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I partially agree with this statement as territory played a big part of why the

Germans hated the TOV. The loss of territory caused severe damages to the
Germans economy and led many into deep poverty. For example, the loss pf
the Saar, many German speaking people were in the Saar but due to the TOV
they were displaced, and the Saar was given to the LON. This cause hatred as
many people called it a diktat as one of Woodrow Wilsons 14 points was self
determination but 6 million of Germanies people were displaced meaning
Germany could not have self determination leading to anger over hypocrisy
and the anger of also losing valuable resources from these parts of land
worsening the economy with the overall loss of land at 12.5%.
Another reason for the hatred of the TOV was Article 231 – the war guilt
clause. This made the Germans must accept the blame of WW1, many people
thought this was unfair as it wasn’t all their fault, and they could not refuse as
they could not afford for WW1 to resume. Furthermore, if they accepted
blame, they also had to accept the consequences such as the loss of the
territory and having to pay 6.6 billion reparations. This led to the hatred of the
TOV as not only did it damage their economy with the consequences leading to
hyperinflation and poverty but also led to the damage of pride and reputation
a Germany was a very nationalistic country and now due to Article 231, they
were to blame for the loss of millions of lives.
Another reason which led to the hatred of the TOV was reparations. Due to the
TOV terms Germany had to pay 6.6 billion pounds in reparations. During the
war they were also deeply affected but on top of that they had to pay other
countries damages. This led to Germanies economy on the brink of collapse
and in the depths of a poverty crisis because they couldn’t pay it off, they
decided to print more money massively decreasing the value of the German
money and leading them into the depths of hyperinflation. Furthermore, if
they didn’t pay it off there would be a severe consequence. For example, if
they didn’t pay off, France and Belgium invaded a part of Germany called the
Ruhr angering many. This led to the hatred of the TOV as many people
experienced poverty and felt that the TOV was too harsh as it destroyed their
economy and led to severe poverty.
In conclusion, although the loss of territory was significant and the reparations
were significant, if it wasn’t for Article 231, they wouldn’t have had to accept
the consequences such as reparations and territory that came hand in hand
with the blame of WW1.

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