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BS IT (semester 5th)

Chapter no 1
Define the following terms:-
1-Binary relationship
Binary relationship exists when there are two
types of entity and we call them a degree of relationship is 2. Or in
other words, in a relation when two entity sets are participating then
such type of relationship is known as a binary relationship.
Example: We have two entity types ‘Student’ and ‘ID’ where each
‘Student’ has his ‘ID’. So, here two entity types are associating we can
say it is a binary relationship. Also, one ‘Student’ can have many
‘daughters’ but each ‘daughter’ should belong to only one ‘father. We
can say that it is a one-to-many binary relationship .

2-Command driven interface

 The Command Driven Interface is text-based interface, where the
user types in commands via the keyboard. Commands usually are
typed one line at a time.
 Examples of Command Driven Interface are MS DOS, Linux and

3-Concurrent access
Concurrent access to a hardware component, such as a memory
chip or memory bank, means that the circuits are built with two or
more input or signaling channels. See
Multitasking , multiprocessing and parallel processing.

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