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1. Siska Exma A. D. (A0018044)

2. Suci Fitriya (A0018045)

Suci and Siska are classnates. They spend there break time at the canteen.
Siska : oh gosh... I feel so tired and sleepy, I think I need to sleep now.
Suci : yeah you’re right. So do I
Siska : we have spent the whole week to do our assigments
Suci : it’s true, because we have to hand in them this week
Siska : but luckily, we have finished it
Suci : yeah you’re right. Let’s celebrate it
Siska : actually I have a plan to have holiday in Jogjakarta
Suci : really? It sounds good. Will you go with your family?
Siska : No. I will go alone
Suci : are you sure?
Siska : yes,of course. Will you join me?
Suci : with my pleasure
Siska : alright. Then when will we go? In the first week or the second week of holiday?
Suci : I think the second week is the perfect time
Siska : why do you think so?
Suci : because it is close to new year eve
Siska : great idea, we will celebrate the new year there
Suci : ok, we set the schedule to go there
Siska : how about we travel on December 28, 2019?
Suci : hmm.. it looks like the 28th I have an event, how about the 29th ?
Siska : ok agree, we will immediately meet at the station
Suci : yes later we meet at the station at morning
Siska : ok. I’m ready at 7a.m. there
Suci : ok. You want me to bring breakfast?
Siska : No, thanks. I’ll just have breakfast at home
Suci : oh well, see you later
Siska : see you later too

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