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A DISNEYLAND RECORD AND BOOK 341 Was Christian diaderses® @ wie geek Gude) K% Gg 2 SEE « * the pictures -HEAR therecord READ tn Mou. Souk Hay: com Hans Christian Andersen’s THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES a This is a Disneyland Original Little Long Playing record, and your-story reader. I am going to begin now to read the story of THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES. You can read along with me in your book, You will know it is time to turn the page when Tinker Bell rings her little bells like this... LET’S BEGIN NOW: There once lived an Emperor who was very fond of clothes. In fact, he was so impressed with how he looked that he spent most: of his money on new garments. 1 No matter what he did or where he went, he had spe- cial clothes for each occasion. The villagers claimed he had a different coat for every hour of every day. Many strangers traveled through the city where the Emperor lived. One day two scoundrels came into town and claimed they were the finest weavers in the world. before, Not only were the designs and colors | y beautiful, but the cloth possessed a special ‘This material became invisible to anyone who was exceedingly stupid or who was unfit for his job. 5 “T must have some of this cloth woven for me right The Emperor had the weavers set up their looms and gave them all the gold and silk thread they needed. The weavers kept the expensive thread for themselves and pretended to weave the cloth. 1 n ked day and night w i¢ their imaginary material. Each day they requested more silk and gold thread, none of which was being used on the loom. The Emperor was very anxious to see the cloth; how- ever, he remembered what the weavers said. Anyone unfit for his position or exceedingly stupid would not be able to see it. “T know I am a good Emperor,” he thought, “but it : might be best to have someone else look at the material first.” He decided to send his wise and capable minister. . MouseVinyl.conm aa “Oh my,” thought the minister as he gazed at the empty loom, “I see nothing at all!” He couldn’t let any- one know, or they would think him unfit to be minister. “What beautiful color you’ve woven,” he said, “I know the Emperor will be pleased.” n “ean I be unfit for my position? I cannot let anyone ' know.” “Beautiful,” he exclaimed, “that design is just what I wanted.” The next day the Emperor and several high officials went to see the cloth. The two scoundrels held up their arms and pretended to display the material. “T see nothing at all,” thought the Emperor to himself, Mé The officials couldn’t believe their eyes. They couldn’t 14 see the cloth either but echoed the Emperor's praises. “You will have to wear new clothes made from this material in the Royal Procession,” they exclaimed. | The weavers worked on into the night pretending to be making new robes for the Emperor. They cut the imaginary cloth and stitched it with 4 needle that had no thread. In the morning they declared that the clothes were finished and were ready for the Empg . “Try on your new trousers,” they begged, “you will find them as light as the air.” They pretended to fasten the belt and smooth out the wrinkles. 19 _ exclaimed the Emperor. “It’s just beautiful,” said the Emperor, “let me have the robe.” They helped him on with the imaginary robe and fastened the buttons. “Let the procession begin,” Two chamberlains stooped down as if to pick up the Emperor’s train; they could not admit that they saw nothing. The Emperor stopped before a mirror and took an admiring look. “Oh my, what a perfect fit,” he said. And so the grand procession set out through the city; the Emperor walked proudly under his canopy. The vil- lagers exclaimed of the beautiful robe; they couldn’t let it be known they saw nothing.. “He has nothing on at all,” said an honest little child, “he isn’t wearing anything.” The crowd began to repeat it. “He has nothing on at all!” The Emperor felt very uncomfortable, for he too realized now that he had been swindled. 23 READ ‘he Book 3at ° AR. ANDERSEN'S HANS. CHRIST! HANS MPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES Part | Disneyland Story Reader Rogie LES ecu Ror n C1 NRO ny the story in 1 Ue ay aU Mera conch ae LTO

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