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1) Yesterday, the unicorn was _______ a beautiful rainbow across the sky.

a) draw

b) drawing

c) draws

2) Each night, the fairy _______ the flowers with sparkling dew.

a) sprinkles

b) sprinkling

c) sprinkle

3) Long ago, the dragon _______ a golden treasure in the mountain.

a) hid

b) hiding

c) hide

4) Right now, the gnome is _______ in the secret garden.

a) plays

b) playing

c) play

5) In ancient times, the sphinx _______ challenging riddles to travelers.

a) posed

b) posing

c) pose

6) The mermaid often _______ to the surface to greet the dawn.

a) swims

b) swimming
c) swim

7) This evening, the elf will _______ a magic potion in the moonlight.

a) makes

b) making

c) make

8) The minotaur usually _______ the labyrinth's dark halls.

a) patrols

b) patrolling

c) patrol

9) Every night, the werewolf _______ under the full moon.

a) howls

b) howling

c) howl

10) Centuries ago, the griffin _______ the kingdom from invaders.

a) protected

b) protecting

c) protect

11) Once a year, the phoenix _______ from its own ashes.

a) rises

b) rising

c) rise

12) The leprechaun usually _______ a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

a) hides
b) hiding

c) hide

13) The troll is often _______ the bridge day and night.

a) guards

b) guarding

c) guard

14) The pixie is currently _______ tricks on the woodland creatures.

a) plays

b) playing

c) play

15) The unicorn often _______ through the enchanted forest.

a) runs

b) running

c) run

16) Every evening, the fairy _______ her wings and flies.

a) flaps

b) flapping

c) flap

17) The mermaid often _______ her songs to the sailors.

a) sings

b) singing

c) sing

18) This morning, the gnome _______ a shiny ruby.

a) found

b) finding

c) find

19) The centaur usually _______ in the annual race.

a) competes

b) competing

c) compete

20) The witch often _______ her broomstick across the midnight sky.

a) rides

b) riding

c) ride

21) The pegasus frequently _______ among the clouds.

a) flies

b) flying

c) fly

22) The ogre often _______ large boulders at invaders.

a) throws

b) throwing

c) throw

23) The fairy is often _______ her magic wand to cast a spell.

a) waves

b) waving

c) wave
24) The sea serpent was _______ the ship in the old painting.

a) attacks

b) attacking

c) attack

25) The giant usually _______ the villagers with

his loud roar.

a) scares

b) scaring

c) scare

26) The unicorn _______ its horn to heal the injured bird.

a) used

b) using

c) use

27) The leprechaun is currently _______ a new pair of shoes.

a) makes

b) making

c) make

28) The phoenix usually _______ a new nest before it is reborn.

a) builds

b) building

c) build

29) The elf _______ a song when he is happy.

a) sings

b) singing
c) sing

30) The fairy is currently _______ a wish for a lucky child.

a) grants

b) granting

c) grant

31) The goblin _______ the gold coins he finds.

a) hoards

b) hoarding

c) hoard

32) The pixie is _______ with the butterflies in the meadow.

a) dances

b) dancing

c) dance

33) The siren often _______ songs to lure sailors.

a) sings

b) singing

c) sing

34) The gnome is currently _______ gems from the mine.

a) extracts

b) extracting

c) extract

35) The mermaid is often _______ to the underwater palace.

a) swims
b) swimming

c) swim

36) The dragon _______ smoke when it's angry.

a) breathes

b) breathing

c) breathe

37) The unicorn often _______ in the morning mist.

a) appears

b) appearing

c) appear

38) The dwarf is _______ a new sword in the forge.

a) makes

b) making

c) make

39) The griffin usually _______ the skies to guard the castle.

a) patrols

b) patrolling

c) patrol

40) The fairy _______ magic dust to help plants grow.

a) spreads

b) spreading

c) spread

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