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Class: the 1st test of the third term name: ………

Algeria is a North African country that lies between Morocco and Tunisia along the
Mediterranean coast of North Africa. It is Africa’s largest country, covering an area of
2,381,741 square kilometres. Algeria’s vast landscape is endowed with a variety of
ecosystems. Algeria is home to a number of national parks with great ecological and
cultural significance. The country has established these national parks to preserve
biodiversity. Notable National parks include Belezma National Park, Chrea National
Park, El Kala National Park, Djurdjura National Park, Gouraya National Park, Hoggar
National Park, Tassili n’Ajjer National Park, Taza National Park, Tlemcen National
Park, Mount Aissa National Park and Theniet el-Had National Park.

Part One: A/Reading Comprehension:

Task 1: I read the text and I answer with true- false or not mentioned: (3pts)
1- Algeria is situated in North Africa. …………………………
2- Algeria has few national parks. …………………………
3- Tassili N’Ajjer National Park is a biosphere reserve. ………………………….

Task 2: I read and answer the following question.

1-What are the borders of Algeria? ………………………………………………………….

2-Is Algeria the largest country ? …………………………………………………………

Task 3
a- I find in the text word closest in meaning to :
Tremendous = ………………… located = …………………..
b- I find in the text words opposites in meaning to :
smallest ≠ ………………… South=/=……………..

B/Mastery of Language :
Task 1: I add one word to the list.
-dorcas gazelle/hedgehogs/nuthatch/…………………….
-cedar/Montpellier maple/thuya /……………………...
Task 1: I put must or mustn’t :
-we…………………………..throw rubbish in the forests.
-The government……………………..stop the illegal trade.
Task 3:I give the comparative form of the following sentences.
-Plastic bags are (dangerous)……………………….than fruit wastes.

-The danger facing the Saharan cheetah are(grave)……………………than those facing the Algerian serval .

Part two: situation fof integration:

I use the following table to write about one of the National Parks in Algeria.
Year of location Area Endangered fauna Endangered flora
designation as
Tlemcen National UNESCO
Park Biosphere
In Tlemcen -140 species of wwild -The Montpellier
2016 province 985.2sqkm animals maple/
-Cuvier’s The pistachio/the
gazelle/nuthatch/Barbar oak/the Thuya.
y deer

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