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To whom may I concern,

I have a pleasure to endorse Müjdat Berkay Uçak for the position of Member Committee Vice
President for AIESEC in Turkey term 2022/2023.

I have known Müjdat since the first day he became a member. Since then, he has been a person with
his own unique working style, working with dedication. I thought that he was very suitable for AIESEC
as a personality and could develop a lot of people with his experiences and he started to develop
people around him when we was a member. I saw that he is a person who is hungry for learning, has
ambition to win, and develop himself by turning every challenge into an advantage for himseelf. He
pulled out and corrected people who wew lost in the process. He was a popular person among his
members and teammates, who adjusted his level while talking to everyone. Besides being a
dependable person who loves helping others, he also pursued his own experiences. When I was the
team leader, he was always the wone who came to learn and sought opportunities to embark on
new experiences. When Müjdat was elected, I was very happy to give that department someone that
I trust the most. Which, as a result, he proved his success by winning awards. And he made me proud
again by not leaving his LC during COVID process. As a result, I believe that he can lead AIESEC in
Turkey with his unique leadership, his working style, his positive vibe, his openness to innovations,
his hunger for learning and winning.

I believe that he deserves to be a candidate for MCVP of AIESEC in Turkey and would prove to be an
indispensable asset fort he organization. With his letter I fully support Müjdat Berkay Uçak to run for
MCVP of AIESEC in Turkey and wish him best of luck, for any further details approach me.

Best Regards,

Local Committee President



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