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The cell cycle is defined as the series of changes that a cell undergoes which

results in the division of cells into two daughter cells and its growth. The cell
cycle is divided into two phases- interphase and mitosis. The average duration
of a cell completing its two phases in humans is 24 hours. Of this, the duration
of mitosis is for only 1 hour. Therefore, the majority of time of a cell cycle is
spent in interphase.
It is a phase in which different changes occur to prepare the cell for cell division.
It is further divided into the following phases
The G1 phase also called the first gap phase deals with the biosynthetic
activities which occur at a very fast rate. Cell synthesizes more proteins,
increasing the number of mitochondria and ribosomes. The cell also prepares
itself for DNA replication.

In the S phase, DNA is replicated. At the end of DNA replication, each

chromosome will have two sister chromatids. So the content of DNA gets
doubled, but ploidy remains the same.

G2 phase, where the cell prepares itself for mitosis involves protein synthesis
and leads to further growth of the cell.

In prophase, chromatin condenses to form chromosomes. Two identical copies
of each chromosome are attached to the centromere. During the end of this
phase, the nucleolus dissolves. The nuclear membrane also disintegrates at the
end. The centrosome moves to the opposite poles. Spindle fibers start to
Here chromosomes get aligned on the equatorial plate. It is also called
metaplate. The method of analyzing the metaphase chromosomes helps in
cytogenetics and cancer studies.
It is the shortest stage of the cell cycle. During this phase, the replicated
chromosomes move apart and daughter chromatids move to the opposite poles.
Chromosomes get condensed during the late anaphase. The chromosomes
become Y-shaped while moving towards the poles on opposite sites.
The end result of telophase is the formation of two daughter nuclei. Nucleolus
and nuclear membrane reappear. The late telophase is marked by cytokinesis.
This is the last phase of mitosis. Finally, the chromosomes reach the poles.
The division of the cytoplasm, its organelles, and membrane to form two cells
is known as cytokinesis. It results in the division of a cell into two daughter cells
that are identical to its parent.
Importance of Mitosis
• Produce genetically identical daughter cells.
• Growth of the body takes place as a result of mitosis.
• Cell repair and replacement also occur as a result of mitosis.
• Maintenance of nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio.
• Cell Cycle Exit
• Some cells divide at a fast rate whereas some divide slowly and some
even do not divide once they are formed. Those cells which do not divide
once formed, enter into a phase known as G phase. For example,

neuronal cells once formed will not divide.

• Meiosis
• Meiosis is also called reductional division as it reduces the number of
chromosomes in the progenies to half the parent cell. There are two types
of meiosis; I and II which results in gametes such as sperm or egg.
Meiosis I
It is divided into the following phases
• Prophase I
The longest phase of meiosis I is where homologous chromosome pairs
and DNA segments are exchanged. This process is also known as
recombination. It is further divided into following
• Leptotene
First stage of meiosis is leptotene
Individual chromosomes subsist with two sister chromatids.
Elements of synaptonemal complex assemble.
Condensation and coiling of chromosomes takes place in leptotene
• Zygotene
• Chromosomes align together as homologous pairs
• Synapses of homologous chromosomes occur.
• The paired chromosomes are known as bivalent or tetrad due to its
(image will be uploaded soon)
• Pachytene
• Crossing over and homologous recombination occurs during the
pachytene stage
• Chiasmata are X-shaped structures as a result where homologous
chromosomes remain in contact.
• Diplotene
• Homologous chromosomes start to separate.

• Synaptonemal complex disassemble.

• Chromosomes remain attached to the chiasmata.
• Diakinesis
• Chromosomes condense further so that four parts of the tetrads
are visible.
• The nucleoli disappear, and the nuclear membrane disintegrates.
• Mitotic spindle starts to form.
• Metaphase I
• Homologous chromosomes remain aligned on the meta plate.

• The replicated chromosomes are collectively bound together with

a protein known as cohesin.
• Anaphase I
Homologous chromosomes are pulled to the opposite poles as the result
of the shortening of microtubules. The cohesin (protein complex)
degrades from the chromosome arms and remains safe around the
centromere. Thus the sister chromatids exist together while the
homologus segregate.

(image will be uploaded soon)

• Telophase I
The daughter cell contains half the number of chromosomes as compared
to the parent cell. The spindle begins to disappear which was formed of
microtubules. Once again chromosomes from chromatin. Sister
chromatids remain attached together.

(image will be uploaded soon)

Meiosis II
Meiosis II is the second meiotic division. Similar to mitosis in process, but the
genetic results are different. Products formed are four haploid cells from the
two haploid cells produced in meiosis I.

The four main steps of Meiosis II are:- Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II,
and Telophase II.

In prophase II nucleoli and nuclear membrane disappear, shortening and

thickening of the chromatids occur. Centrosomes move to the poles and spindle
fibers are formed for the second meiotic division.

(image will be uploaded soon)

In metaphase II, the centromeres are present with two kinetochores attached to
spindle fibers from the centrosomes at opposite poles. When compared to
meiosis I, the metaplate is rotated perpendicular to the previous plate by 90
Anaphase II is determined by sister chromatid segregation. The remaining
protein cohesin degrades to allow segregation of sister chromatids.

Telophase II which is similar to telophase I, results in the de-condensation of

chromosomes. Nuclear envelopes reorganize and cleavage. Cell plate
formation produces four daughter cells, each with a haploid set of

Significance of Meiosis:
• Maintenance of chromosome number generation after generation in case of
sexual reproduction.

• Increases variation in the population.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Differentiate between Meiosis and Mitosis?

Mitosis and meiosis are the two ways by which cells divide and reproduce. Mitosis
results in the formation of two daughter cells whereas meiosis results in the formation
of four sex cells.

• Mitosis involves only a single cell division and meiosis involves two successive
cell divisions.
• Mitosis division is diploid in nature where the number of chromosomes is the
same as that of the parent cell. In meiosis haploid daughter cells are formed,
which have half the number of chromosomes of a parent cell.
• Genetically identical daughter cells are formed in Mitosis and meiosis produces
genetically different daughter cells.

5. What is Mitosis, according to Chapter 10 of Class 11 Biology

Mitosis occurs only in somatic cells. The new cell and the parental cell each have the
same number of chromosomes. The process begins with karyokinesis when the
nucleus begins to divide. There are the four stages included in mitosis:

• Anaphase
• Telophase
• Prophase
• Metaphase

After this binary fission occurs, in which the cytoplasm, cell organelles, and cell
membrane divide to produce two daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell.

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