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A DISNEYLAND RECORD AND BOOK 345 * the pictures El shertcord =i the book ‘Copyright© 1970 walt Disney Preiutions Printed in USA The Story Of The BREMEN TOWN MUSICIANS This is a Disneyland Original Little Long Playing record, and I am your story reader. I am going to begin now to read the story of the BREMEN TOWN MUSICIANS. You can read along with me in your book, You will know it is time to turn the page when Tinker Bell rings her little bells like this... LET’S BEGIN NOW: Ince there was a donkey who used to carry sacks from the mill without getting tired. One day, as he became old, his strength wore out. 1 The deakere owner decided to get rid of him. The donkey, hearing this, ran away and started on the road to Bremen. There he thought he would become a town musician. 3 MEL On his way he met a dog who was panting as though he had run too hard. “What’s the matter?” asked the 4 donkey. y old,” answered tl “I can’t keep up with the hunting pack, so my master has turned me loose.” 6 gD f “T'm going to Bremen to be a town musician,” said the donkey, “you can come along. I’ll play the flute and you can play the drum.” Later they came across a cat by the side of the road. He looked very sad. “What’s the matter?”asked the don- key. “I’m old and tired,” answered the cat, “and I can no longer catch mice. My mistress chased me away.” _- “Why don’t you come along with us?” asked the don- key. “We are going to Bremen to be town musicians. You are very good at serenading, so come along.” The cat agreed and joined them. 9 Next the runaways passed a farmhouse. There was a rooster on the roof crowing with all his might. “What's the matter?” asked the donkey. “Just because they’re having dinner guests, the farmer and his wife are going to turn me into soup,” said the rooster. “We are going to Bremen to become town musicians,” said the donkey, “your voice would add quality to our group. Come along with us.” The four walked down the road and into the woods. It was getting dark so they stopped for the night. The don- key and the dog laid down beneath a tree, the curled up on a branch and the rooster flew to the top to act as a They were just settling down when the rooster spotted a light in the distance. “It could be a house, which would be more comfortable than this,” said the donkey. “Let’s go and have a look.” They set off towards the light and when they arrived found themselves at a robbers’ den. The donkey d through the window. He told his friends that he saw a table full of food and that the robbers were eating the donkey. The animals put their heads together and hit upon a plan. They stood in front of a window and started their music. The donkey hee-hawed, the dog howled, the eat meowed and the ter crowed; then they hed e i he robbers, who The hungry animals sat down at the table and had a feast. After dinner they put out the light and went ta bed. The donkey slept on a bed of straw, the dog laid down behind the door, the cat settled down by the fire- place and the rooster perched on a rafter. Soon they were After midnight the robbers went back to investigate. ‘The leader sent one of his men into the house. He went into the kitchen to light a lamp, and thinking that the cat’s glowing eyes were hot coals in the fireplace, he held a match close to them to light it, The cat jumped at the robber, scratching and hissing. ‘The robber tried to run away through the back door, but the dog jumped up and bit his leg. As he ran acro him a sound kick wi The robber ran back to his leader and said that there was a horrible witch in the house who breathed fire on him and scratched him with long fingernails. There was a man behind the door who stabbed him with a knife, and close by was a black monster who hit him with a club. On the roof was a terrible ogre who screamed at him, so he had run out as fast as he could. ia , which -d the Bremen Musicians very much and they stayed there forever. 23 OT cea Reece a sy Mcrae : OR Uren onc

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