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A DISNEYLAND RECORD AND BOOK EV eels STORY, OF SEE the pictures HEAR the record READ the book Copyright ®1370 Welt Disney Productions. Printed in the U.S.A, MouseVinyl.¢€om Walt Disney’s STORY OF The WHALE who wanted to SINGat the MET This is a Disneyland Original Little Long Playing record, and am your story reader. I am going to begin. now to read the story of THE WHALE WHO WANTED TO SING AT THE MET. You can read along with me in your book, You will know it is time to turn the page when Tinker Bell rings her little bells like this. LET’S BEGIN NOW: 1 . It all started when a sailor heard Willie humming to himself. The news spread rapidly. A whale singing? Whoever heard of such a thing! The experts said it could not be—yet reports kept coming in that it was true. Professor Tetti Tatti—an important man in grand opera—thought Willie might have swallowed an opera singer. Hadn’t he—Tetti Tatti—found a great operatic tenor in a fish market? Such an artist must be rescued! Tetti Tatti told everyone he wanted a big ship and a good harpoon! a newspaper which said Tetti Tatti was coming. Here was Willie’s big chance. If he could sing for the pro- fessor, he would be famous! Whitey flew off to tell him. Now Willie had not swallowed one opera singer —or three opera singers. He could really sing! He was floating around entertaining his friends when Whitey arrived. MouseVinyl.c When he heard the news, Willie broke off in the middle of a chorus of “Shortnin’ Bread” and swam away to meet the ship. What should he sing first—perhaps a little “Figaro?” Tetti Tatti was watching through a telescope. Suddenly he spied Willie coming. The sailors were enjoy- ing themselves. Tetti Tatti tried to get them to aim the harpoon at the whale. Instead, they gathered at the rail listening to him sing! pols ay th and came up with it on top of his set _ Willie’s long hours of F faithful practice were Cd about to be rewarded. He would have his name up r in lights! Imagine a whale singing opera on the stage of the Metropoli- tan! Ifhe were doing Pagliacci, he would feel right at home. 13 Of course, it would be well if people were prepared for a few showers. 4 No doubt he would have his picture on. as the cover of a national magazine. oe ; a d en om) —~ Perhaps he might appear in Faust! 18 How splendid he would be as Tristan... ¥ ~ .. though his leading indy S might feel somewhat overwhelmed by a tenor voice, a baritone voice and a bass voice, all coming from the same throat! 19 Alas, it was not to be. Tetti Tatti was so sure he was right, that he took his first chance to fire off a harpoon at Willie. ‘21 Mé ng Be ; BS Rs MouvseVin) So the world did not get to hear Willie after all. But—who knows? In whatever heaven is reserved for creatures of the deep, he may be singing in a hundred voices—amid cheering and applause that goes on forever! At least we'd like to think so! 23 a b. Tce Rec ae STR Te fs Chae LC Melee Ueno plus music.

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