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1. "Material be careful of past participles" means a reminder or warning to be careful when

using past participles in English. This is a relevant topic in English grammar, because
past participles play an important role in forming various tenses and aspects of verbs, and
are used as adjectives.
In this context, "be careful" means that we need to be careful and pay attention to the
correct use of the past participles so that we can avoid mistakes or mistakes in using the
word. Past participles have certain rules that need to be considered, such as adjustments
with auxiliary verbs, the use of irregular forms, and their proper placement in sentences.
By understanding and paying attention to these things, we can use past participles
correctly and ensure that our communication in English is clearer and more precise.

2. there are some general rules to observe when using past participles. The following are a
few things to note:
 Verb + "-ed" or Verb Irregular: The past participle is formed by adding "-ed" to
the end of the verb (for regular verbs) or by using the irregular form (for irregular
verbs). For example, "played" for regular verbs and "gone" for irregular verbs.
 Auxiliary Verb: Past participle is used with the help of an auxiliary verb to form
several tenses and aspects. Some examples are the present perfect ("have/has +
past participle") and the past perfect ("had + past participle").
 Verb Agreement: The past participle must be adjusted according to the subject
and auxiliary verb used in the sentence. For example, "I have finished" and "They
have finished".
 Dangling Participles: Past participles must be placed correctly in relation to the
subject in the sentence. The past participle shouldn't be used without a clear
subject, because that would result in a sentence that doesn't make sense. For
example, "Walking down the street, the car hit me" should become "While I was
walking down the street, the car hit me."

Note that this is a general guide only and there are some exceptions to the use of the past
participle depending on the context and grammar rules that apply. Learning more about English
grammar related to the past participle from trusted sources such as grammar books or credible
online sources will really help in deeper understanding.
1. The money was offered by the client was not accepted. (I)

 was offered should be offered only and function as as adjective.

 Correct sentence should be The money offered by the client was not accepted.

2. The car listed in the advertisement had already stalled. (C)

 listed function as an adjective.

 The Subject is car and verb is had already stalled.

3. The chapters were taught by the professor this morning will be on next week's exam. (I)

 were taught should be taught only and functions as an adjective, not part of a verb.

 Correct sentence should be The chapters taught by professors this morning will be on next week's exam.

4. The loaves of bread were baked in a brick oven at a low temperature for many hours. (C)
 baked is part of a verb. Subject is loaves of bread and Verb is were baked.

5. The ports were reached by the sailors were under the control of a foreign nation. (I)

 were reached should be reached only and functions as adjective.

 Subject is ports and verb is were.

 Correct sentence is the ports reached by the sailors were under the control of a foreign nation.

6. Those suspected in the string of robberies were arrested by the police.(C)

 arrested is part of a verb. Subject is robberies and verb is were arrested.

7. The pizza is served in this restaurant is the tastiest in the county. (I)


 is served should be served only and functions as adjective.

 Subject is pizza and verb is is correct sentence should be The pizza served in this restaurant is the tastiest in the

8. The courses are listed on the second page of the brochure have several prerequisites. (I)


 are listed should be listed and functions as adjective, not part of a verb.

 Subject is courses and verb is have.

 Correct answer should be The course listed on the second page of the brochure have several prerequisites.

9. All the tenants were invited to the Independence Day barbeque at the apartment complex. (C)

 invited is part of a verb. 

 Subject is tenants and verb is were.

10. Any bills paid by the first of the month will be credited to your account by the next day. (C)

 paid is adjective.

 Subject is bills and verb is will be.

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