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A DISNEYLAND RECORD AND BOOK LLP 333 i The Beary ot WINNIE} THE /@} POOH | and 7 EN pf with songs : a. // the pictures the record e hook mies VMN ai pees ee ree Mouseviiyosm The Story of WINNIE THE POOH AND TIGGER This is a Disneyland Original Little Long Playing record, and 1 am your story reader. I am going to begin now to read the story of WINNIE THE POOH AND TIGGER. You can read along with me in your book. You will know it is time to turn the page when Tinker Bell rings her little bells like this... LET’S BEGIN NOW: Copyright © 1968 by Walt Disney Productions. All rights reserved thouhaut the world bby Walt Disney Productions, Printed in the U.S.A. by Wester Publ-shing Company, Inc, Cc zhristopher Robin was a little boy who had a teddy bear named Winnie the Pooh. Sometimes he called him Pooh Bear. Sometimes, — just Pooh. 1 Pooh lived in a magic forest—the Hundred Acre Wood —under the name of “Sanders.” But today Pooh was not home. He was out in the woods, visiting his friends. It was such a windy day that Pooh had been wishing his friends a Happy Windsday. Finally the weather got a bit too windy, even for Pooh. He decided to go home. Now Pooh was always hungry, and the thing he liked best to eat was honey. So as soon as he got in the house, Pooh took down one of his honey pots—he had a great 4 many —and began to eat. While Pooh was eating his dinner, the windy day turned into a windy night. Pooh decided to go to bed. He put on his nightcap, climbed in, and pulled up the covers. 5 But Pooh could not sleep. He kept hearing all sorts of squeaky, windy, creaky noises. Then he heard a different. kind of noise entirely, It sounded like BROWWWWER! MousevVinyl. Pooh jumped out of bed, lighted his candle, and looked around. Then he decided to be very brave—or very silly. He invited the new noise into his house. “Hello out there!” he said, hoping nobody would answer. T But somebody did answer. “Hello! I’m Tigger,” said a voice. And into the room—bounding and bouncing as if he were made of rubber—came a large orangey animal. “Whew! You scared me!” said Pooh. “Of course I did. Everyone’s scared of Tiggers,’” said Tigger. 3 “And who are you?” he said to Pooh. “I’m Pooh,” said Pooh. “What’s a Pooh?” said Tigger. “You are sitting on one,” said Poch. 10 “Glad to meet you,” said Tigger. I’m new around here. Name’s spelled T...1...G...G..,E...R, that’s Tigger.” Ss 1 While he was looking around Pooh’s house, Tigger found a mirror. “Well! Who is that with the beady eyes and the striped pajamas?” he asked Pooh. 12 Pooh came over to the mirror. “Looks like just another Tigger,” he said. “Can't be,” said Tigger. “I’m the only Tigger there is.” (Which was quite true, of course.) MouseVinyl/com “Tell you what,” he said to Pooh. ‘Watch me scare the stripes off him!” With that, he gave out a great big ROAAARRRR. The Tigger in the mirror ROAAARRRRed right back at him! 16 Tigger bounced back from the mirror ina great hurry. In fact, he was so scared that he ran and hid under Pooh’s bed. All Pooh could see of him was his tail. 17 “Ts he gone?” asked Tigger. “All but the tail,” said Pooh. With that, Tigger came out from under the bed and found that he was all alone with Pooh. He gave a big sigh of relief. “I’m hungry,” he said, rubbing his tummy. om ee __. _/MouseVin com 20 Right then Pooh thought of his lovely pots of honey. There were only twelve of them—or was it eleven? Slowly he took down two—one for Tigger and one for himself. “What would you like to eat?” he asked politely. “Some... honey?” “Yeeech!” said Tigger. “That icky, sticky stuff! It’s only fit for heffalumps and woozles.” He jumped around as if he had honey all over him. mah “You mean elephants and weasels?” asked Pooh. “That’s what I said—heffalumps and woozles,” said Tigger. “If you don’t have anything else to eat, I'd better be bouncing along.” He said goodbye to Pooh and went out the door. 22 As soon as he left, Pooh sat down and ate one of the pots of honey. Then — because there really was no point in put- ting the other one back on the shelf —he ate that too. Tig- gers were wonderful —and they didn’t like honey. = isneylan. 4 THIS PACKAGE INCLUDES A OTL cue Sear UEC WITH FULL-COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS y CNA AND A 7 INCH 33% RPM ° the story in Suen et een) WITH THE NARRATOR LUAU READING EVERY WORD EXACTLY AS THE on the record, CHILD SEES IE BOOK...PLUS SONGS i HILD SEES IT IN ie oy 'S SONGS nS Ia ABOUT THE STORY THEY HEAR AND SEE An entertaining way to assist non-readers to learn and to help beginners to improve their reading the pictures the record the book Canam louse

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