a question.

Is an introduction should be the same for 5 main topics which were above.By the same i mean all of them should
contain only background statement and thesis.


Liz says
July 2, 2018 at 11:12 am

Yes. You can see that in my model essays:


jyoti rani says

July 1, 2018 at 12:04 pm

Some people use technology to take advise for their medical problems rather than seeing a doctor.Why is
this so? is this a positive or negative development according to you? mam how to solve this sort of essay…can you
please help ??


Liz says
July 1, 2018 at 12:05 pm

You answer both questions. You explain why. And you explain if you think it is positive or negative.


Asma Khan says

June 28, 2018 at 8:18 am

Dear Liz,
First of all, Thanks a ton for doing a wonderful job here. You are doing a great job
I have a question for task two.
Topic – Some govts spend a lot of public money training up individuals to be successful in international sporting
events. Some people believe that this money should be spent on things that will benefit the general public instead. To
what extent do you agree ?

In the above essay, I agree with the notion that the govt should spend money on other more imp issues. Hence, in the
essay I will provide my supporting ideas (may be 2) to state why its imp for the govt to spend money on other issues.
So my question is, do I have to give a disadvantage also for why the govt should not spend on the sporting events ? Or
it will be okay for not providing this disadvantage ? Or if not addressed, will I loose marks for it ?
Please help me, I am confused.
Thank you in advance. Tc.


Liz says
June 28, 2018 at 10:56 am

This question has two issues, you can’t ignore one. You must provide a full opinion that covers both


Asma Khan says

June 28, 2018 at 2:15 pm

Dear Liz,
Thank you so much for the promt reply.
This is very helpful for me.


Harjit kaur says

June 23, 2018 at 10:52 am

Hi Liz….
Thanks for your great efforts….


Dolores says
June 22, 2018 at 3:42 pm

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