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B51/s | . A DISNEYLAND RECORD AND BOOK LLP-349 y Walt Disney Productions’ the pictures ht &@ 1870 Walt Bistiey Productions Printed in U.S.A. Walt Disney Productions’ THE _ This is a Disneyland. Original Little Long Playing record, and I am your story reader. I am going to begin now to read the story of THE ARISTOCATS. You can read along with me in your book. You will know it is time to turn the page when Tinker Bell rings her little bells like this... LET’S BEGIN NOW; dame Adelaide Bonfamille was a kind old lady who lived in a large townhouse in Paris. 1 She lived there with her cat Duchess and Duchess’ three kittens, Marie, Toulouse and Berlioz; and also . Roquefort the mouse, Frou-Frou the horse, and the but- ler, Edgar. Madame Bonfamille had asked her old friend and lawyer, Georges Hautecourt, to come to the house so that she could change her will. She wanted to leave her entire fortune to Duch- ess and the kittens so that they would always be cared for. After their death, the money was to go to Edgar, her butler. Edgar, however, was very unhappy that the cats would inherit the money first, so he plotted to do away with Duchess and the kittens. He took a sleeping potion and dissolved it in some warm milk. That evening Duchess, the kittens and Roquefort drank the milk and fell fast asleep. be Sire : Edgar put the cats in a basket and ¢ side to his motorcycle. He placed them in the sidecar and drove out of Paris into the country. rr Napoleon and Lafayette were two touchy dogs who felt it was their duty to intercept all passing vehicles. Edgar just happened to be on their road. As he approached a bridge, the dogs charged and the motorcycle was forced to swerve off the road. The bas- ket with Duchess and the kittens fell off by the stream, while the dogs chased Edgar back towards Paris. in the country and alone. She called to the kittens and found them one by one. When it started to rain they 10 climbed back into the basket and went back to sleep. In Paris, the sound of the storm awoke Madame Bon- famille. She got up to see if the cats were all right and was shocked to find their beds empty. She searched the house but to no avail. ae ae ae \ The next morning Duchess and the kittens met , } ‘Thomas O’Malley, a carefree alley cat. He promised to help them get back to Paris. He told Duchess and the kittens to hide in the bushes by the side of the road. When an old truck approached, O’Malley jumped onto it screeching at the driver through the windsereen which frightened him so much that he stopped the truck. Hurriedly, O’Malley, Duchess and the kittens climbed into the back. In no time at all they were on their way back to Paris. 48 O’Malley discovered that it was a milk ‘truck they were on and invited them all to breakfast. But the driver 14 noticed the cats and chased them out of the truck. It was a long walk, but late that night they all reached Paris. O’Malley suggested that Duchess and the kittens spend the night at. hi bores and anneal 5 hey cain ibe Tees “they herr deSeat, Cat, one ae ~S\, OMalley'a musician friends, and his swinging jazz group of alley cats playing wild and wonderful music. O’Malley intro- duced the group to Duchess and the kittens, and after a couple ~~1gy, of songs the very tired kittens were put to bed. famille’s townhouse. When they reached it, th goodbye to O'Malley. Edgar, very surpris cats return, swooped down on them and put them into a sack. 7 He took them to the carriage house and locked them up. 18 inatrunk labeled: General Delivery, Timbuktu, Africa. Duchess, however, was able to tell Roquefort to get O’Malley. O’Malley in turn sent Roquefort to get Scat Cat and the other alley cats for their help. jumped onto Hagar but wasn’t much of a enich for him until his friends the alley cats arrived. Then poor Edgar didn’t ha as Frou-Frou kicked Edgar into it. Then the baggage men ed and took the trunk away. a1 It was a happy ending all around as Madame Bonfamille welcomed O’Malley into her household and set up a founda- tion for stray cats in the townhouse. Wy Le 24 HIS PACKAGE INCLUDES A LTC Chie RCCL WITH ; FULL-COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS. NACo) at AND A 7 INCH 33% RPM ’ ; the story in HUT Le ae WITH THE NARRATOR ‘ Luc a READING EVERY WORD EXACTLY AS THE ce CHILD SEES IT IN THE BOOK...PLUS SONGS TSR Fam ABNUT THE STORY THEY HEAR AND SEE em An entertaining way & : to assist non-reader: arn and to help 's to improve oh their reading ability the pictures the record the book cuca vinvhecny

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