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TOČKOVNIK: 20 February, 2019

110 - 98 (5)
97 - 84 (4) TEST N.2: AOŠ8
83 - 69 (3)
NAME: __________
68 - 55 (2) ENGLISH PLUS ( UNITS 1,2,3)
POINTS: _____/ 110
54 - 0 (1)
MARK: _____

GRAMMAR: (____/60)

1. PAST TENSES: Complete with either past simple, past continuous or past perfect. (____/22)

A plumber ______________ A (come)  to our house yesterday. He ____________ B (want)  to

repair our washing machine that ___________ C (break)  a few days before. On the street, he

___________ D (look)  for a parking space for about ten minutes. Then he finally ________ E (park)

and _________ F (ring). While the plumber _______________ G (repair)  the washing machine, I

_______________ H (watch)  the news. Suddenly, I ____________ I (realise)  that they

___________ J (show)  our street on TV. The reporter ______________ K (say)  that a car

_____________ L (crash)  into a stop sign just a couple of minutes ago. While I ______________

M (listen)  carefully to what _____________ N (happen) , someone ___________ O (knock)  at

my door. I ___________ P (open)  the door and _______________ Q (see)  a police officer

standing there. He _______________ R (ask)  for the plumber. It _____________S (turn)  out,

that it _______ T (be)  our plumber’s car that ____________ U (roll)  down the street. In a haste, the

plumber ______________ V (forget)  to put the handbrake on.

2. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE TENSE: Complete with the appropriate forms of present perfect.

simple (___/6)

A. We ________________ (not hear) that song already.

B. You ____________ (keep) a pet for three years.

C. ___________ you _________ (eat) Thai food before?

D. She ___________ (steal) all the chocolate.

E. ____ it ______ (rain) all day?

F. He ________________ (not forget) his books.

20 February, 2019

3. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE and PAST SIMPLE: Complete the sentences with the correct

tense, past simple or present perfect simple, based on the meaning. (___/10)

A. Last night I _________(lose) my keys - I had to call my flatmate to let me in.

B. “Sorry, I ____________(miss) the bus - I'm going to be late.”
C. I ___________(visit) Paris three times.
D. I __________(know) Julie for three years - we still meet once a month.
E. She _________(play) hockey at school but she didn't like it.
F. I __________(miss) the bus and then I ___________(miss) the aeroplane as well!
G. I'm sorry, John isn't here now. He __________(go) to the shops.
H. I ___________(finish) my exams finally - I'm so happy!
I. She ____________(live) in London when she was a child.
J. I ____________(drink) three cups of coffee today.

4. ADVERBS : Complete the sentences with just / already / for / since (___/6)

A. He has _______ met his friend.

B. I have stayed in Algeria ________ six months.

C. “You have ______ drunk your glass of Coke, wow, you were thirsty!”

D. I have been an English teacher ________ 2000.

E. They have learnt English ________ ten years.

F. They haven't gone to the seaside ________July.

5. ADJECTIVES ON -FUL AND -LESS. Complete with the correct form of the adjective (___/6)

A. Peter thinks that the course he took was ___________ (use). He really learnt a lot

B. My friend was desperate after his dad died, he really was in a ________ (hope) situation.

C. Some people don’t have a place to live. They are ___________ (home)

D. Playing videogames too much is _________ (harm) for your eyes.

E. “Please, be _________ (care) and try not to break the glass!”

F. People who travelled to America in the 15th century had to be __________(fear) to do it.

20 February, 2019

6. DEFINITE/ INDEFINITE/ ZERO ARTICLE: Complete with a / an/the / x (zero) (____/10)

A. I bought _____ pair of shoes.

B. I would like ______ piece of cake.

C. Look at _____ woman over there! She is a famous actress.

D. I do not like ______ basketball.

E. That is _____ girl I told you about.

F. ____ price of gas keeps rising.

G. I read  _____ amazing story yesterday.

H. My brother does not eat _____ chicken.

I. ____ love is such _____ beautiful thing.

J. Sara can play _____ guitar.

VOCABULARY: (____/40)

1. Translate into English or Slovene. (____/12)

A. ELECTIONS: _________________

B. SHELTER: ___________________

C. A SURVEY:__________________

D. A CANNON:__________________

E. A CONSUMER: _______________

F. SINCERE: ___________________

G. OGLAŠEVANJE: _____________

H. NEODLOČEN: ________________

I. NAGIBATI SE K: ______________

J. MORNAR: __________________

K. ZABAVIŠČNI PARK: ___________

L. PRODAJALEC: _______________

20 February, 2019

2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box based on the meaning. Put the words in

the correct form. Not all words are used! (____/18)



A. I really couldn’t decide which hoodie I want - blue or red - I ___________________ until my

mum told me the blue on look better on me. I took my mum’s advice and decided to buy the blue one,

but when I was waiting to pay for the hoodie I ________________ and bought the red hoodie


B. Sometimes I shop online and I always so excited when the postman ____________ a package.

C. I haven’t talked with my best friend from kindergarten for a long time. I really should

_________________ her soon.

D. “You’re chewing your gum really loudly. You’re _____________ me!”

E. When I was walking down the street, I saw an my ex boyfriend, I wanted to ________ talking to

him, so I went to the first shop I saw.

F. I am living next to a train station, at first, the sound of trains really annoyed me, but now, I really

_______________ all the noise.

G. Peter is really afraid of dentists, so he, again, ________________ his dentist appointment to

next week.

H. Sophie has really _________________ yoga recently, she’s been doing it every day.

I. I am thankful for the invitation, but I won’t decide until the last day, I want to

____________________, maybe I will get another invitation to a better party. 

20 February, 2019

3. Complete the sentences with an appropriate word. The first letter is given to you. (___/10)

Yesterday, I went past my favourite shop with clothes. First I only did some w_______ s________ A),

meaning that I only observed the beautiful new collection that has just arrived. Then, I decided on going in and

there was a lot of c_________ B), everyone went shopping, probably because of the s_________

o_______ C) and good prices, I must say half of the items were real b_________ D). However, when I

checked a l________ E) of one t-shirt from the new collection, I almost fainted, the price was a

r__________F). Finally I picked some items and went to a c__________ r_______ G) to see if they

f_____ H) me. They looked quite nice, so I decided to buy them. I went to the c_________I), and there

was a large queue. After about 15 minutes waiting in line, it was finally my turn, I paid for my items and the

cashier gave me a r________ J), which I have to keep if I decide to return any of the items bought.

WRITING: Write at least 50 words about an event in the past that happened to you. (___/10)











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