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Don’t Rely On The Mind

On Tue, 10/5/10, Michael Laitman <>


From: Michael Laitman <>

Subject: Don’t Rely On The Mind
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 4:21 AM

Filed under:  Daily Kabbalah Lesson - Depression - Egoism

M. Laitman

Related Material:
The Book About You
The Mind Is Useless Unless It Relies On Feelings
Don’t Rely On The Mind

The wisdom of Kabbalah is not learned by way of the

mind. The Light affects us, and Kabbalah gradually
creates within us the sensation of the picture of the
Creator’s acts. From this picture, we gradually absorb the
wisdom of Kabbalah and our spiritual, internal world.

We disclose within ourselves the new reality that cannot

be understood by the earthly (corporeal) mind. In the
beginning, the will to receive was created, followed by the
development of the mind needed to attain what was
desired. Therefore, if we don’t yet possess the vessels
(desires) of bestowal, we don’t have the mind to
comprehend Kabbalistic texts either.

All recommendations of the Kabbalists are designated

solely to prepare and induce within oneself the switching
of properties from reception to bestowal. Moreover,
according to our desires, we will begin to feel. From
feelings, we will begin to understand.

The entire wisdom of Kabbalah is aimed at getting to know

the Creator. If I focus on the goal of simply
understanding the text, I cut myself off from the ability
to feel spiritual attainment. That is because I start
working with the corporeal mind which becomes the most
important for me.

This puts an obstacle in my path to the revelation of the

Creator. My corporeal mind blocks my ability to break
through the picture of spiritual properties. This is why
Baal HaSulam felt very angry when he met with the
“Kabbalists” of Jerusalem who mechanically memorized the
text of The Zohar.
Filed under:  Crisis - Daily Kabbalah Lesson - Love -
Suffering - Comments →

M. Laitman

Related Material:
Come Out Of Your Reliable Home And Dwell In A Booth
The World Of Infinity Here And Now
The Method Of Spiritual Birth
An Abode In The World Of Infinity

Question: It is written about the holiday of Sukkot: “Come

out of your permanent home and dwell in a temporary
abode.” Do you believe that a sane person can leave a
secure and comfortable home and move to a temporary

Answer: We will be compelled to change our egoistic

dwelling despite our wishes anyway. No matter how solid
your home seems right now, everyone knows that it is
temporary, and we will all move to another, permanent
But Kabbalah invites a person to “come out of your
permanent dwelling” that seems to be so reliable and move
to a “temporary” one in advance. Our egoism pictures our
world as permanent, but studying Kabbalah reveals a
different relationship between the worlds: The world of
bestowal is permanent because a person actually unites
with the Creator and attains eternity and perfection in
the World of Infinity.
We, like little children, are attached to our current
dwelling; we are afraid of moving away from it, leaving
our favorite toy. Even as adults we have a problem giving
up our current views and looking at the world differently.
The difference between a permanent and a temporary
dwelling is that with the help of a new environment, I’m
trying to separate from the previous environment, our
“permanent home.”
In my previous environment, I was under pressure from
the media, the opinions of co-workers and neighbors; I
was obligated to be and think like everyone else. I was
dependent on a multitude of factors that defined my
“permanent dwelling”; I owed everyone and ran around like
everybody else. Everyone understands and agrees with
But then the permanent dwelling turns out to be like a
concentration camp for me and I can’t escape! I begin to
see outside of myself and how this permanent life is
actually temporary, and that it will end soon. Under a new
influence from books and the opinion of the group, I
gradually leave this “rat race” called life and see the
“permanent dwelling” (state) in the Upper Light, in its
absolute rest, in this world and the next one, now.

Filed under:  Group Work - Inner Work - Internet -

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M. Laitman

Related Material:
Husband And Wife: Where Is The Creator Between Them?
Only The Creator Gives Us The Soul
What Can Help Families Stay Together?
Connecting All The Worlds

Question: Is a man’s wife one of the “neighbors” or

“friends” who he needs to “love as himself?”

Answer: Our life in this world is arranged so that we have

to connect for the sake of the spiritual goal in our
families too. This is a consequence of the highest and
brightest spiritual root, and it applies to every person in
the world.
As a result of the breaking, our souls have separated and
become opposite to one another. This applies not only to
the “man – Creator” or “group – Creator,” but also to the
“husband – wife” pair. We have come to the stage of the
breaking of the family unit, so spouses, too, will have to
realize the principle of “love thy neighbor as thyself.”
It works between a husband and wife the same way as
towards other people. And when a husband and wife will
merit this connection, Shechina, the Creator, will dwell
between them. This means that in all their actions from
the most material to the most spiritual one, they will
strive to remain in one intention: to be connected only
through mutual bestowal, the Creator.
Every person can reveal this, and this is precisely why the
Creator divided the first man into two parts: Adam and
Eve. This opportunity is already preset in every married
couple in this world. I am convinced that we must correct
this area. After all, until we bring all the corrections to
their completion on the lowest degree, the corrections
won’t exist above either.
It is not enough to feel like we are connected. In this
world, we have to connect in all our material things in a
perfect form, like in the World of Infinity. And then
these two vertexes, our world and the World of Infinity,
will connect and everything will return to its perfect
state. We need to connect these two worlds: the highest
one and the lowest one.

For this reason, everything needs to be happening in

accordance with the spiritual laws both in family life and
in one’s attitude toward children and adults. And of
course, when a husband and wife both study Kabbalah and
are able to reach this kind of attitude and intention
toward one another, this reveals opportunities to do one
of a kind work that is possible only with a spouse.
Filed under:  Books - Zohar - Comments →

M. Laitman

Related Material:
The Upper Logic Of The Program Of Creation
The Law Of Upper Love
Try To Perform The Work Yourself!
When You Leave Yourself, You Gain Infinity
Question: In our world people hate and love each other,
give each other gifts or kill one another. But what happens
in the world of souls?
Answer: The souls have only one objective: to unite until
reaching total adhesion, similar to how separate drops of
water merge into one drop. It’s impossible to
differentiate between them and a new essence is formed –
mutual bestowal.

The material world is the part of the broken desire which

becomes corrected only at the very final correction. In
the meantime, we reveal love above it.

Wherever there is love, every person loses the sensation

of his self. He becomes included in others unboundedly by
unifying with them completely. However, the previous
hatred preserves its “negative” qualities.

It is similar to the paradox in quantum physics where one

particle can be in two places simultaneously. It is not
because it moves from one place to another with infinite
speed, but it is actually located in two places at the same
time even though it is just one particle! How can that be!?

Eventually we will reveal that there is just one particle

everywhere, in the whole universe, and it is everywhere
simultaneously. If we accept the fact that there is no
speed and one particle can be present in two places, then
we can also accept the fact that it can be at an infinite
number of places.

Besides, it has no form because a particle’s form depends

on where we discovered it. So it turns out that there is
nothing besides just one point which the Creator created
“from absence” (Yesh Mi Ein), and everything else is a
derivative of it!

Therefore, the closer we come to spirituality, the more

we will see that there is no way of talking about
spirituality other than through the language of Kabbalistic
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